Atheist and Christians and Gays! Oh, my! Proselytizing into Hell?


Registered Senior Member
So the jurist is in... REAL in. Atheism is a religion. 'Bout time it was recognized as worthy of its own church. homosexuality should also be a religion. It believes gay is blessed by God and may very well be. I don't know whether God blesses any of those religions.

I had a dream that had me tossing and turning in theory and struggling to wake up from the paralysis during dreamtime to the extent I couldn't tell if it was a dream or a vision. I described it as Beautifullly Horrible because it started as a beautiful scene of a huge mansion in Heaven, with a stone table and Ionic collumns, white marble and such, the sky being a beautiful milleu of the spectrum. As I looked out of the proceneum, there was a beautiful landscape, but then I noticed it was growing barren at the fringe and, as perception grew clearer there was a megalithic junkyard of cars and trucks and everything mankind had made. Then in the midst of the junkyard was ALL of humanity. I was sitting at the table and there was a huge book in front of me. Then I looked up and (first time ever in one of my dreams) there stood Jesus in a shining white and silver robe, His hair was white and golden and some brown, maybe some black strands. He looked in my eyes and then at the book that was then opened. I realized this was the Book of Life, but all the pages were blank. With relief, I saw my name appear (not Hector Decimal; my real name) then a pen was in my right hand. Jesus pointed to the book and I knew I was to write the names of who I thought should be there. I looked out at humanity and saw their eyes and ears were growing shut. A multitude of angels, 18 feet tall at least, surrounded humanity to keep them in place. As I started to write the center, where the smoke was coming from, began to fall in like sand through an hour glass. I began writing faster, then the pen burst into flame at the top end. The smoking, dilating sandy pit became a firey lake and the Angels began pushing humanity in, tears flowing from the peoples' sealed eyes and all were screaming. The sky became red and black. Then on the marble floor of the vast proceneum was a huge, faceted, shining time machine. A group of several dozen people and I were beginning to board the megalithic craft and Jesus looked at me with wild, flaming eyes and said one word "GO!!!"

I managed to break free of the dream and come to full consciousness, unable to get back to sleep.

I'm sure everyone knows how dreams, perhaps even visions, unfold behind our eyelids.

The one thing I got the feeling of through the dream was that nobody on this planet qualified to enter heaven. Not the Atheists, nor the Christians nor the Gays. Those others and I didn't enter heaven either, but we did manage to escape the fires of that lake. I don't know where we were all headed after boarding the machine. I don't know what the other people believed. It seemed they were all pretty articulate... that was the "feeling" I got from it. I couldn't tell if Jesus was angry or insane or inspired.

Make a Rohrshoch of that! ;) Conflicting beliefs? I'm sympathetic to all of those religious areas, but I don't identify with them. Hopefully we can discuss dreams here and leave the flames for that stupid pit.
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Subconsciously you realized the conflict that the bible has presented. And also that such a God is sadistic to the point where he would appear to grant you the ability to have an out for others and yourself, but realistically it was just a farce. Maybe everyone got that same vision in your place, and THAT is the hell, not being able to do anything to help anyone. Kind of like those dreams where you can't move simple steps to do something.

Ever read "Job: A Comedy of Justice"? Yeah, that kind of god.

There's hope for you.
Subconsciously you realized the conflict that the bible has presented. And also that such a God is sadistic to the point where he would appear to grant you the ability to have an out for others and yourself, but realistically it was just a farce. Maybe everyone got that same vision in your place, and THAT is the hell, not being able to do anything to help anyone. Kind of like those dreams where you can't move simple steps to do something.

Ever read "Job: A Comedy of Justice"? Yeah, that kind of god.

There's hope for you.

Ever see "Legion?" I can understand a God who demands intelligence of those that will foster new worlds.

Perhaps there's NO hope for you.
@HD Atheism is a religion? HOMOSEXUALITY is a religion? Is harry potter a religion too?

ANTI-Gay, are you?
Ever see "Legion?" I can understand a God who demands intelligence of those that will foster new worlds.

Perhaps there's NO hope for you.

You have to stop with the ad homs and the comeback of a 4 year old. If you are really 60, act your age. Can you not for a moment think outside of the religion glasses, so much so that you can atleast see that a few things are not religions at all?

THIS is exactly why the more experienced guys on this forum predicted your ban. You are fun to talk to, please dont do stuff like this, 3 warnings and you might be banned - and the faster you post the greater the chance of that happening. Please read the site guidelines and act accordingly - a fiery temper, quick reliance on ad homs, always punching back at stuff that didnt even hit you, taking offense at pretty much everything and some posts which can be suspected to be trolling or non-sense - this stuff isnt the making of a long time on any forum.

