Atheist and Christians and Gays! Oh, my! Proselytizing into Hell?

I just hate the word obsession.

Okay. I've already brought the issue of personal idiosynchracies up enough and it hurts peoples' feelings, as much as other forms of mockery hurt mine.

Religion has a number of different taxonomies. That was the main point. The fact that we all believe something can and does and will enter into our work and lives. I put Gays in there because I imagine there are some here and the point is, if this board allows the comparison of religions, then areas like that should be included. Some people believe in porn. I'm just happy, happy, happy that this site doesn't allow that to be considered an art and protected by human rights. This site is privately owned. Imagine the board allowed vivid conversations from Islamic Radicals who see Americans as infidels. Gays shouldn't have to worry about whether their religion, or religions, have to be hidden under a basket. Theirs is not a dangerous religion, although there are certainly bullies that will make their lives, even if they ARE an expert in some valued science, a VERY real probability, a living hell when they are simply wanting to talk about scientific subjects. If they believe it's right to be Gay, or even Gay Christian or Gay Atheist, or Gay non -radical Islamic or Gay Wiccan, they have human rights to be a part of the scientific work force and be respected regardless of their other beliefs.

To discuss issues from an anti-theistic perspective loses something in the translation. We would be tossing out the reason for someone's inspiration and likely cause an otherwise productive worker to be less inspired, so less efficient. To turn the anti-theism into its extreme negative counterpart is to bully others into submission. Bullying causes sensitive people to sometimes, and now more often, commit suicide. Some simply aren't as strong as others. If my child came here, was bullied or maybe even banned because of expressing their religion, when there are areas allowing foir it, and committed suicide because of it... fill in the rest of the sentence with whatever you'd do. Unjustly bereived parents react in a variety of ways and sometimes act insanely. The net is cracking down on bullying largely because of that. It's making us all look like clowns because we can't think of the human rights and feelings of those other humans on the net. It's no longer a matter of banning people, it's a matter of banning sites that do to much banning.

Some people simply hang on in quiet desperation for one reason or another. Others turn into clowns or tigers or birds with weapons or snakes or monsters, etc. and maybe succumb and after doing so turn mean toward those who are as they once were. Some of us clowns and other characters stand up for what we think is right. Sometimes we clash. We need to get along.

How does atheists in science, and gays in science and theists in science get along.
Okay. I've already brought the issue of personal idiosynchracies up enough and it hurts peoples' feelings, as much as other forms of mockery hurt mine.

Religion has a number of different taxonomies. That was the main point. The fact that we all believe something can and does and will enter into our work and lives. I put Gays in there because I imagine there are some here and the point is, if this board allows the comparison of religions, then areas like that should be included. Some people believe in porn. I'm just happy, happy, happy that this site doesn't allow that to be considered an art and protected by human rights. This site is privately owned. Imagine the board allowed vivid conversations from Islamic Radicals who see Americans as infidels. Gays shouldn't have to worry about whether their religion, or religions, have to be hidden under a basket. Theirs is not a dangerous religion, although there are certainly bullies that will make their lives, even if they ARE an expert in some valued science, a VERY real probability, a living hell when they are simply wanting to talk about scientific subjects. If they believe it's right to be Gay, or even Gay Christian or Gay Atheist, or Gay non -radical Islamic or Gay Wiccan, they have human rights to be a part of the scientific work force and be respected regardless of their other beliefs.

To discuss issues from an anti-theistic perspective loses something in the translation. We would be tossing out the reason for someone's inspiration and likely cause an otherwise productive worker to be less inspired, so less efficient. To turn the anti-theism into its extreme negative counterpart is to bully others into submission. Bullying causes sensitive people to sometimes, and now more often, commit suicide. Some simply aren't as strong as others. If my child came here, was bullied or maybe even banned because of expressing their religion, when there are areas allowing foir it, and committed suicide because of it... fill in the rest of the sentence with whatever you'd do. Unjustly bereived parents react in a variety of ways and sometimes act insanely. The net is cracking down on bullying largely because of that. It's making us all look like clowns because we can't think of the human rights and feelings of those other humans on the net. It's no longer a matter of banning people, it's a matter of banning sites that do to much banning.

Some people simply hang on in quiet desperation for one reason or another. Others turn into clowns or tigers or birds with weapons or snakes or monsters, etc. and maybe succumb and after doing so turn mean toward those who are as they once were. Some of us clowns and other characters stand up for what we think is right. Sometimes we clash. We need to get along.

How does atheists in science, and gays in science and theists in science get along.

:bugeye: :eek: :wallbang:
Subconsciously you realized the conflict that the bible has presented. And also that such a God is sadistic to the point where he would appear to grant you the ability to have an out for others and yourself, but realistically it was just a farce. Maybe everyone got that same vision in your place, and THAT is the hell, not being able to do anything to help anyone. Kind of like those dreams where you can't move simple steps to do something.

Ever read "Job: A Comedy of Justice"? Yeah, that kind of god.

There's hope for you.

Have you ever asked a Rabbi if the Job writing is a true story or an example to us ?
Think would Satan pass by God and discuss the well being is damage to his faithful creation ?