Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

This was written in response to a theist crying about non theists attacking theists.!

Do you want a free ride to abuse whomever you like?
Is reciprocity not fair play?
Is fighting brain washing with brainwashing not fair?

To suggest that non theist should not fight what is demonstrably evil is to ask good men to do nothing while evil is allowed to grow.

Religions have persecuted the non religious and now bitch when thinking people show that faith without facts is for fools and that theists theologies do not hold water.

Faith is defined as a firm belief in something for which there is no proof.

Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.
Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.
Martin Luther

What is more valuable?
A belief that has nothing to back it up or a belief based on reason, logic and proofs?

As to non believers persecuting someone with belief, this does not happen from what I can see. Ridicule, yes. Humor, yes. Logic and reason, yes. Anger when illogical answers are given, yes.

I see this from the POV of a religionist in the non believer camp because I cannot abide by what other religionists are doing. Bottom line. Persecution is demonstrably a religious tool. Not a non believers tool.

Non theist engage theists, not for any negative reasons, but only from what most non believers see as their duty to their fellow man against divisive tribal forces, led by absentee Gods with demonstrably poor morals.

Do believers really believe that non believers let evils like you see below grow?

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

Not if atheists and non believers of all stripes maintain their social conscious and duty to their fellow man. That same social conscience that is lacking in far to many black theist hearts. Non theists are the ones fighting for the protection of children’s minds, fighting the denial of equality for women and fighting to end theist persecution of Gays.

If you as a theist do not recognize what non believers and those of faith who come against you do so for benevolent purposes, then your dogmas, indoctrination and brainwashing has blinded you the same way you want to blind your children. This is from one who is not an atheist but one of your own who has rejected your views for a more sane and moral one.

You are calling good evil and evil good as you embrace your genocidal son murdering God who, with his pocket full of miracles, could have taken the moral high ground instead of usurping Satan’s role as the most evil entity known to man.

Theist and religions are going down for the count. Sane and moral people are onto you so you may as well get used to crying and complaining and bitching because your days are numbered.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

God said that the high would be brought low and the low high.
Religion has been flying high, drunk with the power of their tyrannical Gods and putting fear of a non existent God in in the hearts of sane men to quiet them. There are finally enough sane people around who will not stand by and let your evil grow and you will be put down soon just as you deserve.

Beware persecution for sure theists. Take heart though. The hearts of those you have persecuted for so long are not near as blood thirsty or black as yours. Those against you do not have tyrannical leaders. They follow men of integrity. A word that you can never apply to your pedophile protecting proctors.

You can thank non believing men and atheist for this and not your pathetic immoral Gods.

This from this religionist who is sickened by his own fellow religionists who have rejected logic and reason for the faith of fools and belief in fantasy, miracles and magic.

If ever there is a case for diametric ideological opposites operating out of practically identical general principles, I think you will find it in Greatest I Am's posts ....
this op was fantastic and spot-on by cutting 'through' the malarky.

Note that the one just above you saw it differently.
Then again, you though of the issue while his focus was me.

This is for him.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

Note that the one just above you saw it differently.
Then again, you though of the issue while his focus was me.

This is for him.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

Are you talking about Birch's praise of your person?
Non-theists of various kinds are people too.
It's high time the theists learn this.

They know we are people but think we are bad people because we are not to judge their God.
The same God that they have judged good.
They can judge yet we cannot.

Nothing like a nice level playing field.

Faith is defined as a firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
faith is belief in something for which you have no firsthand experience.
you, yourself, put faith in a lot of things, and people, without even realizing it.
think about that the next time you decide to denounce it.
faith is belief in something for which you have no firsthand experience.
you, yourself, put faith in a lot of things, and people, without even realizing it.
think about that the next time you decide to denounce it.

yes, and it's often a mistake to do so as we learn from life experience.

it has been repeated many times on this forum that the problem isn't faith that there might be a god but the insistence that it's a fact.
yes, and it's often a mistake to do so as we learn from life experience.

it has been repeated many times on this forum that the problem isn't faith that there might be a god but the insistence that it's a fact.
and what of the insistence that everything can be materially reducible, life arises from matter and religion has a basis in imagination ... or don't you have a problem with those "facts"?
They know we are people but think we are bad people because we are not to judge their God.
The same God that they have judged good.
They can judge yet we cannot.

Nothing like a nice level playing field.


I suppose passive aggressiveness isn't going to get us very far.