Atheism's Thirteen Biggest Flaws

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I am a theist (pantheist), and I did not find a single one of those counter argument points convincing :/ So, I thought I would post the most common lies christians tell :

Common lies Christians tell that are ABSOLUTELY FALSE!

I deal with Christian lies on a daily basis. These lies range from the myth that Einstein was a theist, to the claim that there is conclusive evidence for Jesus’ existence. I had to make this page so that I could collect some common lies told and present the truth behind the matter. There are hundreds of things I feel compelled to discuss but I shall limit it to a top five list. The top five lies Christian’s tell:
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As a counter weight.

I notice for instance, your "arguments" say 10% of the world is atheist, but mine say 1/3rd of the world is... hmmmm...
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Light, you're an intelligent individual, you must see that these arguments are very weak and in some cases plainly false.
The only thing that can be said of atheists such as myself is that we cannot help but believe there is no God since we have not witnessed anything that can can convince us otherwise (including the testimony of people who claim to have been touched by God). Perhaps if all the theists around the world could agree on what God it is that touches them, then this could be classed as evidence (although not by me).
Divorce, crime, wars, etc, have nothing to do with atheism, rather more to do with the arguments against organised religion.
By the argument used to prove that God exists, we can also conclude that the Loch Ness Monster and Aliens that practice anal probe pleasure also exist... or that every other God for every other nation exists (including all the Hindu Gods), and calling Atheism a belief is like calling Bald a hair color.
Two of them stood out as incredibly weak arguments:

5 &11.

A man who claims that there is a man with a beard and blue eyes living in the heavens who performs miracles for mortals better off some iron clad evidence. Unfortunately, testimonials are the weakest evidence.
Faith is nothing more than placebo, whether it's faith in a sugar pill or Jesus.

Christians have a higher divorce rate because they're... more moral? If their values are so strong, why do they sin so much, and then fail to forgive their partners?
Seems like, whichever way you want to argue the difference in divorce rates, we see that Christianity is bad for the family.
Light, you're an intelligent individual, you must see that these arguments are very weak and in some cases plainly false.
The only thing that can be said of atheists such as myself is that we cannot help but believe there is no God since we have not witnessed anything that can can convince us otherwise (including the testimony of people who claim to have been touched by God). .

This would only give an explanation for why you do not beleive in God. It does not explain why you believe there is no God.

You can understand the difference.

Believing there is no God is a much stronger belief and it is what puts athiests, rather than agnostics, in a strange postion.

How can you know this?
I am a theist (pantheist), ...

I'm also a pantheist and I've found it interesting to argue simultaneously with both athiests and Christians or other monotheists. The former feeling superior because they consider themselves rational and not motivated by emotions. The latter superior because they follow the true God and the correct book. If I look back in history I see these two groups working hand in hand to damage, kill, eliminate indigenous groups with such attitudes as justification. Of course if you go back a bit everyone was nominally a monotheist, but there were 'rationalist' forces within monotheist societies, people who really did not care about the God stuff, yet they worked hand in hand with the Christians to wipe out cultures different from theirs.

I put rationalist in quotes for obvious reasons.
This would only give an explanation for why you do not beleive in God. It does not explain why you believe there is no God.

You can understand the difference.

Believing there is no God is a much stronger belief and it is what puts athiests, rather than agnostics, in a strange postion.

How can you know this?

I don't make the distinction. I have no reason to believe in a God, therefore I believe there is no God, but I do not know for a fact that there is no God. Nobody knows, so are we all agnostics? No, because some people believe there is a God.
The same logic applies to ghosts, unicorns, etc.
Why does everyone keep saying that LG is an "intelligent fellow"? Being able to string together long diatribes of usually impenetrable prose with liberal doses of BG passages and incredibly weak arguments leads me to a more reasonable hypothesis. LG has a decent vocabulary but no real processing power behind it. C'mon people.
Ha! Read it. Almost all of it is dead wrong and fatally flawed. That's the problem you see. Theists couch their arguments in lies and deception in order to win over the weak minded. It's worked for thousands of years.

Careful darling, you're blabbering.
While the burden of proof might vary depending on whether you're talking about science or law, in almost all instances, the burden of proof lies with the deviation from the norm. A man who claims he can run a mile in one minute-while the world's best atheletes can't break the three-minute mark-has the burden of proving that he can do it. Right now,
about 90% of the world's population believes there is a Supreme Being. Plus, throughout known history-even back to the days of the caveman-humans have believed in some sort of God. These points are enough to clearly establish
theism as the normal state. It is therefore up to atheists to make their case for the deviation.
...therefore, if I claim to be an atheist, I must then proceed to prove I am an atheist?
I dont have problems with theist or atheists, its when either group starts lying I have issues.
This one is good:

5. "The burden of proof is on theists."

"Right now, about 90% of the world's population believes there is a Supreme Being. Plus, throughout known history-even back to the days of the caveman-humans have believed in some sort of God. These points are enough to clearly establish theism as the normal state. It is therefore up to atheists to make their case for the deviation."

So, ignorance and superstition were always the norm, hence it is up to everyone else to show it isn't anymore.

And this gem:

11. "Christians have a higher divorce rate than do atheists."

"After doing what he can to save a marriage, sometimes a Christian literally has to choose between following God or sticking with a spouse who wants to pursue an ungodly lifestyle.

So, it is because of high Christian values-and not hypocrisy-that the
divorce rate is higher among Christians, while atheists have fewer divorces
because of their changeable standards of morality."

Christians never change their standards of morality, do they?
This one is good:

So, ignorance and superstition were always the norm, hence it is up to everyone else to show it isn't anymore.

And this gem:

Christians never change their standards of morality, do they?
That whole link was a big bowlfull of doggy doo.
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