Atheists... what would it take?

Nothing in life could convince me of the existence of a god, because my faith lies elseware.

Simply, the existence of an afterlife would be the only proof I would except.

I picture this:

I die.
God: "Hey Zenith, nice to see you. You haven't believed in me for 20 years, sucks for you. You know why right?"
Me: "yeah, it does kind of suck, sorry about that. Seriously though, I grew up in an age of science, you really should have pulled some old testament stuff on our asses, your popularity down there is slipping."
God: "Yeah, I know. But I gave the sacred text to give a guide for ppl to live by. But no one followed that properly. Then I sent the Messengers, my sons, and a few more people listened. Then you were supposed to realize the point of life. I sort of handed humanity the keys and you all fucked up."
Me: "But I got the point of life right?"
God: "oh yeah, you nailed it on the head, but it probably would have been an easier life if you had let me be there for you."
Me: "Perhaps."
God: "Well lets get down to business"

and the afterlife would continue as god saw fit.