Athiesm and logic


Registered Senior Member
For Tiassa, mainly....Adam might appreciate a look.

Tiassa, we disagreed some time ago about the logical foundations of athiesm. If I recall correctly, you felt that the application of logic re: belief in God was arbitrary.

If I may modify my origional position:

There is just as much vidence against the existance of God as for
Occam's razor states that 'entities must not be multiplied unnecessarily'
Occam's razor is a valid logical tool
God is an entity
Therefore, believing in God is an unnecessary multiplying of entities
Therefore, believing in God is irrational.

When I came to this conclusion, I came across a problem that I was unable to truely solve. It goes to the first part of my logic chain.

Chosen argues that belief brings pleasure. Now, the pursuit of pleasure is logical enough, correct?

So this constitutes a reason to believe.

Now we have equal reasons for a certain type of person to believe as for that certain person to dis-believe, correct?

So belief is logical, for a certain type of person, no? But not for all people.

Just as some people pursue the rather irrational emotion of love, some pursue the rather irrational belief of God. This gives them pleasure, and thus is a logical choice.

Yet neither gives me pleasure, thus to pursue either option would be illogical - for me!

Whether athiesm is logical or not depends on the athiest.

Could we accept this as a solution to the dilemna that you proposed?

P.S: Don't even ask why I am thinking about this dilemna - you do NOT want to know how my mind works. :p
The main thing i don't understand is why everyone even most atheist seem to think that there is no evidence disproving god. The fact is that a being with infite power that sees everythig would be easily detectable. And please do not use that half-assed "god is not material and therfore undetectable" arguement. By that arguement god can't interact with the material world and cannot have created it or effect it at all.
Yea, I'm with Neutrino. While nothing can be proven/disproven absolutely 100%, as far as I'm concerned, God has been ruled out due to our inability to measure it.
Yea, I'm with Neutrino. While nothing can be proven/disproven absolutely 100%, as far as I'm concerned, God has been ruled out due to our inability to measure it.

Groovy. I think that would make a good topic *hint hint*

Now - *Xev adopts "Mel Gibson" voice* - GIVE ME BACK MY TOPIC!

*Xev wanders off, muttering and growling "It's MY topic, MINE MINE ALL MINE!!"*
I believe that I and everyone else in the world is a fish. I am very happy believing this. It makes me feel better. But every scientific test that can be performed proves conclusivly that huamns are not fish. Is it logical to disagree with my fish theory in spite of the fact that it makes me happy?

Of course it is if i really believed i was a fish id be put away. People who have delusions are treated for it no matter how happy the delusional person is. Religion is just delusion like any other. Mabey religion is logical but in that case lets just stop treating every other mental illness its the same damn thing.

That on topic enough for you?
Yeah! An atheist topic! (watch it not get past the first page, hehe)


The persuit of love and the persuit of the Great Ooga-Booga are quite different things. Love is a scientifically provable and explainable sensation. The Great Ooga-Booga however is neither.

Xev hun, you're not thinking this through logically. The persuit of enjoyment is only logical if what is being persued is logical. If I felt enjoyment by believing that I'm a donkey playing in the NHL would you still call me a logical human being?


Your first post has a special problem in it. Consider this, everything you consider impossible, God can easily be/do. So not being material and still able to interact with the physical world, God can do that. He's God. Don't tell him he can't do something. He's omnipotent and omnipresent. God is the big guy. He can do what he wishes, no matter what our scientific laws state.

Basically, your arguement will never, ever work against a theist.
First considerations and reactions


Interesting perspective. I need time to digest. When approaching a new paradigm, well ... it's different from approaching an issue within a paradigm. I hope that makes sense.

Oh, and I will never object to an acknowledged modification of perspective. I tend to think of such events as progressive.

The fact is that a being with infite power that sees everythig would be easily detectable.
You're confusing the notion of god with a specific God. As a theist, I can easily say that my conception of God has nothing to do with a being of infinite power that sees everything.

Atheism in the West is a reaction to the ludicrous heights of the Abramic religions. To wit: Denis Diderot wrote, in the 19th century I believe, that Whether or not God exists, it has become the most useless and sublime of truths. Such a sentiment is deeply intertwined with the rise of modern atheism (e.g. 19th century forward). That it is a reaction does not imply illegitimacy. It may well be a reflex.

Think of it this way: if you read the Bible and set aside drunken boasts by God, the God of the Bible is a finite, limited entity. It is only the faithful of modern religion that believe this finite entity to be infinite. In older times, infinity worked well--humans did not have a reasonable conception of the boundaries of the Earth for quite some time. And you'll notice how quickly--relatively--the religious structure began to fall apart when information replaced faith as the primary method of perceiving the world.
And please do not use that half-assed "god is not material and therfore undetectable" arguement. By that arguement god can't interact with the material world and cannot have created it or effect it at all.
Says you. But it is not important.

At this point, you're arguing against a certain Christian faith that, while it exists, its adherents largely disclaim it out of embarrassment for its profane absurdity. I tend to think it extends across most of that flock, but boy will people get their feathers in a bunch when you put it to them so directly.

However, "God" need not be anything we recognize. Specifically--and I seriously don't understand what the hell is so hard for people to understand about this--we might look at the Greek monotheism. That's right, the Greek monotheism. Consider: the myriad gods of Greek mythology were limited in their conduct and knowledge. What authority creates these limitations? In fact, some of the alpha/omega crap of the Bible is merely an infantile excuse to avoid this point.

Thus, the Unmoved Mover, the Unnamed Namer. The blind godhead without sentiment, a mere term to represent that influence which determined the form of the Universe. If we limit ourselves to one big bang to start the Universe, we might consider that uniform ball of energy or being. What instability, what deviation, set the explosion in motion? That effect, expressed mathematically or however else it need be, can reasonably be said to be God. It needs no personality. As they teach in astronomy classes: within milliseconds after the bang began, the range of matter/energy possibilities was set. That is, all the elements that could be came into being. (This does not suggest that we've found them all.) The top and bottom of that scale, as well as the degrees of differentiation, were determined in this moment. By that argument, whatever determines the nature of the Universe, becomes God. Of course, the ideas of multiverses or at least multibangs cannot be ruled out. But, nonetheless, that final authority becomes God.

It need not have a personality, and therefore need not have an attitude problem. It need not speak. It need not appear in the sky to us. At this point, "God" becomes a word to express what we have no other words for--that is, the totality of existence.

Western atheists are too caught up with notions of God that other religions already find laughable. Certes, there is much to pick apart among Buddhists, and we might wonder why the Sufis bother with the Koran since attainment of the Sufi knowledge and way includes the abandonment of religious practice. But the Christians were called atheists when they first hit the scene, this because of the ridiculous proposal they offered for what God was. There might as well be no God--these people might as well be without God--since their conception of God is so warped. (Consider that a Sufi story tells us that Abraham--yes, the Abraham--was dismissed from study with a Sufi master for impatience. Impatience in the foundation of the Abramic religions? Who would have guessed?)

This Western hangup, unfortunately, seems to be troublesome to the human effort to communicate. How, for instance, to discuss the merits and drawbacks of the implications of Buddhism if one only accepts the Judeo-Christian conception of God?

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
Tiassa: Sure, and thanks for taking a look.


Yeah, well, my theory still works 'cuz, umm, well you just don't understand it! You don't understand my anologies, you impressonant rationalist!

I'll use lots of emoticons to prove you wrong! And say weird cryptic things! :D :D :D :D :D :D


Xev hun, you're not thinking this through logically. The persuit of enjoyment is only logical if what is being persued is logical.

Gotcha. But then, love is not logical. It's only superior to God in that it exists - whoops - can be shown to exist.

Thus far, I follow your logic, but humor me, I feel that there is a resolution here somewhere.....

If I felt enjoyment by believing that I'm a donkey playing in the NHL would you still call me a logical human being?

Are not many in love delusional? Perhaps not to that extent but - to use an extreme example:

"Oh, he beats me, but that is to show that he loves me".

