Atheist is "a theist in reverse"

Xev - you wrote - Put a lampshade on your head and dance around singing "Dear God" by XTC. That'd be entertaining.

Just did it - how was I?
Originally posted by Xev
You were a god, Katazia.


Your thesis still sucks like a Holland Tunnel hooker.

many anti-chriatins from generations to generations had died, and the church of christ persists.
God is forever, amen.
when we read Aesop's parables, we learn the moral lessons, we do not argue about turtle, rabbit, cat and dog, we don't say it is not logic for dog to speak in english.

you read the gist of the stories.

but the fools argue on non-sense.

I hereby apologize to crack-addled Holland Tunnel hookers everywhere.

Now that's just goddamn hilarious. It carries about the level of reverance this thread calls for, too.
We don't argue about the animals talking because we accept that they're part of a story. If you accepted your GOD was just part of a story and didn't claim it was real we'd have no argument with you either.

I hereby apologize to crack-addled Holland Tunnel hookers everywhere.


Silence can often be taken as confirmation of a proposal. An appropriate refutation can kill it dead.
A fair point that I shan't argue.
Even though the topic is not challenging I felt it did need a response if for no other reason than to educate the topic starter.
Perhaps that's where my inner sarcasm enters. I really do wonder if some people are capable of learning. It's an extended philosophy, but is best demonstrated by the fact that such mentalities come in waves.

Homosexuality and religion is a great illustration, and so is Creationism in public schools. Each new wave of protest against homosexuals, or against the exclusion of Creationism from school curricula, seems to be a restatement of old arguments that have already failed. It's almost childish, as if someone thinks that if they just say it enough it will become true.

However, I do tend to think in longer terms like that. Your point about the immediate necessity of response is well-pointed and well-placed.

Incidentally, insofar as "mental age" is concerned, although it is not a factor of IQ, I have long suspected that Christianity does, in fact, slow the psychological development of the individual. I remember reading through my high school psychology and noticing how odd it was that my classmates appeared to be stuck in a developmental phase described as occurring earlier in life. Likewise, I always thought that my classmates in Lutheran confirmation ran around and beat on each other like nine and ten-year olds, instead of the mature (wink-wink) thirteen that we were. I admit that when I or someone else calls a theological argument childish, that perspective of slower psychological development frequently occurs to me. I have not, however, financed or operated any scientific study into the subject.

two cents,
Tiassa :cool:

You deny God, if there is no God, how can you deny God?
So, you actually confirm that God exist.

Reading your post is a lot like standing before GOD himself and hearing in a musical, booming and thundering voice that you are HIS most special creation. I am lost in your wisdom like a child wandering alone in a great forest. I see now that GOD
MUST exist. If there were no GOD, how would I explain such impenetrable logic as you have provided?

Just kidding. Have you tried READING?
Hey Futurist...

I believe you are a well intentioned Christian. If so, let me warn you that you are totally outnumbered and you are dealing with some very intellectual people.

Be careful how you post.

If you are going to express your Christian views, please take care. You are representing Jesus and other Christians.


Originally posted by Futurist
unbelievers are like OStrich burrying head into sand, and say No God.

Has you any times considerings that chewren, without Theistic influencings of they're parent's, is Atheist as defaults?
Originally posted by Futurist

many anti-chriatins from generations to generations had died, and the church of christ persists.
God is forever, amen.

All Christians from more than 200 years ago have died.

Anti-Christians and non-Christians alike have existed since Christianity has, the latter since the beginning of life.
An apology to Futurist

Sometimes I forget that this forum is designed to alllow opinions to be presented and scrutinized in a manner conducive to learning and growing. I have abused this oppurtunity by some irrepressible urge to be a smart-ass. You can learn. I can learn. In the future, I will disagree with respect.
Has you any times considerings that chewren, without Theistic influencings of they're parent's, is Atheist as defaults?

I love it Geebee;)

when we read Aesop's parables, we learn the moral lessons, we do not argue about turtle, rabbit, cat and dog, we don't say it is not logic for dog to speak in english.

Futurist, I will say you're outnumbered here, but maybe you could just try a little harder to make sense?
What, GIL? What's up?

GB-GIL Trans-global

I noticed you hadn't gotten on my case for my stunning and sweeping generalizations pertaining to the psychological and intellectual development of Christians.

What's up?

Tiassa :cool: