atheists stop trying to convert religious people into your godless religion.

Atheists try to convert others by any means possible, they've even written their own books and came up with their own FSM and the Invisible Pink Unicorn...they'll try anything to convert others....

You will be assimiliated! You WILL join the collective...:rolleyes:

How dare anyone question faith, religious texts and dogma! How dare anyone write those questions down! How dare anyone actually think for themselves instead of being a sheep and following what they are told to follow! Only religious books must ever be published...:rolleyes:

No one is trying to convert anyone to atheism. Atheism cannot be converted to as one would convert to a religion.

An atheist is something each person becomes as an individual. No one can be forced to no longer believe, nor can they be convinced to do so. Just as an atheist cannot be forced or convinced that there is a God.

I can't go up to a believer and tell them they must now stop believing. Kind of pathetic if you think it so.

Atheism is not a religion. We do not send out missionaries to knock on people's doors to discuss atheism and why it is 'for you'. You're all clutching at straws.
I, personally believe in not believing…it’s my faith of non-faith.
Reason be damned!!!!

I once met someone who did not believe in Ghosts.
I labeled him the believer in not believing in ghosts.
This made me feel better and it also made it seem like his skepticism, derived through critical thought and reason, was no different than my lack of skepticism derived through emotional reasoning and stupidity.

I once went to buy a car and told the salesman that I sent the money in the mail.
The guy did not trust me and so showed little faith in my words.

I told him to prove that I did not send the money in the mail…he could not.

I left with a brand new car.
I don’t know what happened to the money. It’s being metaphysically withheld because the guy was, obviously, a doubter and a sinner - serves him right to place his trust on man’s words.
The whole point was for you to look at the video on the link! This way you can understand the SARCASM!! DUH
What are qualities of "inner peace" and how do you quantify the claim that "most atheists do not have it." Please elucidate. I'm curious how a self-described "Daoist" who also admits to violating the law by keeping illegal firearms qualifies and quantifies "inner peace."

Simple. I'm an anthropologist. In order to make the term "religion" useful as a descriptor, it needs to have a useful definition. By assigning the colloquial and distinctly non-academic description of "religion" to any human activity that is done repetitively or diligently, you end up with a useless definition that can be made to fit any human activity that involves at least one person. Baseball, poker, housecleaning, reading the newspaper, and picking one's nose can, thus, be qualified as religions under your loose and un-informed definition.

I agree, wholeheartedly, that the trope of religion can be given to any human activity in order to demonstrate the participant's diligence and passion exceeds that of other, more general participants. "He person with a religious devotion in picking his nose," is a useful description in that it separates the subject from the rest of us. We know that such a person will regularly and routinely pick his nose and perhaps with great care and attention to detail. But it would be absurd to refer to his activity as an actual "religion." The term, in this case is a trope.

It may also be useful (I will readily admit) to refer to some atheists as religious in their willingness to share their opinions with others. I can accept that description as adequate and accurate of myself. But it is folly to suggest that because such tropes are useful and accurate, that they equate to actually being able to define atheism as a religion in the true sense.

The most accurate and useful definition of religion is the one that includes the perception that the participant is appeasing or appealing to a supernatural agent or agency.

Tantrums? Cursing? Please click the "report post" button on these so I can moderate these. Of course, its more likely that you're referring to those posts that dare question and criticize those deluded by various religious superstitions. If so, then, yes, rationalism does include criticism. Those that are offended by their beliefs being questioned call it "verbally attacking" and "being rude." The rational, however, consider it to be valid criticism and inquiry. The former is offended because the rational bring up salient points to which they have difficulty rationalizing. Indeed, they have only tautology, circular reasoning and complete and utter devotion to delusion to offer in their defense.

I don't believe in continually misspelling words and violating grammatical conventions just because I'm on the internet. But I'm no more "personally insulting you" about it than you did me in the preceding paragraph. Indeed, I'm quite calm about it. Moreover, what evidence do you have that I "believe in the big bang theory?" Could it be that you are making a logical fallacy by creating a strawman and an assumption that isn't relevant to the discussion?

I suspect it was other considerations and the way you said it "might not be true" that earned you bad marks in school (but then I've said I'd not insult you about your grammar and spelling, so I'll abstain from going there). But your logical fallacy continues in the belief that acceptance of the big bang as a theory for the beginning of the universe is an atheistic belief; that big bang=atheism and vice versa. Interestingly enough, the difference between those deluded by religious superstition and those who accept the big bang as the best explanation for the beginning of the universe as we currently understand it is this: those deluded by superstition admit that their doctrine cannot change -ever; those that accept the big bang admit that it might not be true and are open to new, better explanations. Indeed, the latter are even looking for them!

