Atheists please answer this

Most of them, especially the conservative ones.

because they believe in [insert your critreia]?
because they "believe" period?

as LG said, atheists are dumber for not "believing"..if that's your argument.

limiting your life to the scientific method is as inane as it sounds..even to a scientist.
Now, if you want to talk evidence, then explain where the source of consciousness lies in the universe, or in matter?
I need not be advanced enough to ascertain the exact function of consciousness, or of its physical drive component structure, to know for certain it is "connected to the matter" of the human units it is associated with.
To elaborate further is fanciful conjecture. I dare not go there with you. It might be unhealthful and contagious.

Your further conjecture:

As conscious beings we have the ability to maintain something, without
having to be completely emersed in it.
You are immersed in something so dense, you cannot visualize clearly enough to communicate its dynamics to me. Come back after some retrospect and education, and try again.

If the cosmic microwave background is an "intelligent signature imprint", then the data will be coaxed out as such. Or it will not.
If the CMB is a "braking FTL object", skipping briefly upon a Planck-sized Zero-point--creating the universe in it's wake...then the data will be coaxed out as such. Or it will not.

Building a religion on conjecture is putting the cart before the horse. Count me out...and please cough in the other direction.


I need not be advanced enough to ascertain the exact function of consciousness, or of its physical drive component structure, to know for certain it is "connected to the matter" of the human units it is associated with.

"connected", and "asociated".
What are you suggesting?

To elaborate further is fanciful conjecture. I dare not go there with you. It might be unhealthful and contagious.

You've already gone there, by using the above terminologies.
Best grab the paracetemol.

Your further conjecture:

jan said:
As conscious beings we have the ability to maintain something, without
having to be completely emersed in it.

You are immersed in something so dense, you cannot visualize clearly enough to communicate its dynamics to me.

Are you familiar with the description 'second nature'?

Come back after some retrospect and education, and try again.

Come back when you have unlearned shit, and can see that the trees
are what make the forest. :rolleyes:

If the cosmic microwave background is an "intelligent signature imprint", then the data will be coaxed out as such. Or it will not.
If the CMB is a "braking FTL object", skipping briefly upon a Planck-sized Zero-point--creating the universe in it's wake...then the data will be coaxed out as such. Or it will not.

Now put that into context.

Building a religion on conjecture is putting the cart before the horse. Count me out...and please cough in the other direction.

Building a religion is conjecture.

thats right..Q is your spouse..right?
this reeks of Q..

It reeks of education.

It reeks of dictionary.

Q is educated, and and I'm pretty certain Q has a dictionary.

I have never met Q. Just because you are semi literate, and Q may have made this point before, doesn't mean there is any relationship between Q and I.

It's pretty infantile to suggest one, actually.
First point, Darwinism is as you point out a very limited explanation that leaves a lot unanswered.

depends on how you look at it - it doesnt account for things outside of the scope of the theory - like electromagnetism, or gravity for example - but within the scope of what it sets out to explain it is very comprehensive.

Second point, Occam's razor is not a scientific proof.

Correct, but it is part of the methodology of science, without it science is prone to become pseudo-science.
That which is not required in order to explain something can be safely excluded until such a time when the explanatory or predictive capacity of a theory cannot progress without its inclusion.
So far god is not needed to explain the process of evolution, or any other natural process.
Now whether this is adequate justification for unbeleif is another matter - for some people like Richard Dawkins it is - but there are plenty of scientists who have no problem in reconciling beleif in a personal god with a determination that the theory of evolution is correct.

Also, saying that it might have occurred without a guiding hand does not prove there was no such hand.

quite right - an absence of evidence does not necessarily mean evidence of absence.
However, the universe that we observe today - one which appears to operate completely autonomously from any invisible guiding hand, on (mostly / superficially) simple rules - does stand at odds with the god or gods described in the various holy books of the world - namely a god who regularly manifests itself or interfers, performs miracles, takes a personal role in daily events etc.
Either it is a shocking co-incidence that these various manfestations of the work of your god of choice have decreased over the last 200-or-so years in direct corelation to the rate at which we have developed naturalistic explanations to how things operate, or god just happens to have chosen this exact time to hit the autopilot button on the universe, nipped off for a little break and will be right back in her firery chariot to get back to the job of dragging the sun across the sky every day some time in the next century or so.
So the point as to whether god takes a personal involvement in the running of the universe is a moot one - we cant detect it, we cant measure it - so to all intents and purposes it isnt there in any real sense.
Furthermore, you can replace the word "god" in the "you cant prove that evolution is not guided by god" sentence, by any deity or supernatural entity you like (or more probably quite a few that you don't like), and there's no genuinely demonstrable reason why your god is a better candidate than anyone elses. But ulitmately it gets us nowhere as the point isnt testable.

There are no plausible explanations for the origin of life from matter, only guesses and speculations, certainly not evidence.

actually there is some pretty good work being done

there's a lovely simple demo here:
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I cannot prove that there is no God, but as with most things in science apart from physics and math, proof is not necessary, only to show something is true beyond a reasonable doubt. I can show that beyond a reasonable doubt, there is no God as described in the Judeo/Christian/Islamic tradition. Such a God is said to be actively involved in this world, changing things, influencing events. If he didn't interact with the physical world, he couldn't change anything. Anything observable is within the realm of science. God is not beyond the reach of science, in fact there have been some science experiments to investigate certain aspects of theism, particularly prayer.

