Atheism and the end of the world

Again...where would the nearest grocery be??? Mall? Where'd the offices be? Did you think all 6 billion humans would be satisfied to be farmers? How'd they get to another state via mass transit - can you build a train to fit a mere million (out of 6 billion) people at the same time? Or do you think everyone can chant "wingardium leviosa" and float their way wherever they want to go?

Like I said, square footage does not lead to feasibility.
I'm not proposing that all the world move to Arkansas, just illustrating that the world is not hopelessly packed with people as alarmists would have us believe.
Again...where would the nearest grocery be???

Malls are bad for you. There are none.

Where'd the offices be?
An AI takes care of all the paperwork.

Did you think all 6 billion humans would be satisfied to be farmers?
No need to farm. We grow steaks our in vitro incubators in the kitchen.

How'd they get to another state via mass transit
There are no other states other than Kansas in the future. All the people are here. Not somewhere else.

- can you build a train to fit a mere million (out of 6 billion) people at the same time? Or do you think everyone can chant "wingardium leviosa" and float their way wherever they want to go?

It's a risk to venture out of kansas because there is nothing out there but nature. Wolves, bears, pumas, giant sloths.

Like I said, square footage does not lead to feasibility.
We will use the metric system in the future.
Exactly how much sci-fi do you look at? (Ironic question coming from a starship huh LOL). point wasn't the literal answers of these questions. My point was that maybe, just maybe, a radical change like that...or even heading close to that, would be at the very least chaotic.

IT's a Hell Hole because of the people that live there (horrible violence and such). It's only a few parts that it is a Hell Hole for being what it is physically - such as much of the Sahara or the deepest of the jungles.

Moreover, I'd disagree with your hydrocarbon quoted fellow, on account of the fact that America is the largest producer of corn in the world, and can easily use said corn oil for ethanol. In fact, it is all ready implemented in some Mid-West states. We're also rapidly producing more hybrid cars, which are starting to get really snazzy. Even a Hybrid Hummer.

IT's a Hell Hole because of the people that live there (horrible violence and such). It's only a few parts that it is a Hell Hole for being what it is physically - such as much of the Sahara or the deepest of the jungles.

Infertility is killing off the secular world

In the former Soviet empire, where atheism reigned as state policy for generations, the United Nations forecasts extreme declines in population by 2050, ranging from 22% for the Russian Federation to nearly 50% for the Ukraine.

Is secularism at fault? The numbers do not suggest otherwise.

secularism or non-secularism got nothing to do with birth rate. In fact to contradict those predictions made...yes atheism reigned in Soviet Union...however under the atheistic shell...Russians were always orthodox christians...because when something is prohibited by the government...the citizens want that the most.

Sorry about that. I omitted "it's only in a few parts". I had been up for 24 hours when I wrote that post.
I heard on NPR today that all German citizens pay a "church tax" which is then given to verious religious organizations. Not Scientologists, though, since Germany doesn't consider them a religion.

Which would lead me to conclude that Germans are hell religious.

You know what would be a better indicator of birth rates? 1. Literacy. 2. Female literacy and women's rights. 3. Presence of funtamentalism.

If women are property, like the Islams tell us, then of course they're squirting out kids! They're not allowed to say no!
Oh! honey, it would take more than fans to cool me off! :eek:
I suggest using liquid nitrogen
I heard on NPR today that all German citizens pay a "church tax" which is then given to verious religious organizations. Not Scientologists, though, since Germany doesn't consider them a religion.

Which would lead me to conclude that Germans are hell religious.

You know what would be a better indicator of birth rates? 1. Literacy. 2. Female literacy and women's rights. 3. Presence of funtamentalism.

If women are property, like the Islams tell us, then of course they're squirting out kids! They're not allowed to say no!

The Germans aren't forced to pay church tax though, they simply don't list a religion in their tax forms, and that's 0% for churches. I imagine that the church tax is buried in their taxation laws somewhere, so the easiest thing to do it to make it voluntary. And I guess no collection is taken at the churches' ceremonies. :p
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In German class, my German teacher told me that German's are not religious at all. The Churches are almost never filled on any other days save holidays, and then too, the assembly is quite empty. Perhaps it has increased since his day, but whatever...