Atheists have faith in things too.

Yes really.
I'd like everyone to be more precise, logical & clear about everything all the time! (Well, except for joking)
Belief or not in some supernatural things is unrelated to being an atheist. An atheist may believe in reincarnation or ghosts or whatever as long as they don't believe in gods.
Our language isn't precise enough for this. Some have shown how trust & faith are different but others won't accept it. Without something which I call trust, 99% of people could not function. This is yet far different from faith in gods.
I have not been privy to the discussion about faith not being the same as trust. Without any knowledge of it, my only comment would be that faith in the existence of God does not necessarily mean trust in God. Faith, by definition, is belief in something without evidence. I have black sneakers. I ask you now to make a decision. Do you trust me enough to have faith in my statement? You have no way to verify if I have sneakers at all. If you lack faith in my statement, because you do not trust me, does that detract from the truth of my statement, if it is true?