Atheist Realism?

put down the thread and walk away,ronan is deeply deeply into will only end up tearing your hair out and killing yourself and everyone around you.

Ronan keeps telling others to thjink but shpows little sign of doing so himself. It's not simply about semantics.

He first suggests that we may all be dreaming without being aware that we are doing so.

He trotally ignores the alternative that we are not always dreaming because he will have no case if he does so.

He says something cannot come from nothing and then tells uis that consciousness/god always existed. He has yet to explain this contradiction.

The above instances do not hinge on semantics. It all boils down to Ronan speculating to begin with and continuing to argue as if that speculation were fact. In doing so he is failing to consider other possibilities.

I do not expect to get anywhere with him but I am considering the possible effect on impressionable youngsters who may be persuaded by his stupid statements. I cannot call them arguments because he never offers reasons for his statements. It's invariably a question of inviting us to agree with him on his say-so.

Having said that I will now say adios to him because I find him tiresome.
You miss the point. Dreaming can be recognized by a particular brain state as measured in the laboratory. A waking state can also be measured. So we have two distinct brain states to consider. If you claim the people observing the dreamer are, themselves, dreaming, then you must explain why two different brain states equate to dreaming. You have not done so.
You make again and again the same mistake, why you are still using experiences (sighting of people, experiment, brain...) while you know that this experiences are at issue here!
I told you many times:
You cannot know that you are dreaming or not because all your evidences have to come from experiences (which are maybe a dream)
Your whole argument about dreaming is no more than metaphysical sspeculation. Why not assume we are not always dreaming, a statement which fits the observable facts better than your vague, unsupported claim ?
You can always assume but it is not a proof (what at issue here)
You claim something cannot come from nothing, so where did god/consciousness come from . You say they are eternal, so you need to explain why they are an exception to your rule.Why is it self-evident that reality is eternal ? I take it you are now lumping god, consciousness and reality together.
You really don't understand the point:
if something cannot come from nothing then something has to come from something so the reality has to be always there (because else you will say that there was nothing sometime, but it is impossible because we know that there is something and because something cannot come from nothing, there could never be nothing! So reality is eternal!
And yes I told you that I refer to the same thing when i use the words "consciousness" (As opposed to individual consciousness), "god", and "conscious reality" but I prefer the word god in some sense because of all ancient text who describe it poetically.

But don't forget that the point was that reality has to be conscious!!
And do you believe in that?
No because you did not understand my argument.
Instead you believe that you are not dreaming but you cannot prove that :p

What couldn't the universe be eternal ?
What is the universe for you? electron? galaxies? humans? bananas? dogs? Is it reality for you ?
He first suggests that we may all be dreaming without being aware that we are doing so.

He trotally ignores the alternative that we are not always dreaming because he will have no case if he does so.
You should emphasize that my point is that we are MAYBE dreaming.
Your alternative does not change anything because we are maybe dreaming that we are dreaming. It happens as well in so called real dream. and even if it never hapenned (for me it happens once) maybe we are in a dream where it happens.

He says something cannot come from nothing and then tells uis that consciousness/god always existed. He has yet to explain this contradiction.
It is not a contradiction it is on the contrary self evident:
1)something exist
2) something cannot come from nothing
=> something has always existed
The above instances do not hinge on semantics. It all boils down to Ronan speculating to begin with and continuing to argue as if that speculation were fact. In doing so he is failing to consider other possibilities.
Which other possibilities?
That you are not dreaming?
can you prove it? NO!
And look back in the thread my point on dreaming was only against naive realism.
because anyway reality is not directly accessible by our perceptions. that's why we see things differently: subjective view is not reality.

I do not expect to get anywhere with him but I am considering the possible effect on impressionable youngsters who may be persuaded by his stupid statements. I cannot call them arguments because he never offers reasons for his statements. It's invariably a question of inviting us to agree with him on his say-so.
I only used logic and you could not even give a argument against it
Having said that I will now say adios to him because I find him tiresome.
Ok, go to bed and have nice dreams ;)
You should emphasize that my point is that we are MAYBE dreaming.
Your alternative does not change anything because we are maybe dreaming that we are dreaming. It happens as well in so called real dream. and even if it never hapenned (for me it happens once) maybe we are in a dream where it happens.

