Athiest, What you believe?

Chosen, the sad thing is, I've likely slept with more women than you have. And I don't presume to lecture a man more experienced than myself.

A pimp/casanova/pickup artist/seducer never says anything about worshipping a woman. Where is your advice? I would like to read it and see how "good" you actually are with women.

*Xev thinks of Joeman in baggy jeans and wearing too much jewelry and falls out of her chair laughing*

Joeman a pimp! Perhaps a bit of a Casanova, but I don't think that Joeman is so desperate to get laid that he needs to read books on the subject.

I'm sure Xev is so attracted to you right now!!

I remind you, Chosen, that we are online. The rules are different. In the mundane world, it would be a distinct possibility, if other factors were not involved.

As for "I worship you" - fuck yes, that would be sexy as hell to hear.

Manipulative, good good. So I'm guessing you know patterning techniques, putting women in trances, anchors, NLP, eye dilation technique, seduction, all that neato stuff?? How much do you actually know?

I dunno. But women like a man who can make them laugh, Chosen, and you are sure doing that for me! You need to put somone in a trance in order to get laid?

Oh you poor thing. Tell me, do you have one of those watches that you swing in front of their eyes?

"You will fuck me. You are getting sleepy. You are getting veeeery sleepy."

Since you worship them, you'd do anything for them? I hope not!

She may demand worship...and I think that Joeman would prefer a woman with some character.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

How did my statements lead you to conclude that I am making the assumption that you treat all women the same?

That's good that you treat all women differently.

"Don't worship woman!! They'll step all over you like a doormat. "
"you sound like a typical "nice guy."
"Nice guys always finish last. "

That is a lot of generalization.

Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Don't go down that path, no woman needs to be put on a pedestal and worshiped.

But Xev does. ;) I already have my Xev shrine and altar. Tonight I am going to sacrifice a chicken in honor of Xev.

Ok ok, I see, just you actually saying you worship a woman bothers me.

It doesn't bother goddess Xev.

Don't take it wrong, if you were a real nice guy, I would be helping you out.

I AM a nice guy, but not a dumb one. I am not your average typical nice guy. I have my own way of handling things. I like being nice. I don't compromise my niceness just to get laid.

A pimp/casanova/pickup artist/seducer never says anything about worshipping a woman.

But Joeman does. I am the new radical.

Where is your advice? I would like to read it and see how "good" you actually are with women. ;)

It is scattered all over. why don't you do a search yourself. Adam has a thread which I believe is called "dating stuff". Strgrl* has a thread about getting dumped and so does asguard. Cactus jack has couple threads called "Am I outdated?" which we exactly talk about if nice guys finish last. In that thread you can see Xev didn't like me too much back then.

Manipulative, good good. So I'm guessing you know patterning techniques, putting women in trances, anchors, NLP, eye dilation technique, seduction, all that neato stuff?? How much do you actually know?

Manipulation..................... The art of eating vegetables..................On a wheel chair.

Hey, sorry if I made the assumption of you being a nice guy, nice guys like to say they worship women, but you could be an exception. It's good to see another alpha male, if you are one, depending on how accurate and good your advice is. ;)

A lot of so called nice guys are actually stupid guys. There is a difference. You can accomplish your objective without being a mean SOB. I like to do things my own ways in style.

And uh, nice guys do always finish last, example of how they don't? A saying will be nice when nice guys get laid. :D
Only nice guys DO last......
Originally posted by Xev
Chosen, the sad thing is, I've likely slept with more women than you have. And I don't presume to lecture a man more experienced than myself.

Hehehe :D Entertaining indeed.

Xev, if you actually knew me in person, you'd be quite surprised. You'd like a man that is spontaneous, correct? Of course! ;)

But then if you saw my'd be shocked, no, I'm on the opposite spectrum of ugly.

I'm not lecturing him - rather giving advice but he obvioulsy doesn't need it, no real man worships a woman, period. I was worried, but I guess I shouldn't be since he doesn't sound like a "nice-guy" anymore. I know, I know, this is an internet forum :D Maybe I did get a little out of hand.

I use the seduction techniques for ONS (one-night stands baby!) Every girl has her breaking point. No these techniques are for the gorgeous 9-10 rated women or should I say HB (hot bitch!)

As for trance, let me elaborate:

When I am eliciting a woman's values or letting her describe her feelings while patterning, trancing works while you listen intently to what she has to say and more importantly, what words she uses to express herself.

