Atheist Fundamentalism and the Limits of Science


I have already explained , in an earlier post to you ,that a concept is an entity that does not have physical properties. But you won't learn.
then you have a definition that is different to Michael's, Supe's and probably Snakelord's

You are obviously getting desperate because you keep using arguments which any reasonable person would accept as having been refuted.
you keep jumping mid stream disputing clarifications that weren't even addressed to you

So once again, just for you.

but why do supe, michael and (maybe) snakelord have a different understanding?

No doubt those people did/do other things which in some way equal prayer, charity and recognition of their faith. Not all Muslims pray the same way, fast for same number of days or even on the same days, or even have the same rules of madhab. And its still okay, though some people did grumble when the Saudis insisted Eid was a day earlier this year.

What does the fact that Thor requires different rituals of his follows compared to Allah or Quetzalcoatl suggest to you?

What does the fact that Thor requires different rituals of his follows compared to Allah or Quetzalcoatl suggest to you?

That people express their beliefs based on cultural influences?
the issue is more about what a person agrees to be shown

Show away, the world is waiting.

I know of no atheist on this planet that refuses or even doesn't want to be shown. I am, as well as everyone I know, eager to know the truth, eager to know what is and what isn't. However, it is simple foolishness if someone expects me to have a belief in something that has not been shown to exist but has merely been claimed. You must surely acknowledge that?

No lg, that can not in any meaning of the word be considered "funamentalism".

Observable, measurable, testable?

like claims that fall within the discipline of rationalism and theism

Even Spinoza and Leibniz understood and commented on the worthlessness of rationalism except for areas like mathematics.

As for claims that fall within the realms of the billions of differing versions of theism.. Please. The scientific method does not differ from one nation to the next and even from one building to the next - on the same damn street. What do you have?

suppose you are walking towards a house

Suppose you offer the alternative?

As for the house.. no, it isn't growing.. the scientific method will show that to be the case, belief in sky fairies does not. That is unless of course all you have is sight.

why would an empiricist advocate that nothing exists outside of empiricism?

No idea, but if it is beyond our senses it is ultimately the equivalent of non existent.

If an empiricist advocates that nothing exists outside empiricism that is also fundamentalism.

If it makes you feel happier, sure.. I still don't quite understand what any of that has to do with "atheism".

( as far as I know, there is no empirical test that can measure anything that we all give a uniform result in, so what are you talking about here exactly, if not some phenomena that stands outside of empiricism?)

I dunno but it's worth testing... So out of interest tell me what it would take for you to believe in, (know), that leprechauns exist? However I will relent.. Everyone I personally know and everything I personally know of humans is the same in this regard.

2nd premise - belief is ultimately confirmed by direct perception

No.. knowledge is gained by use of the senses as opposed to gained by non-use of the senses.

(can you point out a "justice" or a "mind" for me?)

You'll have to be a bit more specific with your usage of the word 'mind'. As for justice, it is a mental concept - a belief that differs from person to person. Some, incredibly enough, would consider the death of a woman because of a name she gave to a teddy bear as "justice", while the sane world wont. A mental concept is not testable, but that the concept exists is testable - easily so. (Myles explains this better than I)

3rd premise - If someone is referring to something that cannot be indicated to a second person, it is an issue of belief

Like my belief in leprechauns? Why then would you believe in it?
the issue is more about what a person agrees to be shown

Show away, the world is waiting.
then there is the just the small issue of your existing beliefs (enter the high school drop out, who could also be waiting patiently to be shown ....)
I know of no atheist on this planet that refuses or even doesn't want to be shown. I am, as well as everyone I know, eager to know the truth, eager to know what is and what isn't. However, it is simple foolishness if someone expects me to have a belief in something that has not been shown to exist but has merely been claimed. You must surely acknowledge that?
which brings us back yet again to the question - "What if a claim lies outside your favoured methodology?"
No lg, that can not in any meaning of the word be considered "funamentalism".
if a person is harping on "show me, show me" yet refuses to take the first steps to be shown ("It's not my belief") it certainly is an issue of fundamentalism


Observable, measurable, testable?
so you fundamentally believe that the observable and the testable are synonymous?

like claims that fall within the discipline of rationalism and theism

Even Spinoza and Leibniz understood and commented on the worthlessness of rationalism except for areas like mathematics.

and no one has commented on the shortcomings of having such a view before that or ever since, right?

