Atheists... what would it take?


Believer in God
Registered Senior Member
Tell us please what exactly would have to happen *specifically* for you to believe there is a God. Don't be wishy washy... be specific. For instance, if you say "Scientific evidence." WHAT scientific evidence would do it? Etc. I'd really like to know.

This requires some thought, so WOW me with your specificity! :p

I want him to appear in any image before me and make me forever young and an ability to travel back and forth in time by my personal will. If that happens, I'll believe in god , any name he/she calls himself/herself
You see Avatar, for "him" to appear you must actually believe that this phenomena is a "him", that it has a gender even...would this be as large as.....nevermind. :p
Or if it is a "her"....:eek:
I don't believe the phenomena knows to many as "God" has any gender.
It is the soul of all gathered souls, it is the collective consciousness of all consciousnesses.
I want a pint of Cristall to appear out of the clear blue sky. Then I shall believe in your God, mmkay?

To be serious, I should like to see somthing that could not be explained any other logical way. Creationists talk of "irreducible complexity". I wish to see it.

If your God has created the universe, I would believe if I saw the fingerprints of such a creation. If your holy book, whatever it may be, is correct, I wish to see some verification.

Then I should easily believe.

"Possibly. But I like my madness. There is a thrill in it unknown to such sanity as yours." --Scaramouche
I want your god to come down to me, look me in the eye and say 'Christianity (or whatever religion you are) is correct' and then perform some miracle and promptly disappear.

At which point I would spit on the ground he stepped on.
Hm. Interesting question...but why do you care what atheists think? Atheists believe that there is no is evident in the current events that are happening...

Not that I want to sound like an Anti Semitist, but the current actions Israel are taking are contributing to my reluctance to accept that there is a god. Also, the way the US is somewhat cold toward Muslims turns me off, too.

I am not Anti Semitist or Pro Israel, nor am I Anti Muslim or Pro Muslim. I simply do not care.

If you want to know, I would reconsider if your god would make stuff a little easier to bear, and the news less appalling to watch.
Originally posted by Ekimklaw
Tell us please what exactly would have to happen *specifically* for you to believe there is a God. Don't be wishy washy... be specific. For instance, if you say "Scientific evidence." WHAT scientific evidence would do it? Etc. I'd really like to know.

First you'd need to be specific, which God do you mean?


There are many possibilities, essentially they would entail some phenomena to occur in such a way that it could be consistently repeated and be entirely unexplainable by any science and where the most reasonable hypothesis was God. The more of these consistent phenomena that occur and the longer they can be studied without alternative explanations arising, the more likely the existence of God. One would probably not be enough as the simplest explanation is that there is some natural principle at work that we simply are ignorant of.

It wouldn't be hard for me to revert back to christainity at all, if God was holy, and a loving god, not a god that randomly choses people to go to heaven or hell!

Or a god who didn't say there was free will, and then say theat not everyone can go to heaven no matter what they do!
I can see nothing which might bring me to believe in Yahway, Shiva, the Feathered Dragon, the Rainbow Serpent, Odin, or any other such fairy tale.
What would it take for me to believe in God?

God agrees to be interviewed on CNN.

Or any other direct unassailable statement by God with undisputable demonstrations of his abilities.

I see absolutely no need for him to be so indirect about his existence. The only rational explanation for something so allegedly powerful to stay so secretive is that he doesn’t exist and all the baseless rumors are from humans with over-active imaginations.

What would it take?.

All the sudden every deases known to man disappear.
The WTC towers re-appear.
All suffering of humans to disappear.
All conflicts between nations disappear.
Every human that has lived and died, to come back to this existence.

For a peanut to become an elephant.
To have "it" create a square circle.
To have "it" explain where does it come from, or what created "it".

Need I say more?.


Some of you atheists call yourself logical? How comical.
But how would you recognize logic? You've already admitted you are illogical.

Originally posted by Cris

But how would you recognize logic? You've already admitted you are illogical.


That was with relevance to my belief in God. See how you are manipulative and continue to anti-identify? Dis-crediting theists?

You made a blanket statement once again!
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Some of you atheists call yourself logical? How comical.
So, given your oft-demostrated astounding powers of logic, please tell us how we might be convinced of your god's existence.
Okay I'll sum up so far what our resident atheists say about what it would take to make them believe in God:

Avatar wants God to be like a Genie granting selfish wishes.

Xev wants to SEE something that cannot be explained logically (like what?). Wants to SEE something that is irreproducibly complex (like what?). Wants someone to PROVE the Bible is God's word (Like how?).

Tyler wants a manifestation, which he claims he would then reject.

Zero wants God to be like a dose of morphine.

Raithere avoided the question.

Ender wants God to be just as he is revealed in the Bible.

Adam says NOTHING would make him believe. (cop out)

Cris wants God to be some kind of "Larry King-David Copperfield" combination.

This is all very fascinating! Thanks for your responses.
Re: Re: Atheists... what would it take?

Originally posted by Ekimklaw

Adam says NOTHING would make him believe. (cop out)
Again, I invite you to give me an example of what might bring me to believe in elves. Sorry, I mean god.

Don't take a "cop out". Answer me.
Can no theist give me any possible way I might be convinced of the existence of their god(s)?