Atheism - what it means - a proposed forum standard

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Ok, think of man one and two... Do either of them know? Actually they don't. In saying, all three people - 1, 2 and 3 are in fact saying "I don't know" - which is an inevitable consequence of the fact that none of them actually know whether it is going to rain or not.

The man that says "I don't know", is simply answering (epi) without paying any attention whatsoever to (ont) - which still exists regardless to (epi)....The "I don't know", is simple laziness.


Thats some imagination you have there. :rolleyes:
Fallacy: Arguing the person, not the argument, (amongst other fallacies). [In fact, you weren't even arguing anything, you just kinda made some base assertion that didn't argue against, let alone address, the actual argument in question].

Let's skip the weather and concentrate on the actual subject, (gods). You are seemingly claiming that everyone that is a theist, (believes god exists), has knowledge of that gods existence. If not, you're suggesting that people both believe in the existence of this entity, (ont), while saying "I don't know", (epi).

Nobody is asserting that anybody "knows", (epi) but that cannot be confused with (existence belief) (ont). If you contend - as you seemingly do - that (ont) and (epi) are in fact mutually exclusive, then I require something in the way of evidence.

Who has the onus? It is you my friend for a very basic and standard reason: We know that people can have a belief in something without knowing it to exist, (you'll concede this, stating that there are atheists that believe in things like multiverses without knowing whether multiverses exist or not). We also know that people can believe something doesn't exist without knowing whether it does or not. These are typical, observed facts of existence. You are suggesting something that is completely unobserved, (epi and ont being mutually exclusive positions), and hence you must establish that as being so.

Good luck btw.
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Fallacy: Arguing the person, not the argument, (amongst other fallacies). [In fact, you weren't even arguing anything, you just kinda made some base assertion that didn't argue against, let alone address, the actual argument in question].

Exactly :rolleyes:
Whenever you're ready to address the actual issue - feel free to wake me up. You know Sam, I've heard the rumours. I "don't know" if they're true or not but I don't believe they are.

Kindly show me to be right.

So - (epi) and (ont) are mutually exclusive positions... because?
Well, I "don't know" that I am right, but I believe I am, (perhaps 1, [i'm unsure] & 3)

Of course you can show me to be (2) by explaining to me how believing/not believing and not knowing are mutually exclusive positions.

If you don't mind, I hate to ask four times.

Note: I'm not making a statement here, I'm asking a question.
Note: I'm not making a statement here, I'm asking a question.

1. You're right
2. You're wrong
3. I don't know

Since epi and ont are both covered, you should be able to grasp the positions/
Well, I "don't know" that I am right, but I believe I am, (perhaps 1, [i'm unsure] & 3)

Of course you can show me to be (2) by explaining to me how believing/not believing and not knowing are mutually exclusive positions.

If you don't mind, I hate to ask five times.

Note: I'm not making a statement here, I'm asking a question.

Since epi and ont are both covered, you should be able to grasp the positions

It seems you're missing the point. The fact that one has the (epi) is not an indication that one does not also have the (ont). If you suggest that one has the (epi) without the (ont), then you have some explaining to do.

"I don't know" is insufficient. Nobody ever claimed that they did. It's entirely inconsequential.
by explaining to me how believing/not believing and not knowing are mutually exclusive positions...."I don't know" is insufficient. Nobody ever claimed that they did. It's entirely inconsequential.

In the same way that all that is not black is not white. Or in the same way that saying a dog has fur does not mean that if it has fur, it is a dog.

If I say no, the meaning categorically is rejection. So if I say, No I do NOT believe you, I am not inviting further assurances. However, if I say, I don't know, it means I have not made up my mind.

E.g. if a woman says No to sexual intercourse, she's not saying she's unsure. It would be a mistake to assume she doesn't know what she wants/
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SAM you are confusing casual parlance with philosophical positioning... which is disingenuous at best.

Imagine this question: Are you going for a mile-long run?
If you say "No" - to what are you actually rejecting... the act of running, or the distance being run?
A person saying "No" could mean that they have no intention of stepping outside (or they might be walking a mile rather than running), or that they are not running a mile but five-miles. etc.

What connects all answers of "No" is that they are not running one mile.