We, or at least I, want you here. But this way, its not gonna last.
@HD Atheism is a religion? HOMOSEXUALITY is a religion? Is harry potter a religion too?

ANTI-Gay, are you?

I don't how you get anti-gay out of this. I believe you need to re-read the part where I mentioned I was sympathetic to such. The fact is, I find more gays to be worthwhile colonizers of space than Giants fans, as an example.

Actually there are quite a few young minds that believe in Harry Potter. Ask Rosie Odannel or Ellen Degeneress if they believe in Gay.

I believe in astrophysics, because I believe in astrophysics and Jesus as well, does that mean I'm pantheistic? Some would accuse me of serving two masters, but they are just accusers...

No. ANTI-gay I'm not.

Try again.
I don't how you get anti-gay out of this. I believe you need to re-read the part where I mentioned I was sympathetic to such. The fact is, I find more gays to be worthwhile colonizers of space than Giants fans, as an example.

Actually there are quite a few young minds that believe in Harry Potter. Ask Rosie Odannel or Ellen Degeneress if they believe in Gay.

I believe in astrophysics, because I believe in astrophysics and Jesus as well, does that mean I'm pantheistic? Some would accuse me of serving two masters, but they are just accusers...

No. ANTI-gay I'm not.

Try again.

Not true. Us NorCal Giants fans can't stand those damned SoCal Dodger fans. Were going to outer space. Homosexuals are actually quit accepted these days. A religion is a fanatcisim, nothing else. Tell me my baseball following is not religious and I'll smack you in the face ;)
Not true. Us NorCal Giants fans can't stand those damned SoCal Dodger fans. Were going to outer space. Homosexuals are actually quit accepted these days. A religion is a fanatcisim, nothing else. Tell me my baseball following is not religious and I'll smack you in the face ;)

What's not true?

And I wouldn't hesitate to define any sports obsession as a religion. Stupid and bloodthirsty, but some thirst for bloodshed religiously. I'd imagine thos etypes will have to build their own starship though if they can.
what's not true?

And i wouldn't hesitate to define any sports obsession as a religion. Stupid and bloodthirsty, but some thirst for bloodshed religiously. I'd imagine thos etypes will have to build their own starship though if they can.

Actually there are quite a few young minds that believe in Harry Potter. Ask Rosie Odannel or Ellen Degeneress if they believe in Gay.
Believe in Gay? Is the capital G deliberate, as if to make 'Gay' a thing, like God? Gay is a label to describe someone, it isn't a thing in and of itself any more than happy or remorseful.

I believe in astrophysics, because I believe in astrophysics and Jesus as well, does that mean I'm pantheistic? Some would accuse me of serving two masters, but they are just accusers...
I'm a scientist but I would never describe science as my 'master'. I think your choices of how you phrase things says a lot more than you realise. And what it says is that you've got a warped view of things due to your fervent religious belief.

I suppose because I'm not a narcissist or an egotist. Do you think you are the smartest, greatest being without the need for a mentor?
Mentors and masters are two entirely different things. Teachers are mentors but they are not the masters of their students. You can learn from someone without being subservient to them. Again, your choice of wording says more than you realise.
Believe in Gay? Is the capital G deliberate, as if to make 'Gay' a thing, like God? Gay is a label to describe someone, it isn't a thing in and of itself any more than happy or remorseful.

I'm a scientist but I would never describe science as my 'master'. I think your choices of how you phrase things says a lot more than you realise. And what it says is that you've got a warped view of things due to your fervent religious belief.

Mentors and masters are two entirely different things. Teachers are mentors but they are not the masters of their students. You can learn from someone without being subservient to them. Again, your choice of wording says more than you realise.

Last time I checked a Karate mentor is also a master, or at least can be and vice versa. Now tutor may be a bit different.

Of course this is refenced in the sense that we serve science. We can serve atheism, baseball fanaticism, stamp collecting, etc. We can serve a deity or anything else we are passionate about.
I suppose because I'm not a narcissist or an egotist. Do you think you are the smartest, greatest being without the need for a mentor?

No - I just think that no mentor is always and infalliably greater than I am. And also that no mentor, no matter much much greater than I am, is my master and I his slave. I would accept that even though I would dislike it, but there is just no reason to think so, no evidence, no proof that conclusively, or even suggestively states that such a think is true and real.
Last time I checked a Karate mentor is also a master, or at least can be and vice versa. Now tutor may be a bit different.

Of course this is refenced in the sense that we serve science. We can serve atheism, baseball fanaticism, stamp collecting, etc. We can serve a deity or anything else we are passionate about.

We dont serve science, atheism or baseball anymore than we serve our homes or our cars.