Ridicule and satire are valid and well-accepted forms of social critique and commentary. Look through any daily newspaper and you'll see political cartoons that satirize political decisions and failures. This is ridicule. And it is very effective. I think the problem is that you confuse my comment about 'ridicule' to include out-right "bashing" of the innocent. I'm not advocating that people approach someone with a "Jesus Saves" bumpersticker next to their silly fish and shout "ha, ha! You're a Dummy for believing that nonsense!"

I am, however, advocating strongly that it is completely appropriate to apply a Darwin Fish to the back of their car. And I find the FSM to be a fine example of parody and satire, another form of ridicule.

A wiser man still understands how to effectively use parody and satire, forms of ridicule, to illustrate the silliness of the fool.

I'm merely pointing you in directions that you might find less conflict for your "inner peace." Your baseless and inaccurate assessments that I'm a hypocrite notwithstanding, I rather hope you stay and discuss. The discussions, however, will likely be those which you claim to dislike to read.

firstly dont take everything personal, this thread is not directed at you so you cannot take it personaly. i have never said "all" atheists, i said "many".
inner peace has nothing to do with guns :). personal protection gives me inner peace sometimes .

maybe religion is a broad term and we are not seeing eye to eye on the definition. as a group of people with the same belief system and way of life, following the same rule and faith that when you die there is no heaven and afterlife, and there is no god, to me is a type of religious mindset, i would call pagonism a religion also, maybe you wouldent and fair enough i respect that, and maybe it cannot describe atheism as a whole, this is true and i can agree, but i am also if you read my OP not putting all atheists in the same basket.

and i was not accusing you personaly of throwing tantrums, but i am accusing many atheists of throwing them, i could quote and paste some if you dont believe it? but i think we both know that is not needed and have seen it many times on the forum. as i said before do not take every sentance personaly, because this is not directed at a single person, you may be very polite in debate but many who share your beliefs are unfortunatly not the same,

and insulting me through polite coyness is fine with me, as you might notice i do not pride myself in grammer punctuation or spelling errors as i do not read through my own posts to correct myself, i do not use correct grammer in some situations on purpose, as shocking as it may sound i do know how to produce capital letters use periods/full stops hyphenate and use apostrophies, but all i do is use the odd dot to break down sentances so peole can read it, but i do admit to not bieng the best at spelling :).

finaly i am not treading down your use of ridicule, although parody and ridicule are not the only way to win a debate,

you seem to be taking everything a bit personal when i am addressing atheists in mass not individuals, read my original post for conformation if you have forgotten.

ps, i get the impression some people think i believe in god and am religious. well my retort is sorry i am not, i keep an open mind and am not that quick to think i know the mystery of the universe, i am neutral in the god camp. maybe maybe not who am i to say about such matters?

maybe religion is a broad term and we are not seeing eye to eye on the definition. as a group of people with the same belief system and way of life, following the same rule and faith that when you die there is no heaven and afterlife, and there is no god, to me is a type of religious mindset,
There is no BELIEF SYSTEM for atheism.
Atheism is just "I do not have a belief in God".
It covers a vast array of people WITH and WITHOUT differing belief systems. The only common thing is a lack of belief in God.

i would call pagonism a religion also
As would pagans. :rolleyes:

ps, i get the impression some people think i believe in god and am religious. well my retort is sorry i am not, i keep an open mind and am not that quick to think i know the mystery of the universe, i am neutral in the god camp. maybe maybe not who am i to say about such matters?
Which would make you an atheist. Congratulations on admitting it.
i am neutral in the god camp.

Hate to disagree with you Sarkus, the above would make him agnostic wouldn't it?

An agnostic is a intellectual coward, the decision of god is not only one of knowledge but also of acceptance, does one accept the assumptions of theist or does one deny them, do to lack of any credible evidence that such an entity exists, the agnostic is afraid to make a choice, one either accepts an assertion or does not, one can't just claim, (I don't know) when one is simply asking do you or don't you believe in X. Taking the middle ground is a cowardly move so others don't judge as "atheist" nor completely theistic, just an unsure, confused, individual or that the truth may never be known.

At the time Huxley coined the word "agnostic" it was a way to separate himself from religious rhetoric, and yet make himself appear to not discredit religious assertions, thus he apparently doubts god exists, but cowardly to admit it, for being prosecuted by religious nuts of his day!
Hate to disagree with you Sarkus, the above would make him agnostic wouldn't it?
Undoubtedly also an agnostic, yes.

