Athiest, What you believe?


Registered Member
I'm an Athiest, and I'm thinking of starting my own church. It's gonna be really cool. The only problem is, I don't know what to put in it. I can't put anything holy in it, so I need some ideas. It's going to be the coolest church ever to not worship anything!!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha! Good good!

Have them worship a spoon. Then people can piss you off by quoting the Matrix and saying "there is no spoon".

Then you can burn them alive.

P.S: Your post was sarcasm, right? :)
I'd like to take a page from George Carlin and suggest we worship Joe Pesci. And I'd like to throw in Al Pacino. I think we should all pray to these two guys. God just doesn't measure up to Pacino. See, they're both aging but Pacino can still get things done. I have great respect for these two guys.
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"wait, if you start worshipping something or anyone you are no longer an atheist."

Yeah that's true.....I guess I can't start a cult in my honor.

And I was SO looking forward to that!
Originally posted by Zero
wait, if you start worshipping something or anyone you are no longer an atheist.

I don't worship anything now but after Xev submit her picture that might change :D
Originally posted by Joeman

I don't worship anything now but after Xev submit her picture that might change :D

Don't worship woman!! They'll step all over you like a doormat. :D

But I know you were joking, right?! :D
Originally posted by Criss
I'm an Athiest, and I'm thinking of starting my own church. It's gonna be really cool. The only problem is, I don't know what to put in it. I can't put anything holy in it, so I need some ideas. It's going to be the coolest church ever to not worship anything!!!!!!!!

An Atheist Church! Cool! Then you could sit around not believing in yourselves, and stop bugging us Christians... just joking! :D

Your pal,

We could worship pizza, and on-time delivery could be a sign that we're on the right track and all is well with the universe. Late delivery would herald big nasty DOOM!!! Holy wine? VODKA!!! Services? VIDEO NIGHTS!!!
What to believe

As an atheist, I think that the most important belief is the belief that I may be wrong. Anyone who operates on the assumption that there is no possibility that they are wrong, have sacrificed their mind upon the altar of regret. I reserve the right to learn and grow. I do not reserve the right to be told what to learn and how to grow.
in an athest church, you can teach why god dosnt exist, and that when we die, we turn into a pile of mush.

an atheist church is more like a class on evolution you visit voluntarily.
So we're talking about more a club for those who want to get together and discuss the mysteries of people believing in gods?

Count me in:)
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Don't worship woman!! They'll step all over you like a doormat. :D

But I know you were joking, right?! :D

1. No i am not joking

2. I don't get stepped over like a doormat. It depends on the man, the woman, and the situation. That is another thread in another time.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Since you worship them, you'd do anything for them? :rolleyes: I hope not!

Xev said she likes it. That is all it matters. So what if I said I worship Xev. She is not going to drive 1000 miles from Michigan to Minnesota to stomp on me like a doormat.

I did not ask you for advice on how to handle women. I am not stupid. Why don't you mind your own business and stop wondering off topic. An expert do not need help from a rookie.
Originally posted by Joeman

Xev said she likes it. That is all it matters. So what if I said I worship Xev. She is not going to drive 1000 miles from Michigan to Minnesota to stomp on me like a doormat.

I'm sure Xev is so attracted to you right now!! All that matters is making her happy right? :D

I did not ask you for advice on how to handle women. I am not stupid. Why don't you mind your own business and stop wondering off topic. An expert do not need help from a rookie.

I'm helping you out, trust me. I'll mind my own business with you from now on. But I warn you, you sound like a typical "nice guy." Don't go down that path, no woman needs to be put on a pedestal and worshiped.

Nice guys always finish last. :D
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

I'm sure Xev is so attracted to you right now!! All that matters is making her happy right? :D

First of all you are making the assumption that I treat all women the same way. I treat all women differently. There are reasons why I would say certain things to certain individuals. In this case it has absolutely nothing to do with getting laid. I am not stupid enough to see there is absolutely no correlation between making Xev happy and making her attracted to me. You are making baseless shallow assumptions. Making her attracted to me is not the purpose. Making Xev happy is what I want to do. If she is happy I am happy.

I'm helping you out, trust me. I'll mind my own business with you from now on. But I warn you, you sound like a typical "nice guy." Don't go down that path, no woman needs to be put on a pedestal and worshiped.

Nice guys always finish last. :D

Why don't you ask Xev if I am a typical nice guy like you described. What you just said is like women 101 but I am way beyond that. BTW, what you said is wrong. Nice guys don't always finish last. Base on the dating advice I gave out in the past, most would say I am rather manipulative. You know nothing about me. The sophiscation of my character is behind your grasp. You should mind your own business and stop wondering off topic.
Originally posted by Joeman

First of all you are making the assumption that I treat all women the same way. I treat all women differently.

How did my statements lead you to conclude that I am making the assumption that you treat all women the same?

That's good that you treat all women differently :D

There are reasons why I would say certain things to certain individuals. In this case it has absolutely nothing to do with getting laid. I am not stupid enough to see there is absolutely no correlation between making Xev happy and making her attracted to me. You are making baseless shallow assumptions. Making her attracted to me is not the purpose. Making Xev happy is what I want to do. If she is happy I am happy.

Ok ok, I see, just you actually saying you worship a woman bothers me...:D

Don't take it wrong, if you were a real nice guy, I would be helping you out.

Why don't you ask Xev if I am a typical nice guy like you described. What you just said is like women 101 but I am way beyond that. BTW, what you said is wrong. Nice guys don't always finish last. Base on the dating advice I gave out in the past, most would say I am rather manipulative. You know nothing about me. The sophiscation of my character is behind your grasp. You should mind your own business and stop wondering off topic.

A pimp/casanova/pickup artist/seducer never says anything about worshipping a woman. Where is your advice? I would like to read it and see how "good" you actually are with women. ;)

Manipulative, good good. So I'm guessing you know patterning techniques, putting women in trances, anchors, NLP, eye dilation technique, seduction, all that neato stuff?? How much do you actually know?

Hey, sorry if I made the assumption of you being a nice guy, nice guys like to say they worship women, but you could be an exception. It's good to see another alpha male, if you are one, depending on how accurate and good your advice is. ;)

Oh and sorry about being off topic here :p

And uh, nice guys do always finish last, example of how they don't? A saying will be nice when nice guys get laid. :D