My point being that the belief in and reverence for God is more or less the same as being in an abusive relationship.

Someone here once said that Christians were in the ultimate sadomasochistic relationship - I contend that it is worse. The Christian has no "safe word".

Their God is more like one of those abusive rednecks who beats the crap out of their wife when she does not fix dinner properly.

But I'm rambling and being offensive...
"Yeah, well, my theory still works 'cuz, umm, well you just don't understand it! You don't understand my anologies, you impressonant rationalist!"

Ah! You're right! I see the error of my ways!

"Gotcha. But then, love is not logical. It's only superior to God in that it exists - whoops - can be shown to exist.
Thus far, I follow your logic, but humor me, I feel that there is a resolution here somewhere....."

Love can be logical. Note: can be. As has been previously illustrated by Cris, love is an emotion like any other; a result of the chemical activity in our brain. You're confusing the idea of being in love with the idea of a relationship. A relationship can often take illogical turns because, frankly, the chances of two perfectly logical human beings meeting and staying together are one in a million.

How is love illogical? If it is a natural instinct in our body and has no victim, it is logical. If you are going to benefit from it more than you will loose from it, it is logical. In my view at least.

"Are not many in love delusional? Perhaps not to that extent but - to use an extreme example:"

No where near the extent. But yeah, people do become dillusional while in love. Because nothing else matters to some when they are in love.

"My point being that the belief in and reverence for God is more or less the same as being in an abusive relationship."

Not quite. There are serious psychological reasons women stay in abusive relationships often resulting from the treatment between parents in their childhood.

"But I'm rambling and being offensive..."

Keep it coming!
Ah! You're right! I see the error of my ways!

You should, you insensible athiest! You just need to understand LOVE!

You're confusing the idea of being in love with the idea of a relationship. A relationship can often take illogical turns because, frankly, the chances of two perfectly logical human beings meeting and staying together are one in a million.

No, I'm nooot.

(Gee Xev, that was brilliantly demonstrated)

Love is a chemical reaction of some sort, no? But this chemical reaction must have a trigger, correct?

Being in love implies some sort of relationship.

So how is this practically random triggering of neurochemicals logical?

How is love illogical? If it is a natural instinct in our body and has no victim, it is logical. If you are going to benefit from it more than you will loose from it, it is logical. In my view at least.

Granted. But that is rather idealized, no? In reality, love will cause both suffering and pleasure.

Not quite. There are serious psychological reasons women stay in abusive relationships often resulting from the treatment between parents in their childhood.

Yeah, I know that. Read my threads. (Stop that, Xev!)

Umm, seriously, couldn't we say the same of the devout Christian?
"You should, you insensible athiest! You just need to understand LOVE!"

Which differes from love.

"No, I'm nooot.
(Gee Xev, that was brilliantly demonstrated)
Love is a chemical reaction of some sort, no? But this chemical reaction must have a trigger, correct?
Being in love implies some sort of relationship.
So how is this practically random triggering of neurochemicals logical?"

Ever fallen in love without being in a relationship with the person? It happens. And the neurochemicals are not exactly randomly released. Certain things attract us to other people, no? And these things set off certain hormones and chemicals which in turn can lead to love chemically. What's illogical? Love plays an incredibly important part in society.

"Granted. But that is rather idealized, no? In reality, love will cause both suffering and pleasure."

To me, something can be logical if it presents a pleasure to me which outweighs the suffering to me. Love presents an oppurtunity for a pleasure which greatly outweights the suffering. It's your choice whether or not you're willing to take the risk of failing. If you don't take that risk, however, you aren't too likely to find the pleasure possible in love.

"Yeah, I know that. Read my threads. (Stop that, Xev!)
Umm, seriously, couldn't we say the same of the devout Christian?"

Hardly. And I knew you were going to ask this! Think of it like this; is it possible to 'cure' theism through therapy? Many children become theists because that's the only option they are presented with. Children become abusers/abusees because they hold resentment or hatred for their parents.
Which differes from love.


Read my posts. I'm leaving for the fifth time.