Ask someone if they believe in the existence of god... and if they say "no" then you have the same issue of determining what they are actually saying "no" to: is it the act of believing or is it what they have belief in?

Most atheists are saying "no" to the act of believing.
But what connects all atheists is that they "do not believe in the existence of god".
There are 3 possible positions a person can take on any matter. No more. No less.
1. X is true.
2. X is false.
3. Inconclusive.

In the case of the existence of God.
1. Theism.
2. Atheism.
3. Inconclusive. No position.

Those who consider the matter inconclusive, and call themselves atheists are not real atheists. They're studio atheists.
There are 3 possible positions a person can take on any matter. No more. No less.
1. X is true.
2. X is false.
3. Inconclusive.

In the case of the existence of God.
1. Theism.
2. Atheism.
3. Inconclusive. No position.

Those who consider the matter inconclusive, and call themselves atheists are not real atheists. They're studio atheists.

Move on, you're wrong.
Non-theism is annything that is not theism. That includes atheism and inconclusive. A disbelief is the assertion of the contradictory of a belief. To disbelieve X is true is to believe X is false. Disbelief is not an inconclusive position.
Non-theism is annything that is not theism. That includes atheism and inconclusive. A disbelief is the assertion of the contradictory of a belief. To disbelieve X is true is to believe X is false. Disbelief is not an inconclusive position.

Philosophers such as Antony Flew[34], Michael Martin[25], and William L. Rowe[35] have contrasted strong (positive) atheism with weak (negative) atheism. Strong atheism is the explicit affirmation that gods do not exist. Weak atheism includes all other forms of non-theism. According to this categorization, anyone who is not a theist is either a weak or a strong atheist.[36] The terms weak and strong are relatively recent; however, the equivalent terms negative and positive atheism have been used in the philosophical literature[34] and (in a slightly different sense) in Catholic apologetics.[37] Under this demarcation of atheism, most agnostics qualify as weak atheists.
Philosophers such as Antony Flew[34], Michael Martin[25], and William L. Rowe[35] have contrasted strong (positive) atheism with weak (negative) atheism. Strong atheism is the explicit affirmation that gods do not exist. Weak atheism includes all other forms of non-theism. According to this categorization, anyone who is not a theist is either a weak or a strong atheist.[36] The terms weak and strong are relatively recent; however, the equivalent terms negative and positive atheism have been used in the philosophical literature[34] and (in a slightly different sense) in Catholic apologetics.[37] Under this demarcation of atheism, most agnostics qualify as weak atheists.
Posting nonsense doesn't make it correct. All your repsonses are either 'no' or 'wrong'. I've already given lots of information on how these definitions of atheism are incorrect, and how the incorporation of such terminology has no underlying purpose. There is simply theism, atheism, agnostic, inconclusive. There is no common use of anything more, and no need for anything more.
Posting nonsense doesn't make it correct. All your repsonses are either 'no' or 'wrong'. I've already given lots of information on how these definitions of atheism are incorrect, and how the incorporation of such terminology has no underlying purpose. There is simply theism, atheism, agnostic, inconclusive. There is no common use of anything more, and no need for anything more.
Ok, continue posting nonsense then.
I used to debate the issue constantly -

I'm right there, man. It gets soooo tiresome and the ploy em-ploy-ers are like automata, like lixluke they just go on ad nausium unable even to give it a new spin.

it with Zeus all the time, why not with Yahweh or Jesus

Why always with the lame Jewish myths any way? Now the Greeks can spin a tale and the Egyptians are much more sophisticated.

And the really sick part is YHVH is the god of the Jews. They are the chosen. And god can barely stomach them! I'm so sure the jealous god of the jews id going to just accept a bunch of gentiles he already chose not to choose who have spent 2000 years ruining the lives of his actual chosen.

Sorry folks. Saul lied to you. Jesus if he came, came for the Jews, not you.

Here's a true story:

Shit! You aren't supposed to tell about the secret atheist base on Jupiter. Faking the lunar landing was supposed to throw people off the scent!

gods are ridiculous and banjo playing frogs are ridiculous.

I don't know. I'd take the frogs if I had to choose on likelihood.

"Created" the universe, man those people will buy any old crap if you just say "god did it."
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