Athiest redefined

I got one for the theist.
Polygamistheist, who has one wife in every religion, religions that believe marriage void of other religions.So is not polygamist.
Try and actually understand the terms you use, then you might be a tad more accurate. :rolleyes:

yes you are right..i had serious brain fart when i wrote that, couldn't remember all i have heard..
we can discuss those also..
i have heard christians being described as predestinationist (by my pastor)

I'm sure this would have been a reasonably humourous thread - if only the OP knew anything of what they were discussing. :shrug:
i know what i mean..and apparently so do others..

could be even funnier if we included theists..
Originally Posted by ULTRA
Athibigamist..Belives in many Gods, but worsips only one.

Athebigamist is surely someone who worships one god but secretly has another one on the side.

plus the description fits theist..not atheist,as the Athi denotes..

and you both are guilty of using the Atheist title with a theist description..

so maybe..
Multitheist.. Belives in many Gods, but worsips only one.
Theibigamist.. someone who worships one god but secretly has another one on the side.

Someone who believes God is female: Pollytheist

Someone who believes God was a pretty damn good chef: Pantheist.

A theist who never evolved: Prototheist

An institutionalised believer: Psychotheist

Belief that God is a Japanese soup: Misotheism
Antitheist: one who believes in God but doubts his/her own existence.

Actually, the definition of antitheist is..

Outspoken opposition to theism and religion. It is a subset of atheism which holds that theism and religion are harmful to society and people, and if the beliefs of theism were true, they would be undesirable. Antitheism asserts that religion is not beneficial, and that in areas where religion is innocuous, it should be discarded by people in favor of humanism, rationalism, and other alternatives.

Rational Wiki..
Didn't mean any disrespect by calling you hun. Cultural differences on that one. In my family it simply a way of showing no hard feelings. Like throwing a little hunny on your words in hopes that they come out sweet.
Didn't mean any disrespect by calling you hun. Cultural differences on that one. In my family it simply a way of showing no hard feelings. Like throwing a little hunny on your words in hopes that they come out sweet.

OK...That's fine...No hard feelings..
WHY is it SO hard for some people to spell the word correctly ?

It's atheist (and theist)

Actually, the definition of antitheist is..

Outspoken opposition to theism and religion. It is a subset of atheism which holds that theism and religion are harmful to society and people, and if the beliefs of theism were true, they would be undesirable. Antitheism asserts that religion is not beneficial, and that in areas where religion is innocuous, it should be discarded by people in favor of humanism, rationalism, and other alternatives.

Rational Wiki..

i like the giggles part..but when i originally posted, the thought was to get the info on the subset terms..

but as usual the thread took of in its own direction..(which i love the direction it took)

Polly want a cracker?