Atheist charities

It sure seems that way spidergoat. The fact is once you label somehting it is difficult to NOT become part of the group and individuality becomes less significant, it becomes a movement and your right there trapped in what you seek to avoid. I understand the concept of Atheism and respect it but there is an inherent human need to be a part of something, to identify with a group and Atheists seem to want to deny this of other people and their beliefs. Not all but it can cerainly head in that direction. Well anyway, what do i know? I know i am wrong too often, but the whole of humanity has startling similarities.

Maybe for you religious types who are conditioned into servility.
I understand the concept of Atheism and respect it but there is an inherent human need to be a part of something, to identify with a group and Atheists seem to want to deny this of other people and their beliefs. Not all but it can cerainly head in that direction. Well anyway, what do i know? I know i am wrong too often, but the whole of humanity has startling similarities.

Why would we deny you the right to your religious associations and your sense of belonging? Just because we are atheists does not mean we are selfish and hermits John. There are numerous secular organisations, be it for the basis of charity or others that atheists belong to.

And why should it matter whether the organisation is religious or secular? What should matter is that the donations they receive is given to those who actually need it in the community.

Or are you operating under the assumption that atheists somehow do not care and therefore have no organisations that are secular when it comes to charities? At the end of the day is that those who can help, do so and the last thing that should come into the individual's mind when donating is whether they are supporting a secular or religious charity organisation.
...And why should it matter whether the organisation is religious or secular? What should matter is that the donations they receive is given to those who actually need it in the community. ....

I'm an atheists, but we give to a Christian charity. In fact, its about the only charity we give to at the moment.
Maybe for you religious types who are conditioned into servility.

I honestly have no desire to discuss this matter any further. For one, many here are far too sensitive, and honestly it seems to me the capacity is just not there. I dont mean you spidergoat, you can respond to topics without getting emotional but i see now that there is no real benefit and a small number may be emotionally challenged. From now on i will consider this segment in all future correspondence. I thought that i was a member of a community of thinking people, but i may as well be standing on the corner of a trailer park with a bull horn.