Atheism is false

No it is not, but you can't say that it's impossible…because it's not!
You haven't proved atheism is false, because you didn't understand the definition. Or, you are taking one dictionary's definition as a the ultimate judge of a philosophical position.
I'll vote for the existence of a god if we get to vote on who the god will be afterwards ... my vote goes to Joe Pesci.
Advanced humans know that religion enslaves the weak minded... but that doesn't mean we can't have our own personal system of beliefs....
I don't call myself an atheist out of personal revenge or hostility. I call myself an atheist because if someone asks me what religion I am, I need a word for one who does not believe in any god, and that word is 'atheist'. If the word was 'asshole' then next time someone asked me that I'd refer to myself an as 'asshole'.
SAM said:
So you concede the possibility that there may be a God, you simply choose not to believe in that possibility, is that right?
The possibility is easy to credit, it's the gods available for approval that present difficulties.

It's not so easy to just believe in something that appears to be such arrant and obviously ill-motivated nonsense. The choice is a loaded one. As soon as I attempt to choose to believe in a God, the many mutually exclusive and inter-denominationally hostile possibilities bunch up and refuse to anoint a preference.

And the constant referrals to "mere reason" and the like - reason is not sufficient, of course, but it is necessary, eh? Because reason alone is insufficient, we are to give credence to that which denies reason ?
First of all: what is the point of calling yourselves "atheists", like you have a personal revenge or something with the notion of theism...

there are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts but I don't see them calling themselves "Aghostists"... and I also don't see "Agoblinists" or "Amickey-mouseists"... so why do you specifically associate yourselves with the denial of deities ?! It's not an idea you know…it's just a rejection of one idea…

The definition of atheism is:

The denial of the existence of a god or gods (positive atheism).
or the lack of belief in the existence of a god or gods (negative atheism)

The negative atheists are agnostics, but they don't know that... so anybody who believes in negative atheism should stop calling themselves atheists; you are agnostics and not atheists!

Atheism (positive atheism), is a very feeble creed and it is identical to theism in that they both use rationalism (mere reason) to assure positive facts! I've never seen any material or logical evidence that denies the existence of A god. Those are unattainable, and it's irrational to believe that you can prove the non-existence of something that doesn't exist! How would you ever do that!

I know that it's easy to proof that the Christian or Islamic Gods don't exist, but this is not a proof against the existence of ANY god, which what the definition of atheism states…

So it's clear how the definition of atheism is corrupt, and the designation of it is pointless… it should really be abolished from describing irreligious people…

I don't like the word agnostic either, because it is too doesn't have any sense; it means that I don't know! Well, I prefer to associate myself with something that I know or something that I don't deny instead!

Either way, I still don't believe in god.
In my opinion

First of all: what is the point of calling yourselves "atheists", like you have a personal revenge or something with the notion of theism...

there are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts but I don't see them calling themselves "Aghostists"... and I also don't see "Agoblinists" or "Amickey-mouseists"... so why do you specifically associate yourselves with the denial of deities ?! It's not an idea you know…it's just a rejection of one idea…

The definition of atheism is:

The denial of the existence of a god or gods (positive atheism).
or the lack of belief in the existence of a god or gods (negative atheism)

The negative atheists are agnostics, but they don't know that... so anybody who believes in negative atheism should stop calling themselves atheists; you are agnostics and not atheists!

Atheism (positive atheism), is a very feeble creed and it is identical to theism in that they both use rationalism (mere reason) to assure positive facts! I've never seen any material or logical evidence that denies the existence of A god. Those are unattainable, and it's irrational to believe that you can prove the non-existence of something that doesn't exist! How would you ever do that!

I know that it's easy to proof that the Christian or Islamic Gods don't exist, but this is not a proof against the existence of ANY god, which what the definition of atheism states…

So it's clear how the definition of atheism is corrupt, and the designation of it is pointless… it should really be abolished from describing irreligious people…

I don't like the word agnostic either, because it is too doesn't have any sense; it means that I don't know! Well, I prefer to associate myself with something that I know or something that I don't deny instead!
:eek: In my own opinion, atheism is a profiteering system of thinking whose subjects are being blinded by teaching them that a god or gods to become should appear physically. REMEMBER Zeus?