It is not a contradiction it is on the contrary self evident:1)something exist2) something cannot come from nothing=> something has always existed

You seem to believe you have an argument but you have not.

1. Something exists

2. Something cannot come from assumption

3. Therefore, something has always existed.

You have not shown that something cannot come from nothing, see 2.

If something has always existed, 3., why does that something have to be god ?

If you could show 2. to be true, then 3. could be stated as " therefore, the universe has always existed ".

THINK ! You say you only use logic, so let's have syllogism ! You have not produced one so far.

Which other possibilities?
That you are not dreaming?can you prove it? NO!And look back in the thread my point on dreaming was only against naive realism.

Can you prove I am dreaming ? Of course, not. You just have a silly argument which you cannot support. You speculate and then build on that shaky foundation. You are not even-handed because you fail to consider the opposite view.

because anyway reality is not directly accessible by our perceptions. that's why we see things differently: subjective view is not reality.

You are simply repeating what has already been agreed in another context, i.e., sensory perception.

I only used logic and you could not even give a argument against it

You have no grounding in logic or you would not have produced the sad attempt at a syllogism above.

Ok, go to bed and have nice dreams
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You should emphasize that my point is that we are MAYBE dreaming.
Your alternative does not change anything because we are maybe dreaming that we are dreaming. It happens as well in so called real dream. and even if it never hapenned (for me it happens once) maybe we are in a dream where it happens.

It is not a contradiction it is on the contrary self evident:1)something exist2) something cannot come from nothing=> something has always existed

You seem to believe you have an argument but you have not.

1. Something exists

2. Something cannot come from assumption

3. Therefore, something has always existed.

You have not shown that something cannot come from nothing, see 2.
Myles, the fact that something cannot come from nothing is self-evident!
If something has always existed, 3., why does that something have to be god ?
My point is that tis reality has to be conscious! (because consciousness cannot come from unconsciousness)
God is the word I used to refer to this conscious reality
If you could show 2. to be true, then 3. could be stated as " therefore, the universe has always existed ".
I asked you, what is for you the universe ?
if it is bananas, brain, people,... then i told you that you are maybe dreaming
THINK ! You say you only use logic, so let's have syllogism ! You have not produced one so far.
So please give argument against my statement
Which other possibilities?
That you are not dreaming?can you prove it? NO!And look back in the thread my point on dreaming was only against naive realism.

Can you prove I am dreaming ? Of course, not. You just have a silly argument which you cannot support. You speculate and then build on that shaky foundation. You are not even-handed because you fail to consider the opposite view.
I don't need to prove that you are dreaming, in fact I said that we cannot know whether we are dreaming or not!!!
You show here that you don't listen to me.
So now that you realize (I hope ) that you don't listen to me carefully or that your memory is short, please reconsider my arguments and if you find them non-logic, please give arguments!
because anyway reality is not directly accessible by our perceptions. that's why we see things differently: subjective view is not reality.

You are simply repeating what has already been agreed in another context, i.e., sensory perception.
Yes, I know I am repeating myself since the beginning because you seem to not understand my point
I only used logic and you could not even give a argument against it

You have no grounding in logic or you would not have produced the sad attempt at a syllogism above.
Prove that I am wrong please, your only argument so far is that for you:
MYLES: something can come from nothing
please explain me how is it possible?

Note: If there is nothing, there is nothing, finish, you cannot have anything product from nothing, you will always need something extra for explaining that something came from nothing. but this extra is something!
Myles, the fact that something cannot come from nothing is self-evident!
It is not self-evident. It's counter-intuitive, which is not the same thing. Do you know that at ,the quantim level . particles can appear ex nihilo ?

My point is that tis reality has to be conscious! (because consciousness cannot come from unconsciousness)God is the word I used to refer to this conscious reality

You are making another assumption. It is sufficient to say that, in the present state of our knowledge, we do not understand the mechanisms involved. It does not follow trhat we shall always be ignorant.

