Atheism and common sense

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Please post in my thread, SAM. Like yours, it is not at all bigoted. I followed your lead and asked some innocent questions that you, as a Muslim, will not be offended by. I hope you can answer my questions and help me to understand why Muslims are unable to face the poverty of their kind of thinking. Oh, wait! That sounds a bit biased, doesn't it? Almost like there's a prejudice in the question. No, that can't be right. Carry on.
Are atheists lacking in understanding human diversity of thought?

Why are so many atheist discussions about destroying human diversity?
They're not, but please post the evidence to support your claim.

Why are they unable to face the poverty of their kind of thinking?
Leading question. Detail the poverty of "their kind of thinking", provide the evidence etc, and then perhaps we can agree on what you are currently presuppositioning.

Do atheists want to destroy humanity?
SAM said:
Would it have been enlightened if I had asked why atheism is like racism or slavery? Or why atheism is mental retardation? Or if a lobotomy is better than atheism?
It would have been the same basic thread.
Would it have been enlightened if I had asked why atheism is like racism or slavery? Or why atheism is mental retardation? Or if a lobotomy is better than atheism?

You don't know? Doesn't your religion teach you good manners, SAM? Or not to be a bigot? Or maybe it does and it's just YOU who has the problem. Yes, that seems more likely to me.

Tell me, SAM: why is Islam like racism or slavery. It's an innocent question, I'm told. Tell me, SAM: why are all Muslims mentally retarded? Ooh, that sounds like it might be bigoted. No, SAM taught me how to ask questions in an intelligent and neutral manner, so that can't be right. Tell me SAM: is a lobotomy better than converting to Islam, do you think? I want your honest opinion, because it's not at all a bigoted question but a genuine inquiry. SAM told me so.
as an atheist.....

Are atheists lacking in understanding human diversity of thought?

i understand, up to a point, why people harbor delusions

Why are so many atheist discussions about destroying human diversity?

because we care. that and the fact that you and your "diversity of thought" can be downright dangerous

Why are they unable to face the poverty of their kind of thinking?

i reject conclusions derived from faulty premises

Do atheists want to destroy humanity?

just the sky daddy worshippers.
Why just atheism, SAM?

as an atheist.....
i understand, up to a point, why people harbor delusions
because we care. that and the fact that you and your "diversity of thought" can be downright dangerous
i reject conclusions derived from faulty premises
just the sky daddy worshippers.

You're lucky you live in a world where the majority are religious, imagine if they were as intolerant as you.
Yes, just imagine if there were lots of bigots like SAM... er... Gustav.
You cannot have a secular government in an atheist society. Their delusions about rational thinking wouldn't permit it.

Its been proved by history.
SAM said:
You're lucky you live in a world where the majority are religious, imagine if they were as intolerant as you.
Self-perception of one's own tolerance would be more persuasive were it accompanied by some indication that the tolerance is informed.

That the theistic would recognize intolerance on their own part, were some to exist.
Moderator note: time to close this inflammatory rubbish thread. There's only one way it can go from here - downwards, rapidly.

SAM: You are officially warned. No more threads like this, and no whining in Site Feedback or Open Government about how your bigotry has been shut down here. Or else.
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