I'm back! Didja miss me?

Ever fallen in love without being in a relationship with the person? It happens.

Yup yup, but even intereacting with them constitutes some sort of connexion, even though they might not reciprocate.

And the neurochemicals are not exactly randomly released. Certain things attract us to other people, no?

Given, but is this release logical?

To me, something can be logical if it presents a pleasure to me which outweighs the suffering to me. Love presents an oppurtunity for a pleasure which greatly outweights the suffering. It's your choice whether or not you're willing to take the risk of failing. If you don't take that risk, however, you aren't too likely to find the pleasure possible in love.

*Xev grins and notes that this is reminiscent of the first conversation she had with Tyler*

Okay, given. Now, can't we say the same of the enjoyment some gain from religious devotion?

You're right.

*Pouts that Tyler has taken away her chance to be offensive*
"Yup yup, but even intereacting with them constitutes some sort of connexion, even though they might not reciprocate."


"Given, but is this release logical?"

Relative to what? Logic is something we control. If you meet someone capable of controlling all those chemicals, please tell me! Come on Xev, you know humans aren't perfectly logical beings!

"*Xev grins and notes that this is reminiscent of the first conversation she had with Tyler*
Okay, given. Now, can't we say the same of the enjoyment some gain from religious devotion?"

It is, isn't it! Yup, but remember one of my early comments......"The persuit of enjoyment is only logical if what is being persued is logical."

"You're right.
*Pouts that Tyler has taken away her chance to be offensive*"

Hehe. I'll edit it if you want!!! hehe!
Relative to what? Logic is something we control. If you meet someone capable of controlling all those chemicals, please tell me! Come on Xev, you know humans aren't perfectly logical beings!

Right, so most emotions are illogical. The decision to pursue them can be logical, if made for hedonistic reasons.

"The persuit of enjoyment is only logical if what is being persued is logical."

Is love logical?

Basically, the only truely logical pleasures would be pure sex (without real emotional attatchment), coding, chess, philosophy and science and......

Damn! I wanna live in that world!
"Right, so most emotions are illogical. The decision to pursue them can be logical, if made for hedonistic reasons."

I think I'm missing something on this whole statement. I don't understand how an emotion controlled by chemical reactions can be illogical or logical. It is simply natural. I agree that hte choice to pursue or obey these reactions can be logical or illogical however.

"Is love logical?
Basically, the only truely logical pleasures would be pure sex (without real emotional attatchment), coding, chess, philosophy and science and......"

Love is perfectly logical. It's an emotion which aids humans. Love can only be erased once all other emotions are replaced with complete logic. Until that point, people will not be okay with just fucking to reproduce. At least, I don't think so.

Love can be illogical in that two human beings may not treat the relationship logically. But blame that on the people, not hte emotion!
I think I'm missing something on this whole statement. I don't understand how an emotion controlled by chemical reactions can be illogical or logical. It is simply natural. I agree that hte choice to pursue or obey these reactions can be logical or illogical however.

Good good.

Love is perfectly logical. It's an emotion which aids humans.


Love can be illogical in that two human beings may not treat the relationship logically. But blame that on the people, not hte emotion!

Well, you know, that is just what happens when people project LOVE.....

Could we not say the same of religious sentiment?

How many women do you know that want to give birth to a child and have the father leave the next day never to return.

"Well, you know, that is just what happens when people project LOVE.....
Could we not say the same of religious sentiment?"

What, that religion is logical and theists are illogical? No. Religion has no logical basis. Where as love does.
Crap. Thanks Ty, I was wrong.

Back to the drawing board.

Edit to add:

Well, THERE is your answer Tiassa. Athiesm and love are neither incompatible nor is the choice to believe in one and experience the other arbitrary.

