
Are atheists victims of religion?

  • yes

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • no

    Votes: 14 70.0%

  • Total voters


Devout Theist
Registered Senior Member
Do atheists hide behind their 'facts', 'proven theories', and 'testable observations' because they have been victimized by religion in some way, thus leading to a mental disorder?
rjr6: the actual medical condition is called aperti consilium communis verus it's something you will never be infected with.
one of the symptoms is called dialectice cogitatio
although it has happened to some here on sciforums, in your case I think your immune.

What mental model do you subscribe to when judging the following:

- The existence of SURT the DESTROYER (one of the pantheon of Viking gods)

- The existence of a spherical earth

- The existence of wood gnomes

- The existence of polar aurorae

- The level of money you are willing to invest in INVISICON (my new company that has developed an invisibility ray).

- The existence of a god

- Whether you would or would not place a $1000.00 wager on a pendulum not swinging back further than its release point.

This is serious. Any theist that cares to seriously answer this little study is welcome.
Do atheists hide behind their 'facts', 'proven theories', and 'testable observations' .....?

Hmm, atheists don't have any facts or testable observations for which to prove or show anything as concerns the main questions of religious beliefs. "Where did it all come from the very beginning?"

Atheists can't answer that any better than anyone else ...except, of course, the theists.

Baron Max

What mental model do you subscribe to when judging the following:

- The existence of SURT the DESTROYER (one of the pantheon of Viking gods)

- The existence of a spherical earth

- The existence of wood gnomes

- The existence of polar aurorae

- The level of money you are willing to invest in INVISICON (my new company that has developed an invisibility ray).

- The existence of a god

- Whether you would or would not place a $1000.00 wager on a pendulum not swinging back further than its release point.

This is serious. Any theist that cares to seriously answer this little study is welcome.

besides your wager and investment proposal, your examples either fall under God's creation or man's attempt at understanding god.
I'll have you know that Surt the Destroyer is my best friend. Disparage him and I'll cut out your tongue, heathen!

Are you asking whether it seems that many Atheists are Atheists because they were "hurt" by religion?
Hmm, atheists don't have any facts or testable observations for which to prove or show anything as concerns the main questions of religious beliefs. "Where did it all come from the very beginning?"

Atheists can't answer that any better than anyone else ...except, of course, the theists.

Baron Max

Scientists can point to reasons why a big bang was likely, theists can only point to a book.

Are you asking whether it seems that many Atheists are Atheists because they were "hurt" by religion?

I wouldn't put it exactly like that, and I don't have any observational data on 'many atheists', but in a nutshell, yes.
Do atheists hide behind their 'facts', 'proven theories', and 'testable observations' because they have been victimized by religion in some way, thus leading to a mental disorder?

If victimized by religion, then that religion is a problem.

And how is it that you're the one who believes in invisible sky daddies and we're the ones with the mental disorder?
I'd argue then, that yes, many Atheists have an emotional reason for their Atheism. The next common reason is scientific, the third the Epicurean paradox, and the least common is an actual philosophical analysis of the concept of God and finding it untenable besides the moral issue.
Ahh, but theist can tell you exactly where all the energy and matter came from BEFORE the big bang happened! Can you?

Ha ha! I can say it was because a weird monkey from another dimension ate a little too much curry and did a huge fart which gave rise to this universe. But that would not be an answer, just as god is not an answer.
besides your wager and investment proposal, your examples either fall under God's creation or man's attempt at understanding god.
A complete non-answer and a demonstration of your fear and inability to confront reality. Are all theists such cowards? You remind me of a poster we refer to as LG.