I asked you, what is for you the universe ?if it is bananas, brain, people,... then i told you that you are maybe dreaming

The universe is for me everything that exists. I claim to know nothing more about it, so I do not rush to hasty conclusions which have no evidence to support them. I leave that to others.

So please give argument against my statement

I don't need to prove that you are dreaming, in fact I said that we cannot know whether we are dreaming or not!!!You show here that you don't listen to me.So now that you realize (I hope ) that you don't listen to me carefully or that your memory is short, please reconsider my arguments and if you find them non-logic, please give arguments!

If you cannot prove that I am dreaming why assume I may be ? Consider also that I may not be dreaming, as part of your argument, or accept that you have nothing to say. Think before writing. You are trying to build a case on an unproveable assumption, which is simply not good enough. Your assertions must be supported by evidence; why else should they be taken seriously ?

Yes, I know I am repeating myself since the beginning because you seem to not understand my point

Prove that I am wrong please, your only argument so far is that for you:MYLES: something can come from nothing
please explain me how is it possible

Already answered. If you don't like my answer, tell me why it is self-evident that something cannot come from nothing. Consider, something may always have existed !

Note: If there is nothing, there is nothing, finish, you cannot have anything product from nothing, you will always need something extra for explaining that something came from nothing. but this extra is something!

Repeating yourself does not lend strength to your argument. Let's have some evidence.

Have you considered that at one time it was considered self-evident that the earth is flat. So, regarding something as self-evident does not guarantee its veracity.
Myles, the fact that something cannot come from nothing is self-evident!

It is not self-evident. It's counter-intuitive, which is not the same thing. Do you know that at ,the quantim level . particles can appear ex nihilo ?
counter intuitive? I would say that the reverse is counter intuitive ( I agree that intuitive facts are not criteria)

For particles there is a surrounding (fields generated by other particles for example) and laws that are assumed so there is no nothing.

My point is that tis reality has to be conscious! (because consciousness cannot come from unconsciousness)God is the word I used to refer to this conscious reality

You are making another assumption. It is sufficient to say that, in the present state of our knowledge, we do not understand the mechanisms involved. It does not follow that we shall always be ignorant.

I asked you, what is for you the universe ?if it is bananas, brain, people,... then i told you that you are maybe dreaming
The universe is for me everything that exists. I claim to know nothing more about it, so I do not rush to hasty conclusions which have no evidence to support them. I leave that to others.

Ok you don't answer anything so. Let me ask another way: for you what exist? (don't answer reality please :p )

In my case my only claim was what exist has to be conscious (in other word, reality is conscious)

So please give argument against my statement

I don't need to prove that you are dreaming, in fact I said that we cannot know whether we are dreaming or not!!!You show here that you don't listen to me.So now that you realize (I hope ) that you don't listen to me carefully or that your memory is short, please reconsider my arguments and if you find them non-logic, please give arguments!

If you cannot prove that I am dreaming why assume I may be ? Consider also that I may not be dreaming, as part of your argument, or accept that you have nothing to say. Think before writing. You are trying to build a case on an unproveable assumption, which is simply not good enough. Your assertions must be supported by evidence; why else should they be taken seriously ?
You almost understood:
Because we cannot know that we are dreaming or not (indeed you can be in fact in a wakeful state), it means that you cannot talk about your experiences as pertaining to reality before having proven that you are not dreaming (but you cannot)

But this point I told you was only against naive realism.
My point works as well if you are not dreaming because my point that because we have a subjective view we are not seeing reality anyway.

And then I said that because something (perception) has to come from something, reality has to exist But in fact the argument do not need to put it that way (as I will show below)

secondly because consciousness exist (dreaming or not) and because consciousness cannot come from unconsciousness
it follows that reality is conscious (god) .