Athiesm still rests on its foundation of logic, and is not an arbitrary application of logic.
Love & logic & stealing bread from the mouths of decadence

Now, the pursuit of pleasure is logical enough, correct?
Why is it logical? When applied to the full range of pleasures, the idea of pursuing pleasure can be quite illogical.
So this constitutes a reason to believe.
It can. But why do I take heat when I talk about greed being a motivation? Christians are upset when I point out that faith has traditionally been a greedy appeal for salvation--the pursuit of something believed to be better at the expense of common sense and, occasionally, human dignity. I seem to have pissed off some atheists when I wondered about the trend I noticed in my own experience of objectivity being subject to greed. If greed is a natural condition, then people should realize that judgment is removed. One cannot necessarily help the natural condition. Some people aspire to transcend the natural condition, but the most common methods tend to make the purpose of this--e.g. better living--utterly moot. Having recently been accused of being greedy for saying that the individual exists for the benefit of the collective (e.g. species), I'm quite pleased to see this revelation occurring to you.
Now we have equal reasons for a certain type of person to believe as for that certain person to dis-believe, correct?

So belief is logical, for a certain type of person, no? But not for all people.
I'm with you at this point. Quite frankly, though, such a point makes the recent mocking, belittling conduct by some of our atheist posters even more disgusting. The thing is that in the practical mode, it simply comes down to Whatever gets you through. We see what happens when people do not get through: drug addiction, crime, murder.
Just as some people pursue the rather irrational emotion of love, some pursue the rather irrational belief of God. This gives them pleasure, and thus is a logical choice.
I'll go with it. But love may have an electrochemical or biological origin. God is a psychological condition, and religion generally a psychosis.

At this point, I must digress for a moment and look to a comment by Tyler: Love is perfectly logical. It's an emotion which aids humans.

You've got to be kidding me ....

It's not that I deny that love can be helpful, but we cannot leave it simply as an emotion which aids humans. It also distracts them from more important matters. By important, I mean vital. People do stupid, damaging things for love. And maybe that's not real love, but to acknowledge that is to paint a scary picture of Americans, at least. I have a joke that I approve of marriage because it's two people who would otherwise be annoying the rest of us pledging to take it out on each other hereafter.

All I want clear is that love can be harmful, too.
Yet neither gives me pleasure, thus to pursue either option would be illogical - for me!
Functionally, it's quite true.
Whether athiesm is logical or not depends on the athiest.
Perhaps, but it's not very dignified. Many a quiet atheist need not worry about such a sentiment, but of those who identify themselves as atheists, why? For what reasons are people atheists? I suppose if one is an atheist as a psychological reaction to authority issues, that I can understand. It actually comes down to a matter of my own disappointment, for whatever that may be worth. In the past I have defended atheism, a specific atheism which rested itself in objectivity and looked toward the benefit of being human. I don't see it. Atheism need not be logical, but illogical atheism need not be respected. Illogical anything need not be respected.

Once upon a time the only difference between me and an atheist was that I would use a certain few words that they would not. When put to vital issues, those I knew who identified as atheists responded quite similarly to my own reactions. When too many subjectives got in the way, so goes the tragedy of my own tale, I watched these people retreat into bleak hopelessness. I didn't do much better, but in my own retreat I simply accepted that there were ideas beyond my conception and resurrected my patchwork paganism. It was a slow process, actually. It took a couple, maybe three years. But in the end, it was largely vocabulary that separated us.

It is the atheism I used to defend alongside Sciforums' atheists. The logical atheism that has since been soundly denounced by atheists.
Athiesm still rests on its foundation of logic, and is not an arbitrary application of logic.
Y'all are getting as bad as the Christians.

The idea of atheism may rest on its foundation of logic. But it, too, draws conclusions with insufficient data. Rejecting what cannot be observed is one thing, but merely reacting to superficial concepts leaves atheism more of an identity politic than anything else.

Ne'er have I seen atheism executed according to its foundation of logic. I've seen a few people get close, and I must admit that one of our Sciforums posters has the capability to be among the most eloquent atheists I've ever known to expound on atheism--even through the occasional vitriol. But those ideas are no longer identifiably valid.

