Athiesm Question

Please correct me if I am wrong....

......but isn’t the big bang supposed to be the cause or kick start to the theory of evolution, and after some time, the action of various forms of energy, namely ultr-violet rays from the sun, lightening, ionizing radiation, and heat, caused basic molecules to combine together forming simple organic compounds. And from that, over time, came more complex organisms, which eventually created life. And all this came about through blind chance.

If that is the case, the explosion or big-bang must be the percieved original cause.
I can understand that there was, what must have been a big bang, not to create but to annihilate, in the ancient vedic text known as Bhagavad Gita, the Lord says:

This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, producing all moving and non-moving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again.
BG. 9:10.

Speaking from an objective point of veiw, it seem that the big bang in question, was the actual annihilation of the last manifested universe, after which creation again resumed.

What are your views on this.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Xelios
No, it's not. "Everything came from an explosion" "Something made everything". There's the two theories. How can you tell me the latter is greater than the former?

For a start, it is logical, whereas the former is illogical.
We can see with our eyes, that life comes from life and anything that is formulated and designed, is formulated and designed by life.

Ah, Hitler invoking the holucost because he believed God made Jews inferior, and therefor they needed to be killed (religion lashing out with brutality and fear).

That is a totally irrational accusation, Hitler, like any criminal, used whatever means he could to justify his motives.
To say that action was caused by religion, is complete ignorance.

Some Arabs in the Middle East declaring a Holy War against the West, also killing hundreds of innocent people by ramming planes into the WTC (religion lashing out with brutality and fear).

It boils down to the same thing again, complete ignorance. Seeing as Timothy McVeigh was a US citizen, does that mean that bombing represented the US and that the whole of the US means bombing inocent people. When the US dropped her atomic bombs, was the whole of the US backing the decision, is that what the USA means.
Personally, I don’t think so, but by your analasys, that is what you are saying.

Palestinians and Isrealies at war with more than 1000 dead in the last 17 months because of land issues relating to religion (religion lashing out with brutality and fear).

Relating to religion, but not religion. In all bona-fide scripture, it states that the killing of inocent beings is strictly prohibited, that is the law, so how can these acts, be acts of religion. People may do or say something in the name of religion, but that is not religion, this is why I say to you, at least try and understand religion and then make an informed oppinion.

Shall I go on? Please, give me some examples of scientists killing hundreds of theists because they don't believe in evolution.

Killing is killing it doesn’t matter whether an atheist or a theist is killed, the act remains the same.
Scientists have been partly responsible for many deaths, for example, the atom bomb, the planes that crashes (into buildings), weapons of warfare and mass destruction, viruses, mal practice, abortions, the pill, animal experiments, the list goes on and on.
But that is not the point

So, you tell me I have no idea, as long as I set my idea aside for the time being? Hello, captain obvious.

That is a theory, which means as a scientist you cannot see it as a fact. There is nothing that says this actually happened.

How do you expect me to understand religion when people who have devoted their entire life to studying it still do not fully understand it?

How do you know that?
I think in order to give that statement substance, you have to study vedic literature, most definately the 'Srimad Bhagavatam', otherwise you are just speculating.

…more I realize how ridiculous the idea of religion really is. I'm not trying to insult you or any other theist here, but that's how I feel.

That’s fair enough.

Are you willing to spend a good portion of your life in persuit of understanding science, evolution and other theories about our origins? Or would you rather spend that time coming to a better understanding of what you truely believe in, that God created the universe and everything in it?

I see science as a tool, which helps one to have more of an understanding of the God that created the universe and everything in it.


Jan Ardena.
Scientists have been partly responsible for many deaths, for example, the atom bomb, the planes that crashes (into buildings), weapons of warfare and mass destruction, viruses, mal practice, abortions, the pill, animal experiments, the list goes on and on.

Yes, they have been partly responsible for some of those deaths, but that's a far cry from "lashing out with brutality and fear".

That is a theory, which means as a scientist you cannot see it as a fact. There is nothing that says this actually happened.

No, I can't. But religion is also a theory, so I cannot see that as fact either. So it seems I have to chose between two theories, I chose the theory of evolution and the big bang. Therefor, I have an idea of how it all started.

How do you know that?

How do I know? Because if one was to fully understand religion they would fully understand God. But after all, "God works in mysterious ways" does he not?