Spidergoat, I agree with you about the too many way that the word "god" have been used to refer to but what is the problem if someone say to you that reality (as you descibed) is for him what he call "god"?
It is in fact a common belief for theists. I would say that theists that belief in this kind of god would be equivalent (if not the same) as atheist who believe like you in a inefable reality.
Why not agree?
It does not imply that you are a theist more than implying than theist are atheist. It is just the same belief. (which personnaly I would agree too)
Note about the word: universe
It seems that this word refers to what we observe in other word to what we can describe (galaxies, electrons, molecules, dogs...), while reality as you defined is something we cannot express.
off the top of my head.i am part of other people's reality.but to the "deep" I,I am only part of reality as a lens that distorts the information it is given.
Are you talking of a subjective reality when you refere to other people's reality?. If your deep "I" is only a lens, who is the observer?
,reality is all that exists.
I agree if you define existence as what is in reality but do you think that it does not say anything?
shouldnt this be in philosophy section?
I do not think so, I want to hear from atheist because of the often forgotten fact that they also have believes. And also as the discussion with spidergoat suggest, the atheist and theist are in fact not so different.
There are quite a few of those, with some considerable differences between them.
Which ones did you have in mind ?
I want to know all of them
Are you sure that question exists ? If I were to point out that descriptions of reality exist both with and without the inclusion of an "I" as part of them, how should that question be answered ?
good remark, that's why I think it is not correct to say that reality is what we observe, reality is beyond that, and I join spidergoat for that. It is why I ask the question: to show the fallacy of this kind of view
From the atheist perspective of a disbelief in theist claims then the atheist would not find the theist concept that God represents reality a credible proposition.
So you are close to any agreement?
What else atheists might consider reality will likely have an unlimited number of alternative and potentially conflicting perceptions and in many cases no perception at all. Since there is no atheist agenda outside of a disbelief in gods then having a multitude of perceptions is dubious.
For the theist their god is reality, or that reality is defined by that god. Nothing more need be said.
Outside of a theist paradigm reality could be defined many ways.
What if reality is defined as something inefable (as spidergoat, an atheist pointed out)? would god be a good word as the word reality is?
In this case I do not see why atheist refuse the theist claim that god has to exist (meaning: a reality (behind our false/partial perception) has to exist.
Please forgot the fight between atheist and theist (I agree that there are theists who believe in a external god but here I am talking about particular theist that believe in a god as a transcendental reality (Kant's noumena))
Indeed - below is a theist's notion of reality which differs very little from my own
why is there an assumption from you (Ronan) that I must see reality in any way that's different from a theist? - its my perception of UNREALITY that's likely to differ - and even then only very slightly as I only beleive in 1 less unreal entity than you do
I do not assume that you must see reality differently tahn a theist I finaly want to show you that for many theist the word god signify what atheist refers to when using the word reality.
They are then the same, these kind of theist, atheist are both realist and not anti-realist.
The "a" of a-theist is then misleading (for this kind of atheist that believe in the existence of a inefable reality) because they are not "anti"- realist.