As for claims that fall within the realms of the billions of differing versions of theism.. Please. The scientific method does not differ from one nation to the next. What do you have?
yup - all scientific discourse on methodology vs findings has been bereft of any issue of contentions since day one

suppose you are walking towards a house

Suppose you offer the alternative?

As for the house.. no, it isn't growing.. the scientific method will show that to be the case, belief in sky fairies does not. That is unless of course all you have is sight.
rationalism was the alternative, which you ironically seem to now be agreeing with
you certainly don't deem the house to not be growing by empiricism

why would an empiricist advocate that nothing exists outside of empiricism?

No idea, but if it is beyond our senses it is ultimately the equivalent of non existent.
just like a growing house, eh?

If an empiricist advocates that nothing exists outside empiricism that is also fundamentalism.

If it makes you feel happier, sure.. I still don't quite understand what any of that has to do with "atheism".
while fundamental empiricism may not be atheism, your particular flavor of atheism is certainly fundamental atheism

( as far as I know, there is no empirical test that can measure anything that we all give a uniform result in, so what are you talking about here exactly, if not some phenomena that stands outside of empiricism?)

I dunno but it's worth testing... So out of interest tell me what it would take for you to believe in, (know), that leprechauns exist? However I will relent.. Everyone I personally know is the same in this regard.
c'mon snakey ol boy - I'm after something measurable, observable and testable here.
What exactly are you alluding to here when you say "We are all the same"?

2nd premise - belief is ultimately confirmed by direct perception

No.. knowledge is gained by use of the senses as opposed to gained by non-use of the senses.
so you have seen a "justice"?
or did you taste or hear it?

(can you point out a "justice" or a "mind" for me?)

You'll have to be a bit more specific with your usage of the word 'mind'. As for justice, it is a mental concept - a belief that differs from person to person. Some, incredibly enough, would consider the death of a woman because of a name she gave to a teddy bear as "justice", while the sane world wont. A mental concept is not testable, but that the concept exists is testable - easily so.
as for a mind, call upon whatever observable, testable and measurable thing you think can fit the bill and we will see if it measures up as the final last word about us in terms of our thinking/feeling/willing ability

as for justice, phew, just as well it doesn't exist so there is no need for a discourse from you about the injustices of religion

3rd premise - If someone is referring to something that cannot be indicated to a second person, it is an issue of belief

Like my belief in leprechauns? Why then would you believe in it?
the problem is that given the average education of people in this world, electrons can also be included on the list by applying your general standards for disbelief
then there is the just the small issue of your existing beliefs

You said you can show so show. We can discuss my existing beliefs or lack thereof later. PM me if I need to come around to your house or something.

"What if a claim lies outside your favoured methodology?"

It's not about "favoured", it's about viable. Of what ultimate value is something that resides solely in your mind? That's not to say that the entity that inhabits your mind does not exist, it merely asks of what value it is to anyone else. A claim of such nature is of no worth to anyone other than yourself.

if a person is harping on "show me, show me" yet refuses to take the first steps to be shown ("It's not my belief") it certainly is an issue of fundamentalism

Nobody is refusing here, show me.

so you fundamentally believe that the observable and the testable are synonymous?

1) I asked you a question, I didn't make any statements whatsoever.

2) Well, if something is testable it must be observable in some form or another. Hard to test the unobservable.

and no one has commented on the shortcomings of having such a view before that or ever since, right?

Can't say I've read every opinion in existence, I'll let you show me the value of rationalism in these regards.

rationalism was the alternative, which you ironically seem to now be agreeing with

Uhh.. where?

you certainly don't deem the house to not be growing by empiricism

Eh? Sure I do..

while fundamental empiricism may not be atheism

Thank you.

your particular flavor of atheism is certainly fundamental atheism

My lack of belief in gods is fundamentalist lack of belief in gods? Hmm.. k. You've lost me now..

c'mon snakey ol boy - I'm after something measurable, observable and testable here.
What exactly are you alluding to here when you say "We are all the same"?

Ok, part of the testing and observing is in you answering the question. Here it is, (3rd time):

"tell me what it would take for you to believe in, (know), that leprechauns exist?"

so you have seen a "justice"?

Indeed. Many forms of it.

as for a mind, call upon whatever observable, testable and measurable thing you think can fit the bill and we will see if it measures up as the final last word about us in terms of our thinking/feeling/willing ability

Ok, but you need to be a bit more specific with what you mean by "the final last word". No such thing exists in the realm of science.

the problem is that given the average education...

Smashing lg. Let's have a nice discussion concerning worldwide education levels later and in another forum. For now would it be possible to answer the question posed? Thanks.

"If someone is referring to something that cannot be indicated to a second person, it is an issue of belief.."

"Like my belief in leprechauns? Why then would you believe in it?"
How does one judge the probability? Admittedly, not directly with math. But, a universe that was designed would have inherently different qualities than one that evolved. We see that complex things can emerge from simpler things, and do not need the explanatory power of a creator. There is the problem of how a being with such complex behavior came to be complex itself.
then there is the just the small issue of your existing beliefs

You said you can show so show. We can discuss my existing beliefs or lack thereof later. PM me if I need to come around to your house or something.
if you can't observe or measure a "justice" in your house, you probably can't do in mine either ...

"What if a claim lies outside your favoured methodology?"

It's not about "favoured", it's about viable.
and viable means what?
what you are predisposed to perhaps?
Of what ultimate value is something that resides solely in your mind?
you mean like the notion "empiricism is synonymous with reality"?
That's not to say that the entity that inhabits your mind does not exist, it merely asks of what value it is to anyone else. A claim of such nature is of no worth to anyone other than yourself.
in a process where I must have some sort of control to study something (aka empiricism), how do you propose that your statements indicate anything but your unhealthy psychology?

if a person is harping on "show me, show me" yet refuses to take the first steps to be shown ("It's not my belief") it certainly is an issue of fundamentalism

Nobody is refusing here, show me.
there is just that important step of working towards qualification ( a step intrinsic to all claims of evidence) that you are avoiding

so you fundamentally believe that the observable and the testable are synonymous?

1) I asked you a question, I didn't make any statements whatsoever.
and your question is loaded because it assumes that the observable and testable are synonymous
2) Well, if something is testable it must be observable in some form or another. Hard to test the unobservable.
so IOW if you can't indicate anything within the purview of your five senses, it is neither testable nor existent?

and no one has commented on the shortcomings of having such a view before that or ever since, right?

Can't say I've read every opinion in existence, I'll let you show me the value of rationalism in these regards.
well for a start it doesn't address the practical application of ethical issues (eg - the legal system) since all of these things - morality, self, justice - are not within the purview of mathematics

rationalism was the alternative, which you ironically seem to now be agreeing with

Uhh.. where?

you certainly don't deem the house to not be growing by empiricism

Eh? Sure I do..
which of the five empirical senses are you using to discern that the house is not growing?
your nose?

your particular flavor of atheism is certainly fundamental atheism

My lack of belief in gods is fundamentalist lack of belief in gods? Hmm.. k. You've lost me now..
more like your fundamental lack of belief in gods can be traced to a fundamental lack of belief outside of empiricism

c'mon snakey ol boy - I'm after something measurable, observable and testable here.
What exactly are you alluding to here when you say "We are all the same"?

Ok, part of the testing and observing is in you answering the question. Here it is, (3rd time):

"tell me what it would take for you to believe in, (know), that leprechauns exist?"
so how do you propose to measure and test cognizance in such a way that we all give the same result?

so you have seen a "justice"?

Indeed. Many forms of it.
did you take a photograph of it too?

as for a mind, call upon whatever observable, testable and measurable thing you think can fit the bill and we will see if it measures up as the final last word about us in terms of our thinking/feeling/willing ability

Ok, but you need to be a bit more specific with what you mean by "the final last word". No such thing exists in the realm of science.
it should be capable of being broken down into workable and falsifiable components
for instance if I say water is H20 I can break it down to H and O (even though the complete analysis of what is H and O is not a given)

the problem is that given the average education...

