

Valued Senior Member
I have often wondered why athiests spend so much time on Religious forums. I think it's because they like to try to annoy believers, which is really sad.
Or, is it that athiests claim their non belief is a religion? :D

If athiests do not believe in God, they are saying that God does not exist. So how can they not believe in something that doesn't exist?
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Atheists like to annoy religious folks? I would point you toward God Is Real and Muscleman.
Or, is it that athiests claim their non belief is a religion?
This has been answered a thousand times here at sciforums, and more in other places. Atheism is not one school of belief of one philosophy.

If athiests do not believe in God, they are saying that God does not exist. So how can they not believe in something that doesn't exist?
I don't believe in the christian god, or any other god. I don't believe in elves and butt-probing martians either. But since I don't have evidence against their existence, I can't say they don't exist; I can only say their existence is very unlikely.

So how can they not believe in something that doesn't exist?
This is where some grasp of logic might help.
- If it doesn't exist, don't believe in it.
See how simple that is? A concept may be discussed and examined without anyone accepting that it has any validity.
I think what's sad here is that you start threads like this which serve no purpose other than to do the very thing you accuse the atheists here of doing. I go to religious forums because I love the debates presented there. That's all. I go because it's fun for me to debate with people about various things, and since religion forums are often where the most debates are that's usually where I end up.

Now why are you here? To start pointless, hypocritical threads like this?
Who's the sad one?

I am an athiest, and religion is ALMOST the only subject I pay attention to here at sciforums. Not because I want to annoy believers, but to learn something. I don't claim to have the answer to any question, but I do have an opinion. And when I come to these debates I often end up pissing off believers, I assure you it is not my intention. I just want to learn... Thing is, most religions claim to already have the answer, and someone who is looking to learn using logic often rubs the wrong way with a religious person who believes they already have the answer and can't understand why I won't accept it. This is my opinion.
Originally posted by stu43t
I don't believe in elves and butt-probing martians

Wow, an athiest with extras! :D

Yup, really sad
These sorts of comments are very common from theists. Notice the behavioour of that chap Muscleman? Often they lack logical/analytical ability (hence their belief in gods and such) and can't really produce posts with rational, considered discussion. So they dish out condescention and insults.
*laugh* well that just blew away half a page of theory.

Not only that, Adam, but muscleman ain't what he seems to be. Nor are some others who currently are infesting the religion forums, among others.
Listen kids, your all in denial from the beggining. Atheism is more of a belief than Christianity, if you have good judgment (note: i said good judgment) u should know that it takes more faith to be an atheist than to be a christian, for its obvious you guys believe a claim with no proof at all while as there r tons of proof for God. Dont say atheism is "non belief", non belief is "proof"", such as for me to play sports isnt a belief, i am doing it, it will only be a belief before im doing it, such as "I believe i should b playing basketball tonight", ATHEISM IS A PURE BELIEF, it should take more FAITH to be an atheist if u have good judgement. Again, the only reason why we use the word "FAITH" is because of the deep mysteries of God that we cannot comprehend, the word faith doesnt mean belief on what cannot b proven, but faith means believe even if u dont understand;loyalty, trust. Get yur definition right.

The only reason why you guys r so comfortable with the idea of "theres no God" is because the devil is unleashed to its fullest power, this is prophesied in the book of Revelation before the end of times. For many centuries God has been communicating to his people, only in this century will u see alot of atheist, and it has nothing to do with you being smart, because there r alot of intelligent people who believes in God. Its u being smart at the same time with so much pride to go along with it, trying to take God's place. Trust me, you will never b succesfull and one day you will pay for it, in fact satan has done that already, his spirit live in the world and is using u guys.
First of all, Atheism is a lack of religion, not a religion of it's own.

Second. There is no proof for God. There simply isn't. You know that as well as I because every time someone asks for the proof you fail to produce it. Why? Because it doesn't exist.

Third. I am getting sick and tired of theists like you acting like you're all high and mighty because you believe in something that may or may not exist. Guess what? Believing in God doesn't make you better than someone who doesn't. It was that whole stupid and idiotic trian of thought that led to such things like the Holocaust and the Spanish Inquisition.

Fourth. Who are you to say who will or will not go to hell? You don't have that kind of authority, according to your religion only God does. "Judge and you will be judged" ring a bell?

Fifth. Your first 3 statements should be reversed. There is no proof of God's existance, but there is much proof for evolution and the Big Bang. If you disagree then PROVE ME WRONG, otherwise get your facts straight.
Originally posted by stu43t
I am an athiest you great tit, I just want to know why we are on this effing religious forum.
You're also an uncivilised, pathetic little slug. And yes, even atheists like me enjoy insulting dweebs now and then.
WOW, u actually have that first, second, third thingy going on there, Im impressed, thats a good improvement. I wish I can give u candy but I cant. I think I feel like copying you... Here it goes.

First. I never said "Atheism is a religion" you and your kind from the beggining is a liar and an accuser, you remind me of someone, they call him "the accuser", or "The father of lies" u should know him by now for he is on your side the whole time, his name is satan. I never said atheism is a religion so dont put words in my mouth, I said "ATHEISM IS PURE BELIEF" can u read that or does your father satan (the master of illusion) change the screen appearance for u?

Second. Dont lie to yourself and falsely accuse me and say "There is no proof of God and u know that", well guess what, there is proof of God and I know it so dont lie ok? satan is next to u right now and he probably wish he can get a hand on me, LOL, well satan get lost u cant, my angel is beside me and he can kick your butt.

Third. I never said Im better than you, again did satan change the screen appearance? I never said that, if u think thats how I am, well did u notice something I dont? :bugeye: did u notice how everything u say is full of errors? Thats my fault, that still doesnt mean Im better than you... And again stop that spanish inquisition thing, grow up, every one makes mistakes, thats another way of saying "WHY WHY CRAZY WHITE FOLKS!! WHY DO THEY HAVE TO MOLEST LITTLE CHILDREN! (THOUGH NOT ALL BUT ONLY FEW, BUT AS AN ATHEIST THEY ENJOY GENERALIZING)"

Fourth. I never said "I am throwing you eternity in hell". The word "judge" is off "justice". I have no right to judge someone "Meaning i have no right to take someones life or put them in prison or punish them for their wrong" otherwise Ill b judging. U got tthe word "informing" mixed up with "judging", theres only one God who can build and destroy- James. I am informing you that if your so stubborn, hell lies ahead for you, its not judging, I didnt put u in hell, I am informing you, got that child ;)

Fifth. Dont put words in my mouth for the 1 thousand times (figure of speech) I never was against big bang theory or evolution, in fact I believe in ANY THEORIES SUPPORTED WITH EVIDENCE. So dont lie ok? and stop listening to satan, all he will tell u what to do is lie, thats all. Maybe u should find another teacher other than that lying punk.
Yes, okay Muscleman. Point taken. You're right, of course. Want some applesauce?
I'm through with you muscleman. You're a disgrace to Christians the world over, I just hope some day you figure that out, hopefully for you that day will come before you die.
I have often wondered why athiests spend so much time on Religious forums. I think it's because they like to try to annoy believers, which is really sad. Either that or they are very lonely, or both.

Im actually very happy.

Or, is it that athiests claim their non belief is a religion?

It isnt a religion. I dont pray to anything. I dont worship anything, so it's not a religion.

If athiests do not believe in God, they are saying that God does not exist. So how can they not believe in something that doesn't exist?

Your missing the point. Maybe if you were atheist you would understand.

Back to kindergarden for you eh?

Why is it that Christians always call atheist immature and tell us that we need to go back to school? Were not immature we just like to have fun. You have more fun when your an atheist because you arent held back by rules that dont make sense.
*Originally posted by Xelios
First of all, Atheism is a lack of religion, not a religion of it's own.

Blah, blah.
That's just the First Commandment of Atheism.
Atheism is the religion which believes in a god called "no god."

*Second. There is no proof for God. There simply isn't. You know that as well as I because every time someone asks for the proof you fail to produce it. Why? Because it doesn't exist.*

There's plenty of proof.
However, for the "scientific" mind, given the great tendency for science to be based on idle speculation, God is not sufficiently idle speculation, therefore God is rejected.

The only way the "scientific" mind will accept God is if God can be presented as idle speculation with no answers, just like science itself.

*Believing in God doesn't make you better than someone who doesn't.*

You believe that there is one God; you do well...
(James 2:19, KJV).

*Fourth. Who are you to say who will or will not go to hell?*

Easy. We can just read it.
Everyone goes there.

*there is much proof for evolution and the Big Bang.*

There is NO proof for evolution or the big bang.
If there were proof, they would not be called theories.

It is specifically because they are theories, that it is self-evident that they are not true.
You, for an example, do not have a theory about where you live, with various evidences for and against your address.
You simply know where you live, and go there.

*Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
If athiests do not believe in God, they are saying that God does not exist. So how can they not believe in something that doesn't exist?

If that is true, how is it that atheists are able to use the word "God," and how are they so sure that he doesn't exist?
The word "God" is obviously not meaningless to atheists, and "obviously" atheists would have scoured the universe exhaustively to believe that he doesn't exist.
If that is true, how is it that atheists are able to use the word "God," and how are they so sure that he doesn't exist?
The word "God" is obviously not meaningless to atheists, and "obviously" atheists would have scoured the universe exhaustively to believe that he doesn't exist.

Hello god are you there? If your there then strike me dead right now. How do I know he doesnt exist? Because he doesnt answer, he doesnt talk, he doesnt even send plagues like how he does in the bible.
What a stupid thing to ask for!

If God doesn't want to kill you, you interpret that as him not being there.
And if he does kill you, you wouldn't know because you'd be dead.


As for not sending plagues, where DOES all the evil in the world come from?
Your basis for atheism seems to be that nothing is like it was in the Bible, while at the very same time everything is EXACTLY like it was in the Bible.

The only way it seems that atheists would potentially accept the existence of God is if everything were to be perfect.
However, if everything were perfect, there wouldn't be any atheists.
Thus, the atheist will never know, exactly as he, or you, wish.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee

Back to kindergarden for you eh?

Why is it that Christians always call atheist immature and tell us that we need to go back to school? Were not immature we just like to have fun. You have more fun when your an atheist because you arent held back by rules that dont make sense.
That particular idiot claims to be an atheist. I don't really care what its beliefs are, it's just silly. But the chicldish insults they use, such as "go back to school", serve in place of some rational contribution to a discussion.
The only way it seems that atheists would potentially accept the existence of God is if everything were to be perfect.

If things were perfect and this guy named God ran things then I would believe it.

Heres some more questions:

Why would GOD let a 7 week old kitten be BBQ?

Why would GOD let Hitler kill the Jews, his so called Chosen people?

Why would GOD let a sniper i Maryland kill innocent people?

Why would GOD let crack excist?

Why would GOD ignore everyones prayers?

Why would GOD let Charles Manson live but Martin Luther King die?

We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.