Pay attention to the words she puts particular emphasis on or repeats frequently are her so-called trance words. This means that by using the very same words she uses you will be able to tap directly into her consciousness and subconscious. It's sorta like "echoing her" so she would get the feeling of infatuation and sense of a "soul mate."

Chosen: "If I were to ask you, what's the most important thing in a relationship, how would you describe it to me?"
HB: "I want a man who makes me feel comfortable with myself" (remember "feel" and "comfortable")
Chosen: "Wouldn't it be nice if you could spend time with a man who makes you feel like you could let down your guard and just be comfortable? Whose voice soothed and at the same time stimulated you? I get the feeling that this could happen to you right now, with me." :D

Of course, I have been there and done that, experience pays off Xev. When you do meet a real man, you'll understand.
Originally posted by Joeman
A lot of so called nice guys are actually stupid guys. There is a difference. You can accomplish your objective without being a mean SOB. I like to do things my own ways in style.[/B]

Haha, good good, maybe I'll make up a dating thread...I'll check up on the other old threads...I might bring them back up! :D

But yea, now back to topic!! :p
TheChosen really is good. Just ask him, he'll tell you.

Really, what more is there to say?
Originally posted by Adam
TheChosen really is good. Just ask him, he'll tell you.

Really, what more is there to say?

There is alot more to say. I'm no master, I just know alot :D. They are alot of people out there better than me, trust me. They are the true NLPers, PUA's, and so on.

PUA = pick up artist

Look up Ross Geoffries and you will find yourself in true enlightenment.

Also JBY (just be yourself) is the worst advice you can give. Every man needs to work towards self-improvement.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Also JBY (just be yourself) is the worst advice you can give. Every man needs to work towards self-improvement.

Just be yourself is a great advice. Self improvement and be yourself are independent of each other. Some people want to be someone they can never be, and they can never be happy of themselves. In my posts I tell people to start dating. That is my only advice that is useful :D

Since in your profile it says you are born in 85, you advice is not likely going to be useful for people born in 75. When you are 10 years older working in the industry, dating is a completely different ball game.
In general I'm an honest ass. I'm very honest and never, ever play as someone else to please someone. Women and men alike seem to either absolutely love me or absolutely despise me. Go figure.

They are alot of people out there better than me, trust me.
Oh well, gee thanks. I didn't know you were not the greatest guy on Earth. I can trust you on that? Gee thanks.

They are the true NLPers, PUA's, and so on.
I don't know which Playboy articles you have been *reading*, but if you really think you can reduce relationships with women to acronyms, you are in for a long period of trouble with women.

Look up Ross Geoffries and you will find yourself in true enlightenment.
You read a book and were enlightened? Wow. Congratulations.

Now, some general comments for people...

Telling people how great you are, as several sciforums users have been noted as doing, is a sign of weakeness. If you are truly confident, you have no need to tell everyone how great you are. That you tell people how good you are displays insecurity.

Also, humility does not indicate a lack of confidence. Rather, it indicates a lack of need to tell people how great you are to boost your own ego, and it indicates respect for the person you are not boasting to.

As for dating and women in general, I do not wish to be with a woman who does not want the real me. For those younger members, I would advise that lying to get a woman into bed will not produce the best romantic experience. You will subconsciously have a fear of being discovered as a fraud. This will limit you.
Originally posted by Joeman
Since in your profile it says you are born in 85, you advice is not likely going to be useful for people born in 75. When you are 10 years older working in the industry, dating is a completely different ball game.

True, I date college girls to young girls. I'm basically an adult, drive motorcycles, cars, almost 18!! :D

My advice is generalized. It pertains to "mature" women, not immature little girls. There is a cut-off maturity level for my age, but I'm far more mature than you would think.

Also it necessarily isn't "my advice" it from all the famous NLPers, PUA's, seductionists, and other forum posters at the DJ site.

I read, then experience, that is the important aspect.
fuck adam take it easy!!

Originally posted by Adam

Oh well, gee thanks. I didn't know you were not the greatest guy on Earth. I can trust you on that? Gee thanks.

I'm not the greatest guy on earth. But I think you are.

I don't know which Playboy articles you have been *reading*, but if you really think you can reduce relationships with women to acronyms, you are in for a long period of trouble with women.

Sure sure, you just don't know. You ever even consider my post? I mean, trancing, you don't believe that works? TRY IT OUT!

You read a book and were enlightened? Wow. Congratulations.

Definitely. After that book and improving myself and experiencing, I became 100x Mr. []D[][]V[][]D!

Now, some general comments for people...

Telling people how great you are, as several sciforums users have been noted as doing, is a sign of weakeness. If you are truly confident, you have no need to tell everyone how great you are. That you tell people how good you are displays insecurity.

