Athesits are indeed HOPELESS people.

Athesits are stupid, aren't they?
Glad I'm an athiest, rather than an athesit.

There is proof that God excist, if not then I ask for proof that he doesnt excist! BECAUSE THEN MY CELL PHONE CAN GROW TO BE 20 STORIES HIGH! YOU CANT DO IT! REPENT AND ACCEPT JESUS!

I miss whatsupyall.....
Just because we can't prove god does not exist does not mean we can not have faith that god is dead as a door nail... its either that or become agnostic and spend ones time calculating the chances of god existence. My belief is that there is a reasonable chance of god/s, but at lest for me the chance that god/s gives a dam are very remote indeed! So far there has been no none testimonial/circumstantial evidence that shows god/s have done anything for us, period!
So far there has been no none testimonial/circumstantial evidence that shows god/s have done anything for us, period!

Lets take the Islamic god, Allah: this god has left his people to be out smarted and continuously taken advantage of by heathen Christians. Allah let the holy lands of Mohamed be taken away by evil Jews that continue (by modern Muslim accounts) total genocide against Muslims. One could say this is a test of faith or that “god works in mysterious ways” but sense the burden of proving one cares (or at the very lest can do something) is given to the deity and not people… well you get what I am getting at.

Also if you hate atheist your not being very Christian are you?
Originally posted by bryboru
No, you're wrong-

The third commandment: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

And secondly, "Allah almighty had sent PROPHETS to EVERY SINGLE nation in this world to guide them to the right path. "

Well nobody made up here to the little rolling hills in Ireland. And if some Celtic thug chopped this prophets head off before he could spread his devine word, why should I have to suffer the wrath of Islamic hell? That's hardly fair.
You will not suffer God's eternal hell if you believe in the ONENESS of God.

Just think about it, can MAN be God ? what kind of nonesense is that ?
Originally posted by Green_World
The Atheist position is indeed hopeless .

The believer has hope. If there is a God and there is life after death then the believer wins. If there is no God or no life after death the believer loses nothing. On the other hand, the Atheist loses badly if he wakes up to discover himself in the afterlife. In sum, if there is no afterlife both the believer and the Atheist are safe. But if there is an afterlife then the Atheist loses. The only one who can possibly lose is the Atheist.

Now the Atheist can argue that if there is no afterlife then the believer has wasted his life in false hope. I can reply that Islam gives our lives order, meaning, balance, purpose, and direction. We have hope founded on clear facts and dependable revelation from Allah.

On the other hand, it is the Atheist who is wasting his life. His life has no purpose but temporary enjoyment. But such enjoyment is always tempered by nagging doubts about whether or not life is heading in the right direction. It is the believer who lives in quiet confidence that God's promise is true.

The key, then, is to remind the Atheist that he is the only one who stands to lose. Sure he may have questions, doubts, and objections to some of the details of Islam. But rather than waste a lot of time trying to answer for the details, bring the discussion back to the fundamentals. Is there a God? Is there an afterlife? Is the Atheist secure?

Even if the Atheist has doubts it is still reasonable for him to embrace Islam.

To illustrate this fact, consider this situation. You are told that there is a speed-trap set by police to catch speeders on a certain road. Even if you doubt the information you must still act as though you believe it. You will slow down just to be on the safe side. You feel no need to start arguing that the police would never do a thing like that, or that you drove there before and never got caught speeding. In a similar sense the Atheist can simply submit in Islam although he still has doubts. Rather than argue about what he doubts he should first get on the safe side and then investigate further.

The reasonable thing, then, is for the Atheist to accept Islam right away. If he will not take this reasonable position, then why should you argue with an unreasonable person?

I will remind the atheists that even if Islam is wrong you are still safe. But if Islam is right you are in deep trouble. To use an expression, the Atheist may well be up the creek without a paddle.

"And now another song, see you later G.I., this is Hanoi Rose saying, don't believe what your government tell you, believe me, I know the true way"

The propaganda sounds so familiar.
Faith instead of knowledge because knowledge is too scary?

The Atheist position is indeed hopeless .
Well, it depends on where one chooses to focus their hope.

If, for instance, what one hopes for most is a comfortable afterlife, then yes the redemptionist proposition seems very attractive. On the other hand, if one chooses to hope for the best in this life, and furthermore work to accomplish as much of that as possible, the atheistic proposition holds great potential. Freed of the fetters of religion, an atheist has a chance to pursue the true essence of humanity. Whether or not they do so is an odds game roughly equivalent to a proclaimed Christian actually attempting to walk in the way of Christ. However, in consideration of pure potential, the atheist proposition holds great hope for a tangible result. It seems, in the face of fantasy and faith, a good investment to hope for those things which can, by their nature, come about.
Now the Atheist can argue that if there is no afterlife then the believer has wasted his life in false hope. I can reply that Islam gives our lives order, meaning, balance, purpose, and direction. We have hope founded on clear facts and dependable revelation from Allah.
As I say to any other redemptionist making the same mistake you are, that order, meaning, balance, purpose, and direction is possible all without the fantasy of seventeen virgins or some other popularly-abused notion of the afterlife.

Furthermore, it would seem to me that to hope for the afterlife presents a certain ethical conflict of interest. For God knows what is written in the hearts of men, and if one hopes for the good afterlife, God knows how that hope affects the actions of a man in life. If his faith is in exchange for redemption and eternal life, his greed will be his undoing. It would seem by that notion that the proposition of hope in redemption is a contradicting condition to itself.
The key, then, is to remind the Atheist that he is the only one who stands to lose.
The problem with that assertion is that Pascal's Wager makes redemption a conscious consideration--one is gambling in hope of a reward. God knows what is written in the hearts of men.
You are told that there is a speed-trap set by police to catch speeders on a certain road.
The comparison is marred by considerations of selective enforcement, and also the reduction of God and faith to any kind of trap. It was almost a good argumentative point, but it's hard to justify in the long run. "God is a speed trap." Tell me: why did God not design the highways to reflect the capabilities of the cars that he put upon them?
The reasonable thing, then, is for the Atheist to accept Islam right away. If he will not take this reasonable position, then why should you argue with an unreasonable person?
Don't be surprised if many atheists choose to not argue with an unreasonable person.

Do you realize that what you are proposing is that fear of punishment and hope of reward are the most compelling reasons to have faith in God?

One would think God would expect better than CYA faith.

Tiassa :cool: