Atheist discussing GOD?


Registered Member
Why would atheists waste time discussing a topic that doesn't exist? Or make fun of things no more real to them than say ghosts or aliens? To me that is a waste of time. I am no atheist, but I am rather amused by the posts I have been reading. There is a lot of misinformation out there. It is just strange to see so many people posting on and on about a subject they should find irrelevant.
I am not saying anyone is stupid, far from it. I find the dialog very intellectual and word usage shows the higher than average intellect of most of the people. I am just trying to understand why the waste of time? With so many more pertinent subjects to discuss, why Christianity? I would think only Christians and those seeking GOD would spend any time discussing HIM and HIS followers. Anyway, that is just my 2 cents. Thanks. :)
Why would atheists waste time discussing a topic that doesn't exist?
Why do you try and tell a child that the monster under the bed doesn't exist?

There is a big diffence between thinking something doesn't exist, and thinking that the concept is irrelevant. It should be obvious that religion ends up being relevant to most people because it is used as the source of many bad arguments.
Religion... the most powerful drug ever invented and the most powerful tool ever, at a government's disposal.

The big burning questions... where do we come from, is there a purpose to life, is there life after death? If there is a God, what is it really?

How could we ever disregard this topic?
Good points! But don't these discussions also just bring up arguments? And unless there is a compromise somewhere along the line, isn't that argument useless, unless, of course, you are using it for entertainment purposes? I just want to understand.
I never get into arguments, my mind is too open for that and besides, all I know is that I know nothing, much like everyone else, so arguments are just futile and show the writer's immaturity or insecure frustration. Discussions sometimes bring forth interesting insights, both from something expressed and also, to the psychology of the writer.
We may never change the theist's mind. But not all who are reading post. There may be people reading who appreciate a good counterargument to theistic nonsense.
Jousting with ideas is a good portion of what public forums like this are all about. Having your ideas challenged will lead you to do further research to support your argument.
People who cannot separate their ideas from their ego should not participate.

There are theistic ideas that can survive intelligent scrutiny, such as the idea of an intelligent force behind the creation of the universe. And there are theistic ideas that are worthy of nothing but contempt to anyone with even marginal scientific literacy, such as the idea that all of the animals in the world survived a worldwide flood on a big boat.
There are several reasons why I enjoy discussing religion despite being an atheist:

One, most people are religious. By discussing at length what and why they believe what they do I become better equipped to understand people in general as well as individually.

Two, religion and religious philosophy are secondary only to economics and perhaps on par with nationalism as a force in human history. In order to have even a basic grasp of history one must understand the world view of a society and its people, religion is a huge part of that world-view.

Three, a tremendous amount of time and effort has been spent understanding and rationalizing religion. To ignore such a vast endeavor is akin to ignoring science and art. Despite my disagreeing with certain key points I realize the there is indeed wisdom and truth to be found in religion. Discussing and debating these philosophies is a learning process from which I gain a greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of my own beliefs and attain a greater understanding of other beliefs.

Four, I came to atheism through studying religion, philosophy, and science and I am fairly well versed in these subjects. My hope is that I can offer some of my understanding to others. Not to convert them to atheism but to smooth some of the rough edges of belief and help give others a broader understanding, expose them to a point of view that they perhaps have not considered.

I also concur with what Persol, tablariddim, and Repo Man have said.

Also, it's fun. :)

In all honesty I have to tell you I am a Chrisitan. But I also have to tell you that there are a lot of people who claim to be Christian that don't know what they are talking about (I am sure you have noticed), which is what makes all Christians look bad. Anyway, I appreciate your help in understanding this and I look forward to being a frequent visiter to share ideas. I do NOT force my beliefs on anyone, so never fear! Have a great day!
I think it has something to do with Yin-yan. Certain words have no meaning unless they are compared, for instance the word "hot" doesn't have any meaning unless you know what "cold" means. So as to the words "atheists" and "theists". These are words that exists as pairs.

An atheist doesnt waste time by engaging a theist in dialogue. An atheist exists only if there's a theist to give him purpose.
While we may never change their minds about believing in their religion, that is fine with me. Belief is fine. If you can convince somebody to think and not just accept, that is worth it... even if they still come to the same conclusion.
So right Persol! A person who blindly follows any belief is not worthy of that belief. I run into this all the time with Christians. So many watch televangelists and tell me they are biblically correct, but these people never open their Bible. If they did, they would find what those people teach is not from the Bible. Anyone that tells you soemthing as fact should be able to back it up. Too bad so many people just follow the crowd. I know you are not quite talking about the same thing as I am, but I agree with the thought very much.
jevlr61 said:
Why would atheists waste time discussing a topic that doesn't exist? Or make fun of things no more real to them than say ghosts or aliens?
Ive seen some ufos,so I think aliens exist,
Ive never seen ghosts,spirits,gods or santa claus,so Im just curious WHY do people believe in these things?
give man a fish and he'll eat for a day,give man religion and he'll starve while praying for food ;)
jevlr61 said:
A person who blindly follows any belief is not worthy of that belief. QUOTE]
:confused: :confused:
isnt ANY religion/faith/belief=following blindly whatever your leader/priest teaches?
or do you question everything?

all gods were imortal!

Why would atheists waste time discussing a topic that doesn't exist?

Because they have an agenda, whether known or unknown, which is to destroy one institution and replace it with another. Materialistic progress.


Four, I came to atheism through studying religion, philosophy, and science
and I am fairly well versed in these subjects.

What aspects of religion are you versed in?

My hope is that I can offer some of my understanding to others.

What do you have to offer, regarding religion?

Jan Ardena.