In my own opinion, atheism is a profiteering system of thinking whose subjects are being blinded by teaching them that a god or gods to become should appear physically.
Got any exampes of any real objects at any time that don't appear physically.
Atheism (positive atheism), is a very feeble creed and it is identical to theism in that they both use rationalism (mere reason) to assure positive facts! I've never seen any material or logical evidence that denies the existence of A god. Those are unattainable, and it's irrational to believe that you can prove the non-existence of something that doesn't exist! How would you ever do that!

I think that you are forgetting one key point. If one claims something DOES exist, the burden of proof lies with them. If I told you Bigfoot DOES exist, I would not cross my arms and dare you to prove me wrong. I would gather all available evdence and present it to you. If the evidence I presented could not verified using the scientific method, you could be forgiven for not believing in Bigfoot. And I like how you put MERE REASON in parenthesis.
An agnostic believes that you cannot know if there is a god. Not that the do not know, they cannot know. But, many atheists do contridict themselves. Of course there is no reason do directly attack a certain religion.
I think that you are forgetting one key point. If one claims something DOES exist, the burden of proof lies with them. If I told you Bigfoot DOES exist, I would not cross my arms and dare you to prove me wrong. I would gather all available evdence and present it to you. If the evidence I presented could not verified using the scientific method, you could be forgiven for not believing in Bigfoot. And I like how you put MERE REASON in parenthesis.

We make the claim, you have to prove us wrong. We say we believe something, and we may not care if you agree with us. It is your job to tell us, and prove to us that we are wrong.
I thought we talked about this. Do you mean if I make a claim, like Santa Clause works for the CIA, that you must try and disprove it?
It's ignorant assertions of what atheism is from the perspective of the superstitious that inspires me to just settle for rationalist instead if I must have a label. If being an atheist means that I'm "denying" some superstitious believers god (whichever god they hold to be true); or if being an atheist means that I'm making a positive claim that gods do not exist -then I'm not an atheist.

I'm without gods. I don't believe in gods. I don't see any rational or good reason to accept anyone's god(s). I don't accept that it is ultimately unknowable in the sense that the god hypothesis isn't testable by science. But I don't accept the definition that I'm "denying" or "claiming against" the existence of gods. I never met a god. Nor have I examined every possible location in the universe that might hide a god. So one might be sitting there, waiting for its rock to be turned over.

But rational understanding and perspective leaves me no reason to live my life as if a god exists and it definitely doesn't require that I accept one of the hundreds of thousands of gods that have been claimed by man in the present and past as being THE god. Its completely irrational to believe that the Christian god is the right one when there are so many to chose from. Nor is it rational to believe that *all* the gods of humanity are the same one with different names since even a casual understanding of human religions reveals that most have contradictory and competing characteristics.

Oh, and finally, there are plenty of reasons to attack religions. They make claims that are complete nonsense and have the potential to be deleterious to society through violence or harmful beliefs such as condoms spread HIV/AIDs. And so on.
looky here
kindly affirm or dissuade of notion

god works if placed in chain of causality
postulating as first cause is the problem
how about justice?
People's minds?
etc etc
I think you'll find that he asked for "real objects" - not concepts like justice, or descriptions of processes, like people's minds.
Or are you just being deliberately fallacious, throwing around that of which you seem to have little real understanding, in order to provoke?

I think you'll find that he asked for "real objects" - not concepts like justice, or descriptions of processes, like people's minds.
Or are you just being deliberately fallacious, throwing around that of which you seem to have little real understanding, in order to provoke?

there's certainly no "real" evidence for your analysis of people's minds
and for someone who advocates ethical issues (aka fallaciousness) are essentially outside of reality, you sure are uptight