Atheist is "a theist in reverse"



You deny God, if there is no God, how can you deny God?
So, you actually confirm that God exist.

YOur real intention is to be God's enemy, so that you feel better when committing sin.

Futurist –you wrote –
You deny God, if there is no God, how can you deny God?
So, you actually confirm that God exist.

YOur real intention is to be God's enemy, so that you feel better when committing sin.
Your statements are incorrect in every aspect. Generally atheism isn’t the opposite of theism. Theism is belief. Atheism is disbelief. Disbelieving something is not the same as believing something is false. However, some atheists will deny the existence of gods, but they will never say they deny God, since as you say that would affirm they accept that a god exists, and all atheists do not accept that proposition.

Sin is an entirely religious concept meaning to disobey the law of a god. Atheists can never sin since there are no gods so there can be no god made laws to disobey.
Yeah, what Katazia said.....

Let's play a game to illustrate what a profoundly stupid critique this is. For those of you not familiar with the Weird fiction of H.P Lovecraft, this is Cthulhu.

Now, I'm going to ask if you believe in Cthulhu. If you don't, you're obviously a acthulhuist. (And the Great Old One's going to eat you alive, so there!)

If you don't believe in Cthulhu, I'm going to prove why you actually do, using the scrupulous logic of our dear Futurist:

You deny Cthulhu, if there is no Cthulhu, how can you deny Cthulhu?
So, you actually confirm that Cthulhu exists.

Ia! :p

The perspective is common among the religious. Atheism is usually not understood by such people, and their leaders often deliberately encourage mis-information, or create it. The contempt for the atheist has lasted thousands of years and is still a significant discriminatory factor in modern society.

There is nothing wrong with Futurist other than the obvious gullibility shown by being apparently completely indoctrinated by ancient outdated superstitions.
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Xev - you wrote - ....if his IQ was any lower, he'd trip over it?

If true then shouldn't he deserve our help instead of ridicule? But even apparently normal intelligent people can be swayed by the experienced con artist or the emotions of religion. Gullibility and naiveté are not just limited to the neuronically challenged.
If true then shouldn't he deserve our help instead of ridicule?

No. Most people are useless wastes of carbon atoms that exist only to occasionally amuse me.
Hmmm ... I shouldn't ....

So I'm on a roll. I tried to stay miles clear of this topic, but then I made the mistake of going ahead and trying to read it.

The following remarks are intended for theists and atheists alike who have attended the disputes of the past several months through Sciforums' religious forum. It is directed primarily at those atheists:

• People have had a few negative things to say about our topic poster Futurist. Oh, well. While such scorn is discouraging, even I am taken aback by the ludicrous topic assertion. 'Nuff said about that.

•_But take a look at it. People are going to argue whatever point they find, and meanwhile, many other debates of more consequence to, say, an atheist's life, are taking place both at Sciforums and in the world.

• Toward that end, I find it striking that people should choose to even argue this topic at all. As long as we continue to award argumentative legitimacy to this kind of simple theology, we will be awarding argumentative legitimacy to simple theology.

You know, even I think the topic is dumb, but hostile responses to an inadequate topic post of such subject matter doesn't do much to demonstrate the intellectual alternatives.

We cannot force people with IQ's so low as to be a walking hazard to get smarter. But we can, by leaving such feeble ideas to rot in their own funk and encouraging a higher standard, help provide answers that cause the lowly intellect to raise itself. Are you going to help the flowers grow by stomping on them?
IQ The ratio of tested mental age to chronological age, usually expressed as a quotient multiplied by 100. (American Heritage Dictionary)
A little compassion can help the mind overcome the subjective factors and encourage mental growth.

Seems easy enough to me. And, technically, it produces a better effect than scorn. It's a better investment all around to compassionately seek a higher intellectual standard.

Why expend more energy achieving a lesser result?

Tiassa :cool:
Xev - you wrote - Most people are useless wastes of carbon atoms that exist only to occasionally amuse me.

Are you joking or are you just very sad and in need of freindship?
Are you joking or are you just very sad and in need of freindship [sic]?

Note that I said "most". And the people who are not wastes of carbon are NOT FUCKING ENTERTAINING ME.
Tiassa – you wrote –
Toward that end, I find it striking that people should choose to even argue this topic at all. As long as we continue to award argumentative legitimacy to this kind of simple theology, we will be awarding argumentative legitimacy to simple theology.

Silence can often be taken as confirmation of a proposal. An appropriate refutation can kill it dead. Even though the topic is not challenging I felt it did need a response if for no other reason than to educate the topic starter. I have met many Christians who do share similar views as Futurist but I doubt they are all ‘dumb’, just seriously misinformed.

I will admit I have not read anything else of Futurist apart from this weekend so I have not yet formed an opinion of his IQ level; he just appears like a typical Christian, and I am reluctant to make the correlation between low IQ and Christians.
I never said he was dumb. I said that if his IQ was any lower, he'd trip over it. It's called "reading comprehension".

What is your criteria for being entertained?

Note that Tyler mentioned 'dumb'.
unbelievers are like OStrich burrying head into sand, and say No God.

I rest my case.


Intellectual stimulation.

Put a lampshade on your head and dance around singing "Dear God" by XTC. That'd be entertaining.

Ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. That is a myth.

Your posts seem to lack facts of any type.