Athiesm and logic

Originally posted by Xev
Yeah, I want a Lear jet, an Alfa Romeo and another drink. That does not mean I get to post hideously simplistic babble while being snide with those more knowledgeable than I.

I already knew their were three parts to the brain. I'm not being "snide" at all.

The argument rests on arguing whether love is logical or illogical. That is why I spilt the brain into two categories for simplicity and relevancy to the argument.
On the other hand

Yeah, I want a Lear jet, an Alfa Romeo and another drink. That does not mean I get to post hideously simplistic babble while being snide with those more knowledgeable than I.
On the other hand, it does mean that you get to talk down to people for having nothing better to say?

And that you get to ridicule people for believing what you do not understand?

I'll get back to the topic (A) when I get back to Seattle, and (B) when I can see that there is a topic to get back to.

--Tiassa :cool:
"Ok, you have a different definition of love. I am talking about the unpredictable love. That humans "believe" in. Romantic love, not unconditional, that's "instinct-love." of course humans evolved this "sense of protection" to survive, you call this love.

I'm talking about inconsistent love, different in every individual."

And I'm telling you what this love is for. You plan on mating with a woman who you just have small love for? No. So humans have this love because it makes parents stay together which is necessary for the child to survive. Love serves a purpose.

"There are three parts to our brain, reptilian, limbic, and neocortex. I will narrow it down to two. Our brain is divided into two parts - the repitilian and the logical. Love exposes the repitilian. The reptilian brain is responsible for all the pleasure centers, (think food, sex, comfort) while the logical brain is the center of reason. These two parts of the brain are forever at war with each other, seeking dominance. Usually the logical brain prevails, regulating and keeping a stern watch on our impulses. But then, sometimes our reptilian brain just breaks the shackles and defies explanation. It overrides reason. Love helps the reptilian brain to do this, this "logical emotion" actually weakens the logical side of the brain. There have been cases where besotted fools have jumped off a bridge, risking life and limb for it to prove their love. This is the reptilian brain at work, causing irrational thinking and defying human instinct (and logical reasons) to survive."

You proved my point inside this quote. Where you say 'There have bee ncases where...' it proves that different humans experience greater/lesser override of logic while in love. Love brings out illogical actions in human beings. However, it does not create the urges or inability to be logical.

"Why haven't we figured it out yet? Logical things can be figured out."

That's the dumbest statement I've read in a while. If logic can solve everything logical and humans were perfectly logical then every single thing that could be known would be known.

"Once again, I agree with you about protection of the baby to be instinct. You call this instinct "love" for the child. I agree with you, this is unconditional love.

I'm talking about unpredictable love, between two people."

And I'm telling that's what love is for. The love between a man and a woman is there for the procreation of our species.
Originally posted by Tyler
And I'm telling you what this love is for. You plan on mating with a woman who you just have small love for? No. So humans have this love because it makes parents stay together which is necessary for the child to survive. Love serves a purpose.

I'm also telling you what love is for. Love between a man and a woman is not consistent. Love serves a purpose logically and illogically.

I argue on behalf that love is not a completely logical emotion. You argue against me.

You proved my point inside this quote. Where you say 'There have bee ncases where...' it proves that different humans experience greater/lesser override of logic while in love. Love brings out illogical actions in human beings. However, it does not create the urges or inability to be logical.

What causes the override of logic? :rolleyes: Love. You say love brings out illogical actions in human beings, agreed. Stop being superfluous in your statements, we already settled that love does not create inabilities to be logical. It causes.

That's the dumbest statement I've read in a while. If logic can solve everything logical and humans were perfectly logical then every single thing that could be known would be known.

Ohhh, this is gonna be fun "oh mighty atheist" :cool:

By my saying of "Logical things can be figured out." It's the dumbest statement?? Closed to *just* that statement, how exactly and explicitly does it get the reward of being the dumbest statement you've read in a while? You're not disagreeing with me when I am saying "logical things can be figured out" do you?

Now what's this sentence with "If logic can solve everything logical..." All I said was logical things can be figured out. If you disagree name me something logical that cannot be figured out.

What's this with "everything and humans were perfectly logical"? Everything? Perfectly? Are you trying to convolute the argument here? I hope not. :rolleyes:

And I'm telling that's what love is for. The love between a man and a woman is there for the procreation of our species.

That's great, I agree with you on this statement. Again, how can something so "logical" cause illogicality? So our logical part of our brain can cause illogicality? Really?

You have much to answer Tyler, calling my statements dumb is a dumb statement in itself.
"I'm also telling you what love is for. Love between a man and a woman is not consistent. Love serves a purpose logically and illogically.

I argue on behalf that love is not a completely logical emotion. You argue against me."

What illogical purpose does love serve? Keep a man and woman together is perfectly logical. Everything else; the fights, the stupid mistakes, the illogical choices are secondary to the existence of the species, if you ask me.

"What causes the override of logic? Love. You say love brings out illogical actions in human beings, agreed. Stop being superfluous in your statements, we already settled that love does not create inabilities to be logical. It causes"

It brings out. The person is already slightly illogical (or fully) and love just brings this out in them.

"By my saying of "Logical things can be figured out." It's the dumbest statement?? Closed to *just* that statement, how exactly and explicitly does it get the reward of being the dumbest statement you've read in a while? You're not disagreeing with me when I am saying "logical things can be figured out" do you?

Now what's this sentence with "If logic can solve everything logical..." All I said was logical things can be figured out. If you disagree name me something logical that cannot be figured out.

What's this with "everything and humans were perfectly logical"? Everything? Perfectly? Are you trying to convolute the argument here? I hope not."

Ug. You're so dumb. I'm stoned right now and back from a concert and I still understand this better than you.

You insinuated with your original comment ("Why haven't we figured it out yet? Logical things can be figured out.") that if something was logical it could be figured out and that we should have figured it out by now. That is a dumb comment. For if true, it could be applied to every single bit of factual knowledge we don't yet know.

"All I said was logical things can be figured out. If you disagree name me something logical that cannot be figured out."

No, that's not all you said. You said "Why haven't we figured it out yet? Logical things can be figured out". Which seems to indicate that you believe if something is logical, we should have figured it out by now.

"That's great, I agree with you on this statement. Again, how can something so "logical" cause illogicality? So our logical part of our brain can cause illogicality? Really?"

You're defining love incorrectly here. You're taking a human being in love, not the emotion titled love. Love the emotion is logical because it is a necessity. How can something necessary for the species to exist be illogical? It serves only a logical purpose.

People in love can be quite illogical. But not because love itself is illogical, but due to them being illogical human beings. A perfectly logical human being would not do anything illogical while in love. However, no human is perfectly logical.

The emotion itself is not illogical. The human being is.

Take fear for example. Fear is a perfectly logical emotion. It is necessary (or was) in humans for us to survive. We'd all die off if we didn't experience fear from, say, crossing the street on a red light or jumping off large cliffs. However, fear can cause people to do illogical things. People fear things (such as exams) needlessly. However, is it not true that certain people fear more than others? Ever have a friend who gets deathly afraid come exam time? And then there's me who never fears unless it's a do-or-die situation, and even then it's unlikely because fearing most situations is useless. Or there's Adam who apparently never fears. So you can see how certain people let emotions make them illogical and others dont? Guess why? Because these people who get illogical in love or fear or hate or anxiety are illogical to begin with. Emotions, like they do with most traits of our personalities, just highten this trait.
Originally posted by Tyler
What illogical purpose does love serve? Keep a man and woman together is perfectly logical. Everything else; the fights, the stupid mistakes, the illogical choices are secondary to the existence of the species, if you ask me.

Ok Tyler, how irrational and illogical are human emotions, particularly love? Have you ever been in love with someone who didn't love you back, and, yet, you continue to torture yourself with your feelings for that individual? How logical is that? Those feelings of love are not logical. The person feeling these feelings is not logical. We all do illogical things, like believe in religion and fall in love. It's simply a matter of which of these illogical things we believe are worth throwing logic out the window for.

Emotions are still part of the person. Why do people say, "His love for her is illogical?" Love as a emotion can become illogical.