Yes, I know I am repeating myself since the beginning because you seem to not understand my point

Prove that I am wrong please, your only argument so far is that for you:MYLES: something can come from nothing
please explain me how is it possible

Already answered. If you don't like my answer, tell me why it is self-evident that something cannot come from nothing. Consider, something may always have existed !
No you did not answer because your particle are inside a world (which is something)

Have you considered that at one time it was considered self-evident that the earth is flat. So, regarding something as self-evident does not guarantee its veracity.
I use the words "self evident" to say that it cannot be false,
You are right to say that something can appear self evident but that finally it is not (like: earth is flat).

Now if you see that something cannot come from nothing is not self evident, please show it!

And in fact even if your statement was true that would mean that you don't have to worry about the existence of reality/god and you don't need to ask from where reality/god come from.
So this argument is only against the eternal aspect of reality/god but not against its consciousness!!

so your argument does not even attack my point that reality is conscious (which was my only point that I wanted to show in fact)

And if you don't believe in a reality behind our perception you are making a mistake because there is consciousness behind perceptions: without consciousness there would be no perceptions

So consciousness exist, it is god, it is the conscious reality!
You cannot deny the existence of consciousness (I am not talking about your individual consciousness (ego) which is also a content of consciousness)

My point was to try to convince you by using terms such as reality that if you use your logic you finally come to god (consciousness)

and if you say again that the word "god" does not mean consciousness or conscious reality, I invite you to read mystics from all over the world.

- The word "consciousness" can be misleading because people often associate it with there own consciousness but here it is the phenomena itself.

- The words "conscious reality" has the advantage to show that consciousness is the reality and that what you perceive is what is generated by consciousness but has the disadvantage to make people believe that the conscious reality is just a conscious mechanism.

- The word "god" can be misleading because of the many usage it has been used to refer to but it has also the advantage to refer to the same thing that many believer refers to when they experience a connection with the world, a spiritual feeling (using again misleading word) and it also as I said the word used by many mystics

You will say that I did not need to go all the way as I did. That's true.

I believed using word such as reality, you would follow me more easily than If I would use directly: consciousness is god so god exist.
In this case, in fact I guess you would have said that it is just definition and not a evidence.

Some remarks:

At least , from the discussion (which was at first toward atheist realism) you should realize that scientists are in a worse situation than religious people (who just have to make other realizing that in fact god is consciousness) because science have to prove that we are not dreaming (something impossible).

After few days here in this forum, I saw a feeling of superiority from so called atheist over theist because of science, but in fact there is no basis for this feeling of superiority.
science cannot prove anything while people believing in god just talk about a feeling (which is personal).
Moreover here, by defining god as consciousness (shared by many mystic) we bring an evidence (Which is I agree self evident) of the existence of god (which is consciousness)

It is true that some religious people use their belief for manipulating people but these guy don't believe in god in fact, they believe in themselves (their ego)! Almost all of us do that except sometimes when we forgot ourselves when we are in love with one particular person, with people, with the world...

Please note that I am not against science in itself,
I am against the scientific dogmatism and the scientists' believe in the absolute truth of scientific statements

Science for me is not about reality, but about ourselves (Personal opinion that I could argue for but not here)
Myles, the fact that something cannot come from nothing is self-evident!

It is?

Granted based on the current laws of physics you are correct. Causality rules all.

But to say "something cannot come from nothing is self-evident" is foolish. This is in fact an assumption based on the very limited scope of experience that we as humans have experienced. If you truly comprehend the size of the universe, then you like Socrates will quickly realize "that you know nothing". So quit assuming.
It is?

Granted based on the current laws of physics you are correct. Causality rules all.

But to say "something cannot come from nothing is self-evident" is foolish. This is in fact an assumption based on the very limited scope of experience that we as humans have experienced. If you truly comprehend the size of the universe, then you like Socrates will quickly realize "that you know nothing". So quit assuming.

Please read my last post, I don't need this statement neither in fact

and you are wrong EndLightEnd, we know something:
The only thing we know is that consciousness exist (in other word: god exist)!
counter intuitive? I would say that the reverse is counter intuitive ( I agree that intuitive facts are not criteria)[

For particles there is a surrounding (fields generated by other particles for example) and laws that are assumed so there is no nothing

Not relevant."No nothing" can mean there as always something but not necessarily god/consciuousness. It may apply to the entire universe as opposed to someting seperate from it which is what you appear to believe.

