Athiesm and Theism

I understand that my last post was a bit uh.. well, easily interpreted and arrogant and flaky. I have this weird thing where I click into motivational speaker mode. Sorry.
Yes, but I fear I dabble in the these black arts from time to time due to frustration.

Happens to everyone. Happens to me especially when dealing with whatsup. Just the frustration he sets in sometimes, he just doesn't want to admit he's wrong.. ever... about anything, when he so clearly is. That kind of thing bugs me. Anyway, I would say more, but it's late and I need sleep =D
And I thank science for creating huge missles that can destroy the earth at any moment! Thank you science! I would also like to thank the people who made anthrax possible (Scientists). Oh and thank the church for helping the homeless. And giving money to the needy, and helping poor kids have a good christmas. Thank you science for proving why the shower curtain goes out when you take a hot shower
Objects are neutral until put to use... Scientists did not bomb anyone. And science comes up with cures for diseases, explains to 3rd world countries about aids, etc... No matter what group you pick you'll find your good and bad. Wether it be scientists or religious...
Objects are neutral until put to use... Scientists did not bomb anyone. And science comes up with cures for diseases, explains to 3rd world countries about aids, etc... No matter what group you pick you'll find your good and bad. Wether it be scientists or religious...

Thats what I was pointing out. They can both be useless, but can both help in their own ways.
Athiesm and Theism are equally unreasonable. Both must make unreasonable assumptions to maintain,

Atheism the belief that God does not exist,is a non sequiter, before you can answer that question you have to define who or what God is or is not ..he may be a Goddess it may be something else. This takes "metaphysical thought".

Secondly "Theism" the existence of god is based in subjective thought and indoctrination...If you take God off the Earth ,there is no proof that he exists!therefore anything believed in faith only holds true to that person.

I personally see the union of God and the Goddess, the union of opposites..Light and sound....and Atheism, as a God who does not exist in some fluffy cloud but it is the synthesis of all wisdom, in that the power of the creator was there before the "big-bang..therefore it is the word "God" which is the problem.
Agnosticism is the way to go. To simply say we cannot know... Seems like all we can do with what we got...
notme 2000,
I agree with you we have to find onother name for god.."How about Harmonics!!
Some argue the universe IS God. God is the biggest thing imaginable, so you can't really deny it's existance. I agree that the universe is the biggest thing imaginable, but I see no reason in calling it God....
Originally posted by notme2000
Agnosticism is the way to go. To simply say we cannot know... Seems like all we can do with what we got...
It is also presumptuous to say that we cannot know. All we can say is that we do not know.

Secondly "Theism" the existence of god is based in subjective thought and indoctrination...If you take God off the Earth ,there is no proof that he exists!therefore anything believed in faith only holds true to that person.
This is an assumption within itself. It is assumptive both to say that the existence of God is based on sunjective thought and indoctrination and to say that if we remove Him from the earth there is (or would be) no proof that he exists (or had existed). Science itself is one BIIIG assumption, mind you I embrace it - it supports itself. We assume that the scientific method is like... well... like God. I agree with the initiator though - from a neutral point of view - without excersising my faith {not to mention soul and spirit}
Secondly "Theism" the existence of god is based in subjective thought and indoctrination...If you take God off the Earth ,there is no proof that he exists!therefore anything believed in faith only holds true to that person.. that is what I said..Marcac...
If you take God or the notion of God off the Earth, no-one can proove he exists and people who manipulate other people, can make religious fanatics do all sorts of horrendous things in the name of God.
I believe that god isn't singular , but is pluralistic in substance
Originally posted by wesmorris
pardon. people use different (often incorrect) definitions for athiest and agnostic.
And you, no doubt, having sucked your self-satisfied certainty from some pocket dictionary, will be sure to reveal the true meaning of those terms.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Athiesm means that you DO NOT believe that god exists. It's not the disbelief in religion, it's "GOD DOES NOT EXIST". Look it up.
Perhaps missing from your pocket edition is the fact that, to
  • "NOT believe that god exists"
is not equivalent to an assertion that
How careless of you.
Originally posted by notme2000
Agnosticism is the way to go. To simply say we cannot know...
What is the scope of your agnosticism? Are you, for example, equally agnostic with respect to
  • Jesus?
  • YHWH?
  • Ba'al?
  • Kali?
  • Aton?
  • Mithras?
  • the Sidhe Daoine?
  • Unicorns?
  • Loch Ness?
  • Reincarnation?
  • Past Life Regression?
  • Astrology?
  • Alien Abductions?
  • ...
In what way, and to what extent, would you assert that the belief in God(s) is warranted?
Originally posted by IXL777
Secondly "Theism" the existence of god is based in subjective thought and indoctrination...If you take God off the Earth ,there is no proof that he exists!therefore anything believed in faith only holds true to that person.. that is what I said..Marcac...
If you take God or the notion of God off the Earth, no-one can proove he exists and people who manipulate other people, can make religious fanatics do all sorts of horrendous things in the name of God.
I believe that god isn't singular , but is pluralistic in substance
In any event it is impossible to remove 'God or the notion of God from the Earth' as without Him the Earth wouldn't exist. So what's the point of the statement anyway?
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I reread my first response to this post I wanted to make additional points.

Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
Everything (including agnostic's) is unreasonable because no one knows the truth for sure.
Agnostic's as you put it, is NOT unreasonable because by the interpretation I believe to be correct it is that "no one knows the truth for sure" see what I mean? That is why it is TRUE, because it claims that all is hypothesis. It may be more correct to say that it is NOT FALSE, but to me that seems like the same thing.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee

Yeah sure science can prove that a big bang happend but they dont know what happend before that.
and before 1920 they couldn't prove the big bang either. science makes progress, religion rejects changed or adapts itself to keep pace with science. religion is a substitute for context, when the context that religion has established has changed.. religion has to reform itself to emcompass that. some "wise man" of sorts has to "re-interpret" the words of the prophits such that they can BS you into thinking that's what they meant the whole time... you just didn't get it.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee

Religion can prove that a God exists, it just take beliefs. But to know that that God is there for sure....
religion can in no way prove that god exists. sure, you can prove god exists if you just assume that god exists... but really you've only proved it to you, which is basically how delusion is defined? yeah, I think so.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee

Agnostics can just say whatever they want to say.

Okay, thank you.
Originally posted by MarcAC
In any event it is impossible to remove 'God or the notion of God from the Earth' as without Him the Earth wouldn't exist. So what's the point of the statement anyway?

that is not a valid line of reasoning. think about it a bit eh? I believe that is a classical example of circular reasoning no? Pretty close if I've missed it, I don't think you made all the statements directly but let me see what you've implied:

a) god created the earth
b) the earth exists
c) the earth wouldn't exist if god were taken from earth

see how c refers back to a?
Originally posted by wesmorris
I hold the following assertion:

Athiesm and Theism are equally unreasonable. Both must make unreasonable assumptions to maintain validity.

That's why there is agnosticism (which is really weak atheism). It claims to no position regaurding religion. I don't follow it, but it is there for anyone who would like a taste.
Re: Re: Athiesm and Theism

Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
That's why there is agnosticism (which is really weak atheism).
Sorry to be such a cock, but thank you captain obvious. *giggle*

Oh, and I'm of the opinion that weak aitheism is a pussy way to say agnostic. I'll use my typical analogy as follows: The relationship between the words theist, agnostic and aitheist is as 1 > agnostic > 0. Imagined as a Venn Diagram one can imagine a circle split in two with "yes" on one side, "no" on the other and the circle is surrounded infinitely by an area labelled "no decision". To say "weak aithiest" in my opinion is to say "kind of not". Why not just say "I'm not sure"? Which is more direct? Which is more true?

I realize the dictionary allows for both arguments to be correct as each word has multiple definitions. I just think that the language adapted to the misuse of the words... and the most rational applications of the words is as I stipulated.

What say you?
It's funny how strong you have to be to admit you're weakness. Agnosticism is realizing that being sure of anything is an illusion of ego. A wise man knows he's a fool, a fool think's he's wise. And this basicly means you shouldn't have an opinion on yourself, lol. No ego.