Some evidence that the Christian God does not exist:
1. Prayer doesn't work in rigorously designed studies.
2. Bad things happen to good people.
3. Creationism is false.
4. Religious people aren't any more good than non-religious people.
5. Religious texts are self-contradictory.
6. Religious texts show evidence of being written and rewritten by many authors, in contrast to the myth of their origins.
7. No reliable evidence for miracles.
8. No evidence that religious texts contain knowledge that could not have been known at the time they were written.
9. Religious texts promote immoral behavior.
10.The universe is not fine-tuned for life.

Even the supernatural is within the realm of scientific study. It's just that there isn't any evidence for the supernatural yet.

I don't know if I missed some earlier posts but I'll start here.

Some evidence that the Christian God does not exist:
1. Prayer doesn't work in rigorously designed studies.

Those rigorously designed studies are offensive to God and he avoids them. People who participate in them cannot expect God to take them seriously.

2. Bad things happen to good people.

So? That does not disprove God.

3. Creationism is false.

I don't care about all of the details and proofs of the creationists, but there is no scientific evidence to prove that God did not get the whole thing started. That whole topic is beyond science, there is no evidence or proof and we cannot recreate the conditions to study them empirically..

4. Religious people aren't any more good than non-religious people.

How do you know? I just read a book by a man who converted to Christianity while in prison. He wrote how Christian groups came in from the outside to help and encourage prisoners, even providing them with a banquet of home cooked food, a real treat after prison fare. I never heard of atheists going into prisons to help people, and giving them copies of Darwin's books to give them guidance.

5. Religious texts are self-contradictory.

Do you read them as they were meant to be read? Contradictions have resolutions. Give me one contradiction and I'll give you an example.

6. Religious texts show evidence of being written and rewritten by many authors, in contrast to the myth of their origins.

That is speculation,many believe otherwise, there is unity of authorship.

7. No reliable evidence for miracles.

Miracles by definition are rare and do not submit themselves to being studied.

8. No evidence that religious texts contain knowledge that could not have been known at the time they were written.

That depends on the date of authorship. Yes,if you accept later dates, no if you acept earlier dates. This is outside of the realm of science.

9. Religious texts promote immoral behavior.

So does Darwinsm - people are just animals. The teachings of Christ do not in any way promote immoral behavior, they condemn it and call us to a very high level of ersonal ethics.

10.The universe is not fine-tuned for life.

Many people say otherwise. If we were a bit farther from the sun or closer, to give only one example, life aswe know it would not be possible.

You have given debatable arguments, not scientific evidence or proof.
We do know that the early universe was small, far too small to contain the information necessary for a God to exist, since information is limited by certain physical constraints. Since God is said to be complex, he could not have existed then. He could have come later, as a result of an evolutionary process, but then, that doesn't fit with the mythology.

That argument makes no sense whatever.

1. No one knows what was there in the first beginnnings.
2. No one has ever believed in or preached a God that could not exist until enough information was present. You are not refuting any kind of God known tothe three major religions.
3. God is not limited by physical constraints, he is above and beyond them.
4. Who says God is so complex he could not exist until a certain amount of information was present? This is pure speculation on your part, without a shred of empirical justification.
Where is your evidence he rose from the dead? Anecdotal evidence doesn't count, since people are subject to delusions and insanity.

Where is the evidence that he didn't?

We have left the laboratory far behind. Your test tubes, miscroscopes, and telescopes won't help you here.

There is internal evidence in the hearts of those to whom Christ has revealed himself, but that falls outside of your self-imposed criteria so you can easily dismiss it.
There is no evidence that God is guiding evolution, thus no logical reason for the claim.

There is no evidence to claim God is guiding evolution, but there is no evidence to prove he is not. That was the point of this thread. If a theistic evolutionist says evolution is a fact but it works as it does as god is guiding it, you may not like the idea but your rejection is based on something other than cold and calculated study of empirical evidence.
And there's no evidence to refute my claim that the elf living in my kitchen cupboard created your "god".
What's your point?

My point is that saying "There is no God" is a personal decision based on many things, many factors, but not on empirical evidence or plain and simple fact.
i like the way you are communicating joe,very informative..cudo's

um..he can work outside them too, only we argue with it and say there is no proof..

These are important questions and merit careful consideration.

Right, there is no proof. This branches out into another topic - the limitations of proof. There really is very little we can prove.
So what?
Being "caught up" doesn't mean you've actually provided satisfactory (or even rational) answers.
Don't tell me that's what you're assuming. :rolleyes:

Edit: or even answered all the points raised.
Presumably then, by "caught up" you simply mean you've managed to get the first post on page 7.
Wow! Kudos. I'm impressed.

Just a reminder to myself - not that I answered every point to your satisfaction of course, just a short note jotted off in haste to remind myself of where to start next.
I just did, the early universe was too small to contain any information about the subsequent complexity. God as a theory proposes to explain complexity by positing that it exists within the complex mind of God, and yet complex things could not have existed at T=0.

1. You have no idea of what the universe was like at the beginning.

2. You fail to distinguish between the physical creation and the creator. If the Creator existed before the physical creation, then he would not be dependent on it in any way.

Physical things need a beginning, but God is spirit and hence outside of all of your materialistic conceptions.