Ok you don't answer anything so. Let me ask another way: for you what exist? (don't answer reality please :p )

The universe

In my case my only claim was what exist has to be conscious (in other word, reality is conscious)

I understand your claim but you have shown no evidence to support it; it is simply a personal belief. There are lots of things which I would not regard as being conscious

You almost understood:
Because we cannot know that we are dreaming or not (indeed you can be in fact in a wakeful state), it means that you cannot talk about your experiences as pertaining to reality before having proven that you are not dreaming (but you cannot)

But this point I told you was only against naive realism.

My point works as well if you are not dreaming because my point that because we have a subjective view we are not seeing reality anyway.

You are conflating two disparate things:

The possibility that I am dreaming or not and
The fact that our view of the world is subjective

I have made it abundantly clear that I believe our view of the world is subjective. Why your insistence on the dreaming bit? If your argument works either way, then drop the assumption that we may be dreaming. In any event, neuroscience can show this assumption to be mistaken. I have alreasy dealt with this in a previous post.

And then I said that because something (perception) has to come from something, reality has to exist But in fact the argument do not need to put it that way (as I will show below)

When have I denied that reality exists ? I thought we were agreed that it exists but that our perception of it is subjective

secondly because consciousness exist (dreaming or not) and because consciousness cannot come from unconsciousness it follows that reality is conscious (god) .

You have not shown that consciousness cannot arise independently. We simply do not know how it arose, so the intelligent answer is that we don't know. On balance, it would appear to have been part of the evolutionary process but, as we don't know we are not entitled to say it did not arise spontaneously. That is just an assumption on your part.

No you did not answer because your particle are inside a world (which is something)

I use the words "self evident" to say that it cannot be false,
You are right to say that something can appear self evident but that finally it is not (like: earth is flat).

Now if you see that something cannot come from nothing is not self evident, please show it!

I do not have to show anything; I am just not persuaded by your claim. It's up to you to prove your claim, so produce some evidence and we can discuss it. That is a cardinal principle of rational debate, so you cannot expect a special exemption.
I simply do not know, so there is nothing for me to prove. Do you understand ?

And in fact even if your statement was true that would mean that you don't have to worry about the existence of reality/god and you don't need to ask from where reality/god come from.So this argument is only against the eternal aspect of reality/god but not against its consciousness!!
so your argument does not even attack my point that reality is conscious (which was my only point that I wanted to show in fact)

Again. you are conflating two disparate issues. You talk about reality and consciousness as if they were interchangeable terms; they are not.

Further, you talk about "the eternal aspect of reality" as if it were a given, which it is not. Eternal means it always existed but you have not shown this to be true. I regard it as a possibility, nothing more. Your use of aspect has connations which I would resist.

What it comes down to is that reality always existed or it did not. I am saying I do not know the answer. You believe you have an answer but that's all you have; a personal belief

And if you don't believe in a reality behind our perception you are making a mistake because there is consciousness behind perceptions: without consciousness there would be no perceptions

You are confused. Yet again, must I say I do not deny reality. Of course there is a consciousness behind perception but you just can't jump from there and claim it for reality as a whole. We do not know how consciousness arose, at least not yet. There is, therefore, nothing to discuss.

So consciousness exist, it is god, it is the conscious reality!You cannot deny the existence of consciousness (I am not talking about your individual consciousness (ego) which is also a content of consciousness)

I have never denied the existence of consciousness. I infer that some other beings may be consciousness. It is part of reality. I cannot see what this has to do with reality as a whole or whatever it is you mean by god.

All we are entitled to say is that some part of reality is conscious.

My point was to try to convince you by using terms such as reality that if you use your logic you finally come to god (consciousness)

and if you say again that the word "god" does not mean consciousness or conscious reality, I invite you to read mystics from all over the world.

- The word "consciousness" can be misleading because people often associate it with there own consciousness but here it is the phenomena itself.

I disagree. Consciousness is a by-product of cerebral activity. It has no independent existence.

