Atheist charities


Do any exist? I know the Christians seem to have a manopoly on this, especially Catholics.

In seattle there is an atheist group who did free Christmas present wrapping and took donations for charity last year.
The red cross and the red crescent are secular organizations and by far the largest humanitarian institutions/charities in the world.
The red cross and the red crescent are secular organizations and by far the largest humanitarian institutions/charities in the world.

I thought they were Christian (cross) and Muslim (crescent), guess i was wrong.
I thought they were Christian (cross) and Muslim (crescent), guess i was wrong.

The Red Cross actually started out as a Christian organization, but slowly evoled into what it is today .....a very large secular corporation!

Baron Max
I care what they do WITH the money, but I don't care WHO does it. Is who does it a decider for you?
Doctors Without Borders, the Nature Conservancy, Habitat For Humanity, several local food shelves, Goodwill, the food drops at the big grocery stores, Legal Aid, a wide variety of scholarship programs locally, medical programs promoting breastfeeding and charity medical care of various kinds,

and so forth.

What an odd question. Most people are theists, and most charity is given by thests - a lot of it even organized by churches and the like.
The Red Cross actually started out as a Christian organization, but slowly evoled into what it is today .....a very large secular corporation!

Baron Max

I thought that was the case. It seems to me that since Atheist want to be acknowledged as a group with similar beliefs then instead of massively campaigning on the internet against religion maybe their time would be better spent helping others who are suffering.

Because i can tell you right now in many cases if you are poor and hungry find yourself a Christian run place to get help or starve.

Also, in reference to other post Bill Gates did something really generous and good. My intent was not to diminish this.
ASPCA, Green Peace, PTA, World Wildlife Fund, NAACP, ACLU, and on and on.

Give me a break. But i can agree that they do exist although the ones you listed are not what i am talking abou. My intention was not to infer that Atheists are not good people.
...Atheist want to be acknowledged as a group with similar beliefs...

I don't believe that. Besides, some of the biggest charities are secular.
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I don't believe that.

It sure seems that way spidergoat. The fact is once you label somehting it is difficult to NOT become part of the group and individuality becomes less significant, it becomes a movement and your right there trapped in what you seek to avoid. I understand the concept of Atheism and respect it but there is an inherent human need to be a part of something, to identify with a group and Atheists seem to want to deny this of other people and their beliefs. Not all but it can cerainly head in that direction. Well anyway, what do i know? I know i am wrong too often, but the whole of humanity has startling similarities.
Borrowed from this fine blog:

1. 4H (
2. American Cancer Society (
3. American Foundation for AIDS Research (
4. Americans United for the Separation of Church & State (
5. Amnesty International (
6. Atheist Charity
7. Doctors without borders (
8. Earthward (
9. Girl Scouts (
12. Heifer Project International (
13. Humane Society (
14. Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (
15. Humanitas (
16. Mama's Kitchen (
17. Nature Conservancy (
18. Oxfam (
19. Planned Parenthood (
20. Population Connection (
21. Public Radio (
22. Rails to Trails (
23. Red Cross (
24. Sierra Club (
25. UNICEF (
26. United Way?
27. V (Jim Valvano) Foundation for Cancer Research (
28. Women for Women International (
29. World Wildlife Fund (
30. Zoological Society of San Diego (

Alcoholism/Substance Abuse Recovery:
31. Moderation Management (
32. Secular Organizations for Sobriety (
33. SMART Recovery (
34. Women for Sobriety (