Smashing lg. Let's have a nice discussion concerning worldwide education levels later and in another forum. For now would it be possible to answer the question posed? Thanks.

"If someone is referring to something that cannot be indicated to a second person, it is an issue of belief.."

"Like my belief in leprechauns? Why then would you believe in it?"
You misunderstand

so if I say "show me a leprechaun" and you can't (or more correctly, I can't come to see it) you have a belief (according to your analysis)

maybe that works for leprechauns, but it also works for electrons in certain circumstances too....
How does one judge the probability? Admittedly, not directly with math. But, a universe that was designed would have inherently different qualities than one that evolved. We see that complex things can emerge from simpler things, and do not need the explanatory power of a creator. There is the problem of how a being with such complex behavior came to be complex itself.
given that we have only one universe to work with (unless you are talking about some parallel universe that you and your friends have access to) - and even then what we know about it is less than a drop in the ocean - how did you come to discern the different variables between a universe that is designed and a universe that is not designed?

IOW why is it that your explanation is not a classic example of a Type I error?
Hi LG,

I shall make one last attempt to explain where you are going wrong when you ask that something like justice, mind and so on be "pointed at " to prove its existence.

In the first place what we are talking about here is not necessarily something that can be pointed at. BUT IT CAN BE DEMONSTRATED.

I have explained that a CONCEPT has no physical properties, so why do you keep banging on about the need to point at it. You have not thought the thing through.

Let's take JUSTICE. What is regarded as justice will vary from one culture to another but that does not affect my argument. Let's take justice in the USA. I cannot point at justice but I CAN PROVIDE EVIDENCE. I can show you what goes on in a courtroom, what the role of a lawer, a juror or a judge is. In other words I can show you a PROCESS which we call justice. To ask me to point at justice is silly.

And now for your hobby horse, mind. I cannot point at mind which ,like justice, is a concept. Are you asking me to believe you have no mind because I cannot point at it ? If you continue with this line of reasoning you will just paint yourself that bit further into a corner.

Next we come to god. Can you demonstrate his existence ? I don't believe you can. God is a concept that cannot be demonstrated. You either believe it or you don't

I am not asking you to relinquish your belief in god, but I am asking you to stop using the the same old arguments ad nauseaum.

If you have anything fresh to say, say it; otherwise hold your peace.
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Its always interesting to me that even atheists have notions of how God should behave.:

That is disingenuous. You know very well I am not talking about god . I am commenting on the state of the world and the mindset of those who can look at it in still believe in an omnipotent being, generally spoken of as being loving and catring.
Hi elysarango.

What you say about definitions makes sense. You might possibly have mentioned deism in passing.

I do not believe in god because I have no evidence , nor have I been offered any, which proves his/her its existence.

Matters become more complicated when I am confronted by theists, Christians in particular. They have the irritating habit of praising god for all the good in the world but blaming the evil on man's sinful nature.

One could posit the existence of an evil god with the same degree of assurance. This would make god responsible for the evil in the world and ( some ) men could be given credit for the good.

I have observed that when a number of people survive a natural disaster, they thank god for their deliverance. But they do not blame him for allowing others to perish.

Do you find anything unreasonable in my point of view ?
Yes. I find it unreasonable for rational individuals to be irritated by theists and blaming theists for wars. I do not agree with their views, but I can respect them. I know theism has been used to manipulate people. But using something in the wrong way does not mean that something is bad.
In fact, there is a really good South Park 2-episode story in which the entire world in the future is all atheist, and there are wars everywhere.

5) Perhaps it's worth reading Sam Harris' problem with atheism speech: Here. You might find it interesting, (although not entirely relevant to this).

You're new here, so kindly take the time to search the forum. You'll find this argument has been cleared up many times.
The Sam Harris article is interesting indeed. It sort of explains the attitude of some people that do not want to be categorized. Which is probably why alot of people are changing the definition of atheism into different categories.

Regardless if he likes to be labled atheist or not, atheism is a defined label. In other words, I can say all I want how I hate to be labeled a human. But I am a member of the species Homo sapiens. Human is just the word for "member of the species Homo sapiens."