- The words "conscious reality" has the advantage to show that consciousness is the reality and that what you perceive is what is generated by consciousness but has the disadvantage to make people believe that the conscious reality is just a conscious mechanism.

- The word "god" can be misleading because of the many usage it has been used to refer to but it has also the advantage to refer to the same thing that many believer refers to when they experience a connection with the world, a spiritual feeling (using again misleading word) and it also as I said the word used by many mystics

I am fully aware of the various ways in whic "god" is used. What is your point ?

You will say that I did not need to go all the way as I did. That's true.

I believed using word such as reality, you would follow me more easily than If I would use directly: consciousness is god so god exist.
In this case, in fact I guess you would have said that it is just definition and not a evidence.

I see no warrant for conflating the notion of god with consciousness.

Some remarks:

At least , from the discussion (which was at first toward atheist realism) you should realize that scientists are in a worse situation than religious people (who just have to make other realizing that in fact god is consciousness) because science have to prove that we are not dreaming (something impossible).

Science does not have to prove the absurdity of every crackpot notion. Would you expect proof that there are no rabbits on Mars, just because you happen to say so ?

In event, I have previously explained that the difference between sleeping and waking states can be shown scientifically. Religious people are ignorant of such things , which is why they make stupid, unsupported claims.

After few days here in this forum, I saw a feeling of superiority from so called atheist over theist because of science, but in fact there is no basis for this feeling of superiority.
science cannot prove anything while people believing in god just talk about a feeling (which is personal).
Moreover here, by defining god as consciousness (shared by many mystic) we bring an evidence (Which is I agree self evident) of the existence of god (which is consciousness)

It is true that some religious people use their belief for manipulating people but these guy don't believe in god in fact, they believe in themselves (their ego)! Almost all of us do that except sometimes when we forgot ourselves when we are in love with one particular person, with people, with the world...

Please note that I am not against science in itself, I am against the scientific dogmatism and the scientists' believe in the absolute truth of scientific statements

Now you are greatly mistaken. No scientist believes the absolute truth of scientific theories. He will argue in their favour in terms of the balance of probalities but not go beyond that. The history of science shows that knowledge must always be regarded as provisional. Was it not you who misquoted Popper?

As science advances we get a little bit closer to the truth. Do you believe that the law of gravity will ever be proven wrong ? It's always possibe but highly unlikely.

Science for me is not about reality, but about ourselves (Personal opinion that I could argue for but not here)
did you ever experiences unconsciousness?
No because you cannot experience it (you can experience that a feeling of having been like unconscious, but you cannot experience unconsciousness itself!)

Now you can ASSUME that there exists some unconscious matter existing in reality.
But with that you cannot explain consciousness for the simple reason that by all your knowledge about this unconscious matter you will have to be conscious to fell what is to be conscious!!
In other words, unconsciousness cannot explain consciousness.

So simple, if you don't agree with this argument, you are probably like many philosophers, mainly neuroscientists in the same time who believe in the brain while being not able to prove it, neither how this could give rise to consciousness.

Please note also that it is you who make the assumption of the existence of unconsciousness so you first has to prove it (but if you understand what the meaning of unconsciousness you will realize that you cannot)

Myles you are not fair to say that I just say so, I told you many times this argument used as well by Nagel in particular.
I you say that logic itself is invalidated by the fact that we are maybe dreaming , then it also lead to the fact that we cannot know if we are dreaming or not because even our logic has no power to prove anything

You're either not understanding or not wanting to acknowledge what you do understand. The concepts of "we", "maybe", "dreaming", "concept", etc. are all because of experience. If you dismiss experience then your assertion is automatically dismissed because it is based on experience.

but the point is that assumptions containing only two mutually exclusive statement linked with a "OR" are always true
You are dreaming OR you are not dreaming is always true (self evident)

Now to prove that you are not dreaming or that you are in fact dreaming will necessitate an evidence!

