Atheists turn back to God?

Know of any atheists who returned to religion?

That is an issue for me. The question is are there any Atheists that do not return to some kind of faith at the appropriate time?

Can we conclude that no one dies an Atheist?:shrug:

How would we know anyway? relying strictly on human nature i know where the evidence lies.
Know of any atheists who returned to religion?

If someone has realized gods are merely myth and superstitions, what could possibly make them start believing they are not?

Clearly, if they claimed to be an atheist and then returned to religion, they probably weren't atheist to begin with. They still believed.
Well, surely there are people who have never believed in God and die in that belief.

I really don't know but it does not seem likely. When you see death approaching it is enough to make you shit your pants. Would an Atheist laying on his death bed say 'please god, give me one more chance...a miracle', i think so.
I really don't know but it does not seem likely. When you see death approaching it is enough to make you shit your pants. Would an Atheist laying on his death bed say 'please god, give me one more chance...a miracle', i think so.

That's the old, "There are no atheists in foxholes" argument. Think not.
Hey John.... interesting question. I am actually was Agnostic for years up until just a few months ago. After a couple of life changing occurences that's happened recently I must say that my views on religion have changed, drastically. I'm not here to get into a symantical arguement on the ins and outs of religions and who is right and who is wrong. I don't really care. All I know is this: There are just way too many coincidences. Is there a God? I dunno. But every once in a while I will get a feeling that perhaps there is someone out there looking out for me. Could I be wrong? Absolutely... I was born with a lack of 'faith' that most believers possess so I always assumed that there couldn't possibly be anything out there. I guess you can say I'm in limbo at this point of my life.

It's all rather confusing really:)
the only way an atheist, would become a theist again, is if they had a traumatic life changing occurence, such as a severe head trauma, something that is completely mind altering, there is no other way possible.
Sure, there is. People come to live with believers and there emotions take over, and next thing you know, they're theists again. Religion is in the heart - not the head.
Sure, there is. People come to live with believers and there emotions take over, and next thing you know, they're theists again. Religion is in the heart - not the head.

Christians always talk about 'the light of the Lord" I think its a bug zapper.
I can walk the talk, I just wouldn't believe it.
Sure, there is. People come to live with believers and there emotions take over, and next thing you know, they're theists again. Religion is in the heart - not the head.

They would be pretty weak minded to begin with if they did that, and no true atheists.. they would probably have walked around with doubts already.
Religion is in the heart - not the head.

The heart doesn't have anything to do with emotions or anything else of that nature. That would be the uhh.. head. :bugeye:

Of course you should probably be more concerned not with those that end up getting emotional and believing in nonsense but those that believed in that nonsense and then became sane. It's easy to understand why someone might get emotional and start believing, (especially on his death bed), but the other way round is not so easy and far more interesting.
You've got more chance of god showing his face, than an atheist becoming brainwashed again.
I really don't know but it does not seem likely. When you see death approaching it is enough to make you shit your pants. Would an Atheist laying on his death bed say 'please god, give me one more chance...a miracle', i think so.

If I suddenly believe in god on my death bed, it would be absolutely meaningless. Believing in god out of fear and selfishness is no good reason to believe in something impossible.
If I suddenly believe in god on my death bed, it would be absolutely meaningless. Believing in god out of fear and selfishness is no good reason to believe in something impossible.

LOL but what is a good reason to believe in something impossible ? :p
if one could argue that atheism lends itself to the direct perception that god doesn't exist, perhaps one cold ague that a real atheist never becomes a theist - since that is not possible, all the talk of how once an atheist always an atheist is no better than a lot of soccer hooligans raving about how their favorite team is going to win

as for an atheist who changed his mind

Famous Atheist Now Believes in God
One of World's Leading Atheists Now Believes in God, More or Less, Based on Scientific Evidence
The Associated Press

NEW YORK Dec 9, 2004 — A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind. He now believes in God more or less based on scientific evidence, and says so on a video released Thursday.
Know of any atheists who returned to religion?
John, you are an atheist for many many many many many thousands upon thousands of Gods.

Think you are going to suddenly start to beleive in any of them?

Probably not,

You and I will die as Atheists for most Gods (maybe you will still believe in one or two - but for most you and I will never believe in them).