Atheism is logical if you say so, Xev. How's that for logic? ;)

I am, though, generally pleased to see you acknowledge greed (e.g. pursuit of pleasure) as you have. After I realized that, it took quite a while for the magnitude of what that meant to settle. I'm not sure it has yet. But when I was 12, I decided that, as a principle, nothing would surprise me anymore. It's come in generally quite handy. But if there's one thing that shocks and amazes me to this day, it's the things people will do in the name of the pursuit of happiness.

Before Pearl Jam there was Mother Love Bone. Be there a God in Heaven, may He rest Andrew Wood with gentlest care:
Wanna show you something like
The joy inside my heart
Seems I've been living in the temple of the dog
Where would I live, if I were a man of golden words?
And would I live, at all?
Words and music, my only tools

And on her arrival, I will set free the birds
It's a pretty time of year, and the mountains sing out loud
Tell me, Mr. Golden Words, how's about the world?
Tell me can you tell at all?
Words and music, my only tools
Let's fall in love with music
The driving force in our living
The only international language
Divine glory, the expression
The knees bow, the tongue confesses
The lord of lords, the king of kings
The king of kings

Words and music - my only tools

--Andy Wood (Mother Love Bone), Man of Golden Words
• • • • •
She be dancing by the moonlit sky
I'm talkin' to you
She be drinking all my early times
She be movin' like a butterfly
I'm just waiting on that dream - because the fast ones always ride for free

--Andy Wood (Mother Love Bone), Bone China
• • • • •
I never wanted
To write these words down for you
With the pages of phrases
Of things we'll never do
So I blow out the candle, and
I put you to bed
Since you can't say to me
Now how the dogs broke your bone
There's just one thing left to be said
Say hello to heaven

--Chris Cornell (Temple of the Dog), Say Hello 2 Heaven
• • • • •
Buying lies and stealing jokes
And laughing every time I choke
Biding all the time you took
Now I know why you've been taken
Now I know why you've been taken

So bleed your heart out
There's no more rides for free
Bleed your heart out
I said what's in it for me

--Chris Cornell (Soundgarden), Slaves & Bulldozers
Love can destroy. Andy also sang, This is my kind of love. It's the kind that moves on. It's unkind and leaves me alone.

Of course, he also sang, Some call me Georgie Boy, some call me Jesus.

Tiassa :cool:

Why is it logical? When applied to the full range of pleasures, the idea of pursuing pleasure can be quite illogical.

First, thanks for the memory! I remember that from when I was a kid!

Second, when taken to extremes, yes. Then again, said unicorns were going to die anyway, right?

But why do I take heat when I talk about greed being a motivation?

I am sorry if I exhibited such behavior - I do not recall doing such. But if so, that was damned irrational. Sorry.

I'm with you at this point. Quite frankly, though, such a point makes the recent mocking, belittling conduct by some of our atheist posters even more disgusting.

Such as....?

In any case, said conclusion was invalidated by Tyler.

In the past I have defended atheism, a specific atheism which rested itself in objectivity and looked toward the benefit of being human. I don't see it.

Remains your error.

Atheism need not be logical, but illogical atheism need not be respected. Illogical anything need not be respected.

Well nothing needs respect.

It is the atheism I used to defend alongside Sciforums' atheists. The logical atheism that has since been soundly denounced by atheists.

Perhaps in your mind this has happened, but I never saw such behaviour. It remains your interpretation of events.

Y'all are getting as bad as the Christians.

Remains your error.

The idea of atheism may rest on its foundation of logic. But it, too, draws conclusions with insufficient data. Rejecting what cannot be observed is one thing, but merely reacting to superficial concepts leaves atheism more of an identity politic than anything else.

Reacting to what superficial concepts? Christianity? One ought to react in some manner to one of the dominent religions on the planet.

And what conclusions are drawn on insufficiant data?

Ne'er have I seen atheism executed according to its foundation of logic.

Athiests are human, thus often illogical.

I've seen a few people get close, and I must admit that one of our Sciforums posters has the capability to be among the most eloquent atheists I've ever known to expound on atheism--even through the occasional vitriol. But those ideas are no longer identifiably valid.

Why not?

Atheism is logical if you say so, Xev. How's that for logic?

Not good enough. It is logical because I have shown it to be so.