But you cannot as I told many time! Why?
Because you will have to take evidence from your experiences!! (which are at issue

Your "OR" statement is based on your experiences and is therefore invalid before I can even consider your statement. If you allow experiences to be valid then I can falsify your statement.

defining and showing ? what the fuck are you talking?
if you define then you don't need to show :p
PLEASE NOTE: by defining you can do whatever you want. defining is not a proof!

and as I said if you say that we can never gets out the door it is fine for me because my point is that we cannot know!

Your "point" is invalid because the concepts of "we", "cannot", and "know" are based on experiences. Are you understanding this yet? Your point is invalid... everything you think or say is invalid. The only way to enable any validity is to allow for experience and then falsification can occur.

You are a confused guy, please be more clear when you want to set arguments (it should be easy if for you it is clear)


if I don't allow experiences you mean that I don't even allow logic ?
then as I told you, it is fine because then again, I cannot know whether I am dreaming or not (because logic not working, you cannot prove anything)

If you don't allow experience then every thought you have is invalid. It's that simple and your whole "problem" is a non-issue.

if you allow experiences, these one cannot be used to prove that you are not dreaming because maybe you are dreaming (and thus experiences are not reliable)

PLEASE Crunchy Cat, use your "real" mind ;)

Of course you can. "Dreaming" is based on experiences and is very well defined. All you have to do is compare it to waking reality and see that there is an inequality; hence, there is no room for even a "maybe".

The absolute best you could hope for is issuing a statement such as "If reality were really a simulation then we might not be able to tell"... but that really isn't a problem is it? There is no positive claim attached.
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Crunchy cat, I told you if you say that my logic is invalid because logic relies on experiences then it is fine because then logic is not powerful enough for proving anything
so you cannot prove that you are not dreaming neither that you are dreaming (My point)

But if assume that logic is powerful enough then also you cannot prove that you are dreaming or not because your evidence have to be based on your experiences (which are at issue here)

Read again, you will understand.
Crunchy cat, I told you if you say that my logic is invalid because logic relies on experiences then it is fine because then logic is not powerful enough for proving anything
so you cannot prove that you are not dreaming neither that you are dreaming (My point)

But if assume that logic is powerful enough then also you cannot prove that you are dreaming or not because your evidence have to be based on your experiences (which are at issue here)

Read again, you will understand.

You show no understanding of logic, even when your errors are pointed out to you. Your argument is totally confused but I'm afraid you will never see it or admit to seeing it. There is no point in continuing this thread because it can no longer be called a discussion.
You show no understanding of logic, even when your errors are pointed out to you. Your argument is totally confused but I'm afraid you will never see it or admit to seeing it. There is no point in continuing this thread because it can no longer be called a discussion.

Sorry, here you are proving yourself to not understand

But I give you a last chance to show me that I am wrong here about dreaming:

Because of the uncertainty that is at issue
as Crunchy Cat said (but I cannot think it is interesting but I can agree)

L1) Logic is working
(meaning it will lead us to truth if we have true axioms and the logic rules)

L2) Logic is not working
(meaning it won't lead us to truth even if we have true axioms)

L1) OR L2) = ?
We cannot decide her because of L2)

Let assume that L2) is true

then it follows that:
A1) We cannot prove anything
(because of L2 the logic is not working)

it follows then that:
T) We cannot prove that we are dreaming or not
(because we cannot prove anything)

Now let take the other possibility:
and assume that L1) is true

then we can use our logic and put forward the following:

D1) We are dreaming
D2) We are not dreaming

D1) OR D2) = True

But from this to prove that we are not dreaming, we will have to use our experiences (only thing available) which are maybe part of a dream!

Let ASSUME D2) to be true
then evidence from your experiences are not related to the real and thus you cannot prove that in fact you are really dreaming

ASSUMING D2) is true => your evidence does not prove that D2) is true
=> you cannot prove that you are dreaming

Let ASSUME D1) to be true
then the evidence from your experiences are related to the real and thus your evidences are true

ASSUMING D1) is true your evidence can prove that D1) is true
but you do not know if D1) is true! It is an ASSUMPTION
=> you cannot prove that you are not dreaming

T) We cannot prove that we are dreaming or not

T) is true (because we studies all possibilities)