Athiest redefined


Valued Senior Member
theist have all sorts of names to help describe what they believe..agnostic,predeterminist,fundamentalist,
Atheist only have one..
What would be some good names for them?

there are a few categories that i have seen..
atheist who don't care one way or the other
atheist who have been hurt by religion.
atheist who hate god..
atheist who refuse to believe?
atheist who want proof..

there are pry more..

this is too fun not to include theists...
lets have some good theist names/descriptions..
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Psudothiest: Athiest who hates God there for providing his or her own belief in said entity as to provide an outlet for disbelief.
theist have all sorts of names to help describe what they believe..agnostic,predeterminist,fundamentalist,
Try and actually understand the terms you use, then you might be a tad more accurate. :rolleyes:

A predeterminist does not have to be a theist... they merely hold that the universe is predetermined from its origin to its conclusion... and speaks nothing of what the original cause of the universe was.

An agnostic is someone who holds that God is unknowable (or merely unknown to them)... i.e. it is an ontological stance - and it speaks nothing as to their epistemological stance of belief in that God. Most agnostics are actually also atheist (why have belief in something for which you have no evidence?) but there are certainly some agnostic theists.

Theist is a singular position - as is Atheist.
Theist believe in god - Atheist have no such belief.
It really is as simple as that.

Atheist only have one..
Because it is a singular position... i.e. no belief in God.

What would be some good names for them?
That would depend on factors OTHER than their atheist position... just as the "all sorts of names" you think exist for theists are dependent upon factors OTHER than just the basic belief in god.

atheist who hate god..
Mixed up in their beliefs/lack thereof.
atheist who have been hurt by religion.
atheist who refuse to believe?
atheist who want proof..

I'm sure this would have been a reasonably humourous thread - if only the OP knew anything of what they were discussing. :shrug:
Not religion, there is a lack of spiritualism these days to where people simply believe in nothing. This is disturbing to me.
theist have all sorts of names to help describe what they believe..agnostic,predeterminist,fundamentalist,
Atheist only have one..
What would be some good names for them?

there are a few categories that i have seen..
1) atheist who don't care one way or the other
2) atheist who have been hurt by religion.
3)atheist who hate god..
4) atheist who refuse to believe?
5) atheist who want proof..

there are pry more..

I don't categorize myself, but I guess I would fall under number one..I just live my life, the best I can..

I don't really understand number two..Define hurt.

Number three makes no sense..To hate God is to acknowledge that one exists, hence you wouldn't be an agnostic or atheist.

Number four doesn't make much sense either..To refuse to believe, would again imply a basic belief.

As far as number five goes.. I think we would ALL love to see proof one way or the other, but it will never happen..:shrug:
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Athibigamist..Belives in many Gods, but worsips only one.

Wouldn't that be a mono-polytheist? Man, that doesn't look right..:p

Edit:...I just looked this up...Would be "politeism"..

Only worshipping one God, but not wanting to leave the others out...LOL
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How about an atheomarxist a disbelief that can be shared by all..