Theism / Atheism is a different aspect to religion than Agnosticism, and the two can be combined. They are not just differing points on the same line.
One is about belief (and only about belief) and the other is about knowledge.

I am an Agnostic Atheist.
My atheism is reached primarily through my agnosticism.

I appreciate that many consider Agnosticism the "middle ground" between theism and atheism - but it really isn't - especially when you accept that Atheism is "an absence of positive belief in God".

If Atheism only meant "I believe that God does not exist" then okay - I'd be happy to take Agnosticism as the middle ground.

But Atheism doesn't just mean that.
Atheism is merely an absence of the positive belief in God - whether you have a positive belief in God's non-existence or not.

My point in considering him an Atheist was in part to try and demonstrate how the term ATHEISM should not automatically be associated with the "strong atheism" of the "belief in non-existence" camp.
The majority of atheists are "weak atheists" - the "non-belief in existence" camp.
And the majority of these weak atheists are also agnostics.

I guess we could argue about what "Atheism" really means (strong .v. weak etc) and thus where Agnosticism fits, but that's a different thread entirely. :)
I guess we could argue about what "Atheism" really means (strong .v. weak etc) and thus where Agnosticism fits, but that's a different thread entirely.

Surely and I think we've done that here a few times already. I've said it before, we are all unaware of the existence of such entity or not, thus atheism on my part is not about knowledge it's about denying theist's assumptions. All else breaks down to merely semantics and what new meanings we have given to the word. I've never had heard of "weak/strong atheist" till I came here to Sciforums, however for reasons that make sense to me, I'm with you on being a 'weak atheist' cause the strong atheist stance leaves him/her exactly where the theist stance is, an assumption that such asupreme entity is knowable and that it does exists, while the strong atheist not only denies it's existence but by claiming so, it's asserting he/she knows what god is!
My belief in unbelieving is versatile.

When told to believe in what I do not see or another can provide no rational evidence, my skepticism becomes my faith.
Hate to disagree with you Sarkus, the above would make him agnostic wouldn't it?

An agnostic is a intellectual coward, the decision of god is not only one of knowledge but also of acceptance,
At the time Huxley coined the word "agnostic" it was a way to separate himself from religious rhetoric, and yet make himself appear to not discredit religious assertions, thus he apparently doubts god exists, but cowardly to admit it, for being prosecuted by religious nuts of his day!

Hold on a second there, Cochese. I'm agnostic. I doubt that God exists too but I have no problem letting anyone know my beliefs. If a theist tries to give me shit about it, he/she can go f-him/herself.
I think religion is a big crock of shit, but on the flipside, who's to say that a supernatural deity of some sort doesn't exist? It's possible, albeit unlikely. I do think we were intelligently designed (even if it was by an advanced race of extraterrestrials (like the plot in 'Mission to Mars')). We are too complex and intelligent to not have been. I sternly believe in evolution as well, but that had to start somewhere too. I find it wierd that life would just sprout up out of nothing.
There is no BELIEF SYSTEM for atheism.
Atheism is just "I do not have a belief in God".
It covers a vast array of people WITH and WITHOUT differing belief systems. The only common thing is a lack of belief in God.

As would pagans. :rolleyes:

Which would make you an atheist. Congratulations on admitting it.

implicit or explicit atheism is the only difference between atheists, it kinda seems like it might be a new religion in the future to me, with collection plates preachers churches and all :).

seen that southpark episode "go god go"?

Hate to disagree with you Sarkus, the above would make him agnostic wouldn't it?

An agnostic is a intellectual coward, the decision of god is not only one of knowledge but also of acceptance, does one accept the assumptions of theist or does one deny them, do to lack of any credible evidence that such an entity exists, the agnostic is afraid to make a choice, one either accepts an assertion or does not, one can't just claim, (I don't know) when one is simply asking do you or don't you believe in X. Taking the middle ground is a cowardly move so others don't judge as "atheist" nor completely theistic, just an unsure, confused, individual or that the truth may never be known.

At the time Huxley coined the word "agnostic" it was a way to separate himself from religious rhetoric, and yet make himself appear to not discredit religious assertions, thus he apparently doubts god exists, but cowardly to admit it, for being prosecuted by religious nuts of his day!

hey thats kinda harsh dont you think?. i wouldent call myself a coward for staying neutral. i am not an athiest i am not a theist, i am a daoist (well i try to be but sometimes i fail).

if i find true reason to one day say "hey i know there is no god," then i will be an athiest like you guys, and if one day i find a true reason to say "hey i know there is a god," then i will turn to religion, but for now in the words of cartman, screw you guys, im going home,