Also, humility does not indicate a lack of confidence. Rather, it indicates a lack of need to tell people how great you are to boost your own ego, and it indicates respect for the person you are not boasting to.

As for dating and women in general, I do not wish to be with a woman who does not want the real me. For those younger members, I would advise that lying to get a woman into bed will not produce the best romantic experience. You will subconsciously have a fear of being discovered as a fraud. This will limit you.

Ummm...right, read what I just posted in Free Thoughts. I'm not a great person, I never said I was Adam. Please, don't shove words into my mouth. Most people reject this advice, I am helping out the male population. When I show you the forum, YOU WILL BE ENLIGHTENED, I fuckin gurantee it damnit. But it won't teach you seduction skills so you won't be better than me :D

Where am I telling people how "great" I am? Damnit Adam! Quit sippin on the hatorade!
I agree with Tyler and Adam. Not only is playing at being somone else to please somone a sign of weakness, it is pointless.

By playing "macho" when your true nature is "sensitive", you not only show your lack of power (you let THEM control you), you ruin your chance for anything lasting.

I'm sure that you could get a woman into the sack that way. But I doubt very much that you could keep her there.

Take self confidence. If I trust somone, I am able to let them know just how un-self-confident I am. If I don't, if all I'm interested in is getting laid, I can play "You know you want me" quite well. And yes, it works well. At least for gay women.

But I prefer honesty as a route to true power. :)


Whooo! I get to be the center of attention here!

"Concerning woman, one should only talk unto men."

Fuck that, y'all need my input.

Xev, if you actually knew me in person, you'd be quite surprised. You'd like a man that is spontaneous, correct? Of course!

Not so much spontaneous as in control of himself and honest. This leads to what you describe as "spontaneous".

Of course, I have been there and done that, experience pays off Xev. When you do meet a real man, you'll understand.

I know that at least one "real man" is replying to you. However, you really do set yourself up for a joke concerning substitutes...

Frankly, I'd prefer my hand to some dip-shit who tried to hypnotize me into bed.
Originally posted by Xev
Frankly, I'd prefer my hand to some dip-shit who tried to hypnotize me into bed.

Yea, just be yourself right?? everyone should just be themselves. yep yep.

Life is a game, accept that. I am playing the game and winning. Even all the girls from the Swirl rejected the DJ mindset. *yawn*, it's commonplace.

If you did meet someone like me, you wouldn't know i was seducing you. You would be wondering about me. How would you know I was trying to hypnotize you? Maybe I was "just like that" a different and unique'd never know, I'm a mystery to you and women like mystery, they like adventure, spontaneity, intellect, etc.

First of all, it's unique, not banal and normal. Secondly, these type of men know what women respond to. Thirdly, they are a challenge for women to conquer because they represent confidence and the alpha/dominant male traits that woman want.

Most important, we know what you want.

Not my advice, but advice from people who know their shit.
How would you know I was trying to hypnotize you?

The impulse to howl with laughter, perchance?

Most important, we know what you want.

We? What, you are a member of some vast global conspiricy like the Illuminati?

Oh good...So you know about the Alfa Romeao and bottle of Cristal?

Seriously, Chosen, you have a good foundation here. Women are attracted to "alpha males".

However, not boys who think that they are God's gift to our gender.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Not my advice, but advice from people who know their shit.

Frankly, I think your advice is a little ridiculous. I don't need to read any books or work on any hypnotizing skills or working on any picking up skills in general. I don't over analyze because I don't need to. Every case is totally different. I only think about these things to formulate some advice for people who can't find date, but they are mostly useless probably. Dating is not that difficult. It is neither black magic nor rocket science. It takes luck more than anything.

I want to get back on topic.

Am I still an atheist since I worship Xev?
Am I still an atheist since I worship Xev?

Why, you can worship me anytime.

*Grumbles and pats stomach, musing that she needs to cut down on the cocoanut-fudge cookies before she'll look good in skintight latex*

Yes, you're still an athiest as long as you don't believe in God(s) or refuse to believe on the grounds that belief is irrational.
I'm really sorry Criss, I get carried away alot.

But anyway, atheists don't believe in anything related to religious ideas, etc. (like some agnostics)

They believe in themselves, reality. Individual responsibility.

I don't know why you asked that, you got weird answers.

Worship pizza? Mcgyver? And even....XEV!!! :D
i havent read the whole thread - i would be lying if i said i did. But i will answer the question and title of the thread.I believe when u die, you are dead. game over, food for worms etc.