I cant expect people to say "You are a member of the species Homo sapiens being." It is easier for them to say "You are a human being."

I'm sure many people find dividing atheism into different categories is important. Its not that I don't understand these definitions.

I understand the various categories certain people use to define atheism. I know about the infedels website that advocates this these definitions for the term atheism.

My arguemnt is as follows:

1. My first argument: The definition of the term "atheism" as presented by the infedels website is not the realworld standard in which atheism is defined. I'm not disrespecting this view of the term in anyway. I am simply arguing that it is not the commonly accepted definition of the term.

2. My next argument: The commonly accepted use of the term "atheism" is what the infedel site presents as "Strong Atheism". All of the other categories of the term "atheism" are not commonly accepted as atheism. In other words, I argue that the commonly accepted definition of the term "atheism" in academics and other real world settings is and only iswhat infedel website presents as strong atheism while the remaining categories they present are not commonly accepted uses for the term atheism.

3. My next argument is what I believe to be the misuse of being open to possibility. Any rational individual is reasonable enough to be open to the possibility that they can be proven wrong and admit it. Otherwise they would be ignorant. I respect opinions of theists. I myself as an atheist, or strong atheist if you prefer, do not agree that we are not open to the possibility that god exists. Being atheist (strong atheist) simply means that I hold that there is definitely no such thing as any god. This does not mean I am not open to the possibility of being proven wrong. Nor do I think it should.

4. From my understanding of the various categories of atheism as presented in the infedel website, not only do I not feel this is the commonly accepted use for the term atheism, I also do not feel this should be the commonly accepted use for the term atheism. I personally find it very reasonable that what the deem "strong atheism" is and should be the only proper use of the term "atheism". With respect I do not consider all the remaining categories of atheism to fall under atheism nor do I think they should be considered to fall under atheism. I consider that atheism is and should be categorized only for those that say there is no such thing as god, and not any other category of non-theists. In essense, the infedel site seems to be confusing nontheism with atheism, and using the term strong atheism to define what is commonly accepted as plain atheism.

If you reread all of my posts in this thread, you will see my reasoning behind all 4 of these arguments. Thanks!

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the validity of your argument. If someone is an agnostic and they don't know if god exists or not, and because of this they don't believe in god, by definition that person is an atheist. This is an inability to believe, not an active assertion that no gods exist.
I dont think this is proper interpretation of my argument.
Please start with my first post in this thread then let m know.
Yes. I find it unreasonable for rational individuals to be irritated by theists and blaming theists for wars. I do not agree with their views, but I can respect them. I know theism has been used to manipulate people. But using something in the wrong way does not mean that something is bad.
In fact, there is a really good South Park 2-episode story in which the entire world in the future is all atheist, and there are wars everywhere.

I made no mention of wars. Hitler was not a theist any more than Pol Pot and many other dreadful characters. But you must also be aware of Muslims and their notion of Jihad. I know the stock answer is that the peope perpetrating horrible crimes on a daily basis are not true Muslims. I don't think that washes because they find authority for their actions in their " good book ".

I regard your Bush and our Blair as war crimnals, both of them self-proclaimed Christians. They went to war and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people by lying about the so-called weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Bush may have to stay his hand when it comes to Iran because of a recent report which you probably know about.
I had no wish to bring war and politics into the dialogue but, as you have done so , I am responding to you.

The main thrust of my argument was directed against theists who praise god for what's good and blame man for what's evil. I regard that as a thoroughly stupid attitude. Stupid people irritate me when they knock on my door and try to persuade me to join them. it's as simple as that.

As far as labels are concerned, it's a matter of indifference to me. There are believers, non-believers and " dont-knows "
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if you can't observe or measure a "justice" in....

Hang on a moment.... *pauses*... If you can show, show.. If not, admit you can't.

and viable means what?
what you are predisposed to perhaps?

No. Nobody would ultimately care what method was used to show that something existed, but they will all generally settle on the method that actually works.

you mean like...

