"Atheist proves god does exist"

What evidence do you have that consciousness is a product of matter? :)


I wonder if talking to Jan will do anything.

Consciousness has surely been localized to the brain and is exactly a brain process. We can now even see brain activity leading to the conscious thoughts reported.

It goes away when anesthesia is applied to the brain, or when knocked too hard on the head, or when it needs a rest when we get tired and go to sleep, thus, again, it is of a brain process.

Consciousness comes last, after the brain does it analysis, witnessing the result that surfaces on the mind, so to speak; however, all is brain, though we speak of mind. Takes about 200-300 milliseconds for all this, which is fairly speedy considering the trillions of brain neuron connections that could be involved. So, consciousness is not first.

It seems that information can exist two ways, neurologically and consciously, and there is a correspondence, a mapping.

Consciousness is also that annoying time between naps.
Post 160, spidergoat makes the first claim, ask him
to support it. If of course you're being honest.


Oh yes, honesty and Jan...

What Spidergoat actually said is:
It isn't. Unless you have evidence otherwise?
I.e. that there is no evidence it.
Spider's comment was directly related to your post 159
That matter is is product of consciousness?
I.e. YOU brought it up.

What Spidergoat actually said is:

In answer to my question in post 159 which was;

''That matter is is product of consciousness?''

he answered;

''It isn't.''

Which is a claim.

Now, if you're intention is honest, ask him to back it up.


Why not?
It is percieved as proven existence to some, and not, to others.

That was my point.


1. evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.
2. anything serving as such evidence: What proof do you have?

You have nothing to show for it.
1. evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.
2. anything serving as such evidence: What proof do you have?

You have nothing to show for it.

They have the Qur'an.
They follow the regulative principles.

How do you KNOW that doesn't constitute proof?
Why are they wrong, and you're right?

They have the Qur'an.
They follow the regulative principles.

How do you KNOW that doesn't constitute proof?
Why are they wrong, and you're right?


You are asking the wrong questions.
The question is: "Why are they right?" Or more to the point: Why are you right about the claim you made?
I have not made any claims, so how could I be right or wrong? About what?