Atheists and maybe some open minded theists


Valued Senior Member
Funny light hearted thread

OK, without getting bitchy, as this is a light hearted thread, suppose you had to pick a religion to join (for what ever reason just say you HAD to pick one). I'm not saying you had to beleive in it but you had to join it and participate in all of the religous festivals, functions, requirements, etc....

Which one would you pick? Why?


IF you happen to be theist AND you think you can pick a different religion other than your own - then state the one you are and the one you would pick to join and why you would pick this one to join (yes it must be different than yours).

NOTE2: I haven't made up my mind but for now I am thinking of 4.
Well, I an animist/pagan/pantheist....

Either sufism for the dancing or maybe a very folk level Hindiusm. Great colors, I like the chanting and a parade behind an elephant-headed god is something I could look forward to.
Is Rasta a religion ?

I could handle Pagan but the Scientologist apparently all make alot of money ?

Hmm that is a tough one, which one guaranteed virgins in the afterlife or was it just an afterlife ?

Let me think about it some more. I'll get back to ya.
I'd have to say New Age.

I like the easy going attitude towards sex and drugs, pick and choose mentality which let's you enjoy a wide range of religious activities. Also they have cool religious trappings and some decent chill music if you avoid the whale stuff.
I'd have to say New Age.

I like the easy going attitude towards sex and drugs, pick and choose mentality which let's you enjoy a wide range of religious activities. Also they have cool religious trappings and some decent chill music if you avoid the whale stuff.

That's not a religion, it's a collection of pathetic excuses for indulgence.
On which religion to follow, easy, Asatru, as there are no practices, but I already say 'Hail Thor!' while drinking beer anyway.
What religion isn't pathetic excuses for something or other?

Well, most repress indulgences, and do not attempt to dress them up with some spiritual bullshit, a la new age bullshit. 'New Age' isn't a religion, it's a disparate, incoherent collection of bullshit. Religions are clearly defined repressive bullshit.
I already did that, I picked Islam when I was thinking about which religion I felt most aligned with my personal philosophy. If I had to pick another, it would be reform Judaism, its the next closest to my beliefs. I dislike too much ceremony and prefer a more customised, individualised belief system, so while others are fun for a while, they don't appeal to me as a personal philosophy.
You are not in it for the fun, are you ?

No, I don't base my personal philosophy on fun. I'm the dull, plodding type. I read books and watch the news for fun. Its why I never take anything too seriously :D
I would have to go with rastafarianism, if my current religion wasn't the way it is.
it most definitely is a religion, they pray to "Jah" (God).
they smoke pot, which completely justifiable by what is said in the holy bible.

"He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man." yee
its all here