Humans have been approaching the fulfillment of interpersonal relations from the orientation of their "feelings". Nothing is wrong with feelings. They certainly have their place in the processing of human awareness. Most of what you feel (like love) not only doesn't make sense, but quite often your feelings contradict and go against your personal desire, reason, and better judgement (reptilian brain - jump out the window to prove my feelings of love). It's what you feel that doesn't make sense. Sometimes this feeling is love, and it is a part of you.

Correct me if I am wrong, but what you are trying to say is that a person's feelings are never illogical? Of course a human is illogical if they embrace their illogical feelings.

Ug. You're so dumb. I'm stoned right now and back from a concert and I still understand this better than you.

Calling me dumb? :rolleyes: You're really pushing it...:mad:

You insinuated with your original comment ("Why haven't we figured it out yet? Logical things can be figured out.") that if something was logical it could be figured out and that we should have figured it out by now. That is a dumb comment. For if true, it could be applied to every single bit of factual knowledge we don't yet know.

Bitch, I didn't insinuate SHIT! Like other people here (not mentioning any names, stop it with your "conclusions", it's stupid, and don't shove words into my mouth) I said can be, what the fuck does that mean?! I asked you a question of "why haven't we figured it out yet?", what the hell did you ASSUME I meant?? All you could have done was answer the question, idiot. Instead of trying to avoid it and resorting to disrespectful insults. You assumed off my question, don't do that again!

Ok, wise man, do you disagree with this statement or what?

"Logical things can be figured out."

Now answer this moron and don't squiggle your dumbass out of this one! Can they or what?

No, that's not all you said. You said "Why haven't we figured it out yet? Logical things can be figured out". Which seems to indicate that you believe if something is logical, we should have figured it out by now.

LMAO, proof of your worthless and idiotic assumption.

Tyler: "Which seems to indicate that you [Chosen] believe IF..."

LOL, "seems to indicate" I mean, WTF is your problem?

My advice: Take some debating lessons for novices.

You're defining love incorrectly here. You're taking a human being in love, not the emotion titled love. Love the emotion is logical because it is a necessity. How can something necessary for the species to exist be illogical? It serves only a logical purpose.

Like I said, I'm not talking about the "protective love" of offspring. Lions have this "love" also.

How exactly am I defining love incorrectly? Who are you to state this?

****Answer all my questions from now on can you? That is a purpose of a debate. Don't avoid them****

Ummm, like I said earlier, I'm talking about the love that is a choice for humans. So don't babble about "protective love" that humans/lions etc. have for their young.

People in love can be quite illogical. But not because love itself is illogical, but due to them being illogical human beings. A perfectly logical human being would not do anything illogical while in love. However, no human is perfectly logical.

The emotion itself is not illogical. The human being is.

So someone's feelings are never illogical? That is what you are stating?

Don't frickin talk about "perfect" this and that, it's crap to have anythign related to "perfect" for image of humans, it's supererogatory.

Take fear for example. Fear is a perfectly logical emotion. It is necessary (or was) in humans for us to survive. We'd all die off if we didn't experience fear from, say, crossing the street on a red light or jumping off large cliffs. However, fear can cause people to do illogical things. People fear things (such as exams) needlessly. However, is it not true that certain people fear more than others? Ever have a friend who gets deathly afraid come exam time? And then there's me who never fears unless it's a do-or-die situation, and even then it's unlikely because fearing most situations is useless. Or there's Adam who apparently never fears. So you can see how certain people let emotions make them illogical and others dont? Guess why? Because these people who get illogical in love or fear or hate or anxiety are illogical to begin with. Emotions, like they do with most traits of our personalities, just highten this trait.

The certain feelings of fear are illogical, correct? So is fear "perfectly logical" as you state?

The friend that gets deathly afraid to come to exam time is illogical. Why? His illogical feelings of such fear causes him to become illogical. The feelings are thus a part of him. These feelings are part of his illogical side, causing illogicality.

Why the hell you trying to separate feelings with the person? Feelings come from the brain wise-ass fool.
atheism and logic working together? It doesnt make sense, that's like saying proofless claim and facts work together...
Originally posted by muscleman
atheism and logic working together? It doesnt make sense, that's like saying proofless claim and facts work together...

(muscleman) want some applesauce? :)