It was a question, not a statement. Answer it.

there is just that important step of working towards qualification ( a step intrinsic to all claims of evidence) that you are avoiding

So you can't show me. Glad we got that settled. Now you can list me the required qualifications for me to be able to know that this something exists.

so IOW if you can't indicate anything within the purview of your five senses, it is neither testable nor existent?

Ok, so something outside of your senses is testable.. how - other than by inference based upon other observations using those senses?

since all of these things - morality, self, justice

Which version?

What I do find both intriguing and amusing is how you continually seem to relate your god to mental concepts such as 'justice' and 'morality'. If your god is just a mental concept then there is ultimately no truth to it, no right or wrong answer. I could ultimately say that no such thing exists and be no more right or wrong than your disagreement to it. My idea of justice most certainly disagrees with some peoples version which considers the death of a woman because of how she named a teddy bear as justice. There is no 'ultimate truth' in mental concepts and thus I fail to see any real value in this mental concept you call god. If you now claim it is more than a mental concept, it is indeed an existing entity then I will have belief have knowledge of it's existence once someone comes up with a suitable way to test it's existence - and needless to say, a method that isn't simply confined to the individual mind.

more like your fundamental lack of belief in gods can be traced to a fundamental lack of belief outside of empiricism

So not fundamentalist atheist but fundamentalist empiricist?


the range or scope of knowledge, observation, etc?

I don't follow.

did you take a photograph of it too?

Certainly. Type justice in google images - you'll see many versions of it.

it should be capable of being broken down into workable and falsifiable components

Ok, but that's a hell of a long discussion. New Scientist is a good start.. Of course if you're devoid of qualifications I am unsure how far you are going to get - but you understand that already.

so if I say "show me a leprechaun" and you can't (or more correctly, I can't come to see it) you have a belief

Indeed, so the question.. why would one believe in it? (3rd time).
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Hi LG,

I shall make one last attempt to explain where you are going wrong when you ask that something like justice, mind and so on be "pointed at " to prove its existence.

In the first place what we are talking about here is not necessarily something that can be pointed at. BUT IT CAN BE DEMONSTRATED.

I have explained that a CONCEPT has no physical properties, so why do you keep banging on about the need to point at it. You have not thought the thing through.
Do you understand that I am bringing this point to bear upon persons who claim if something has no physical (empirical qualities) it is a non-entity/imagination/delusion/etc?

Let's take JUSTICE. What is regarded as justice will vary from one culture to another but that does not affect my argument. Let's take justice in the USA. I cannot point at justice but I CAN PROVIDE EVIDENCE. I can show you what goes on in a courtroom, what the role of a lawer, a juror or a judge is. In other words I can show you a PROCESS which we call justice. To ask me to point at justice is silly.
so is it sufficient to indicate justice by the presence of a judge, jury, funny wig etc?
Or does justice have a greater significance beyond these "physical" things?
For instance could we talk about a lack of justice even in the presence of a "physical" judge, jury, funny wig etc?

And now for your hobby horse, mind. I cannot point at mind which ,like justice, is a concept. Are you asking me to believe you have no mind because I cannot point at it ?
if you advocate that everything must be materially reducible to be discerned as real, what other option do you have?
I don't know if you have clicked on yet that I was posing these arguments against people who are operating out of definitions that you don't appear to be agreeing with.
IOW these arguments were not directed at you because you didn't make the claims to the effect that "empiricism and reality" are synonymous
Next we come to god. Can you demonstrate his existence ? I don't believe you can. God is a concept that cannot be demonstrated. You either believe it or you don't
how do you propose things be demonstrated to persons without knowledge or training?
for instance how would you propose that an electron be demonstrated to a person who simply writes it off as a mere streak of condensation (which is how the movements of electrons are commonly determined in physics)?
I am not asking you to relinquish your belief in god, but I am asking you to stop using the the same old arguments ad nauseaum.
if the arguments appear repetitive its because the rebuttals are.
Actually there is a whole range of atheistic arguments available in Indian literature - sciforums however seems to advocate either of these two
  1. I don't see god
  2. god is in your mind
so it doesn't make for a terribly exciting discussion if variety is what you are after

If you have anything fresh to say, say it; otherwise hold your peace.
you haven't really offered anything fresh, so what can be done?

if you can't observe or measure a "justice" in....

