Atheists and maybe some open minded theists

Funny light hearted thread

OK, without getting bitchy, as this is a light hearted thread, suppose you had to pick a religion to join (for what ever reason just say you HAD to pick one). I'm not saying you had to beleive in it but you had to join it and participate in all of the religous festivals, functions, requirements, etc....

Which one would you pick? Why?
Darwinism :p
Probably Jainism. By definition, the more fanatical and zealous a Jain becomes, the more pacifist he is. Jainist extremists walk into crowded public places and commit random acts of kindness.
Although, I've always held a fascination and admiration with Native American shamanism. I even "bought" the "rites to pour" sweat ceremonies and have probably conducted a dozen or so in the Crow tradition. I've also participated in other Crow and Plains Indian ceremonies like Pipe Ceremonies, Talking Feather Circles, and various rites of passage related to the vision quest. That was years ago.....
Probably Jainism. By definition, the more fanatical and zealous a Jain becomes, the more pacifist he is. Jainist extremists walk into crowded public places and commit random acts of kindness.

You do realise you'll have to give up all meat, including eggs, as well as anything that grows underground? You'll be too faint with hunger to feel violent! j/k :D
Not if I hide my indulgences and only molest a tuna on rye or an occasional NY strip when already alone for other reasons but rejoice in the sin-free pleasures of tofu, raw fruit, and rice when in mixed company.

Hmm... tofu.... do soy beans grow under or above ground. Hopefully below ground. I hate tofu.
Although, I've always held a fascination and admiration with Native American shamanism. I even "bought" the "rites to pour" sweat ceremonies and have probably conducted a dozen or so in the Crow tradition. I've also participated in other Crow and Plains Indian ceremonies like Pipe Ceremonies, Talking Feather Circles, and various rites of passage related to the vision quest. That was years ago.....
Ah, this explains the name. I found it an odd name for someone who seemed to be a rationalist atheist.....
I would choose Eastern Orthodoxy Christianity. I am a Baha'i, but I find Eastern Orthodox tradition intensely beautiful, and their doctrines reasonable and acceptable.
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I choose TLC.


Natural shamanism. The idea of animals for spirit guides is awesome.
M*W: I couldn't agree more. My understanding of Native American Spirituality is more about nature and man's place in nature than worshipping an understood monotheistic god. I just love those animal spirit guides. They're so warm and fuzzy!
Definitely Paganism - the mythology and symbolism is awesome. Maybe even Wicca, although it seems to be a bit of a manufactured religion.