Hang on a moment.... *pauses*... If you can show, show.. If not, admit you can't.
the problem is that your standards for "showing" seems substandard, since justice also is absent on your radar (and ironically, despite the apparent non-existence of justice, you rant with so much energy about the injustices of religion)

and viable means what?
what you are predisposed to perhaps?

No. Nobody would ultimately care what method was used to show that something existed, but they will all generally settle on the method that actually works.
unless of course they were possessed of fundamental beliefs about things ...

you mean like...

It was a question, not a statement. Answer it.
more correctly it was a question that suffers from presupposition

there is just that important step of working towards qualification ( a step intrinsic to all claims of evidence) that you are avoiding

So you can't show me. Glad we got that settled. Now you can list me the required qualifications for me to be able to know that this something exists.
the general consensus amongst scriptures and saintly persons seems to indicate getting free from the influences of lust/wrath/envy/etc

so IOW if you can't indicate anything within the purview of your five senses, it is neither testable nor existent?

Ok, so something outside of your senses is testable.. how - other than by inference based upon other observations using those senses?
so if a janitor can not see the same things as a forensic detective it's merely a problem that can be cleared up by an optometrist?

since all of these things - morality, self, justice

Which version?

What I do find both intriguing and amusing is how you continually seem to relate your god to mental concepts such as 'justice' and 'morality'. If your god is just a mental concept then there is ultimately no truth to it, no right or wrong answer. I could ultimately say that no such thing exists and be no more right or wrong than your disagreement to it. My idea of justice most certainly disagrees with some peoples version which considers the death of a woman because of how she named a teddy bear as justice. There is no 'ultimate truth' in mental concepts and thus I fail to see any real value in this mental concept you call god. If you now claim it is more than a mental concept, it is indeed an existing entity then I will have belief have knowledge of it's existence once someone comes up with a suitable way to test it's existence - and needless to say, a method that isn't simply confined to the individual mind.
so you believe that there are no central substance to concepts like "justice" and that one persons notion of justice is irrevocably independent and different from anyone elses?

more like your fundamental lack of belief in gods can be traced to a fundamental lack of belief outside of empiricism

So not fundamentalist atheist but fundamentalist empiricist?
its simple - you are a fundamental atheist because you are a fundamental empiricist


the range or scope of knowledge, observation, etc?

I don't follow.
is it possible to know something without being cognizant?

did you take a photograph of it too?

Certainly. Type justice in google images - you'll see many versions of it.
hmm -



now I am really confused - lol
it should be capable of being broken down into workable and falsifiable components

Ok, but that's a hell of a long discussion. New Scientist is a good start.. Of course if you're devoid of qualifications I am unsure how far you are going to get - but you understand that already.
Its okay
if consciousness cannot be reconstructed out of elements that are not consciousness it tends to indicate they have a bit of work ahead of them

so if I say "show me a leprechaun" and you can't (or more correctly, I can't come to see it) you have a belief

Indeed, so the question.. why would one believe in it? (3rd time).
to which we can also add, why would one believe in an electron, with equal confidence?
(tell me when you start to smell a fish)

I'm afraid there is nothing more that I can do nor, I suspect ,. can anyone else who does not have your peculiar way of looking at things.

Why talk about judges ih " funny " wigs. Such stupid remarks add no weight to your argument.

Injustice can be demonstrated. How about Nelson Mandela being imprisioned for twenty years fot nothing worse than speaking out against a rotten regime. That man was treated unjustly. Have you never been the subjectd to injustice ? How about punishing the wrong kid for starting a fight at school ?

What sort of world do you live in that , even when the obvious is pointed out to you, you cannot see it.

I believe you are thoroughly confused and unable to evaluate an argument .

Have you had the feeling that his whole exercise with LG isa waste of time. I don't think he understands what we are talking about, nor will he take the trouble to understand. He is too busy thinking up objections

I don't think he would recognize an answer if it jumped up and bit him. He's an ideal candidate for door knocking in my view.

He deserves to be locked up with Descartes so they can agree with each other for all eternity. We musn't let troublemakers like Locke, Hume and Kant in to disturb their musings.