Atheism and common sense

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Are atheists lacking in understanding human diversity of thought?

Why are so many atheist discussions about destroying human diversity?

Why are they unable to face the poverty of their kind of thinking?

Do atheists want to destroy humanity?
Because they are intelligent and everyone else are idiotically insane- they're following the lead of Dawkins who think anyone who doesn't believe in Evolution is insane- :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
Why do they think they are more intelligent when there hasn't been a peep of contribution from them throughout the history of humanity until barely a century or two ago?

And even if their brand of literal thinking is beneficial to them in modern society, how is that anything but an accolade to the success of societies established, developed and sustained by religions?
Why do they think they are more intelligent when there hasn't been a peep of contribution from them throughout the history of humanity until barely a century or two ago?

Everyone likes to think of themselves as intelligent...So they do :D

And even if their brand of literal thinking is beneficial to them in modern society, how is that anything but an accolade to the success of societies established, developed and sustained by religions?

Atheism was working behind the scenes- Religions developing and sustaining the world is a huge organized conspiracy as far as they are concerned. :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
SAM said:
Are atheists lacking in understanding human diversity of thought?
They sometimes understand atheism, which is more than I can say for any overt Muslim ever to appear on this forum.
SAM said:
Why do they think they are more intelligent when there hasn't been a peep of contribution from them throughout the history of humanity
The theists around here tend to breed arrogance in the local atheists, by saying many silly and simplistically foolish things.

Such as claiming that all the "contributions" of human history have been by theists. Or claiming superior comprehension of human diversity of thought, immediately after linking a bigoted Mormon website as information about the Navajo religion. Or claiming that female genital mutilation does not oppress women, because women do it voluntarily to each other. Or claiming Pakistan has no brothels, and never committed atrocities in Bangladesh, and only commits honor killings because of Western influence and only in the backwards rural areas, because those things are against the Quran.
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Or claiming superior comprehension of human diversity of thought, immediately after linking a bigoted Mormon website as information about the Navajo religion.

Perhaps you might want to deconstruct that sentence. :p
SAM said:
Perhaps you might want to deconstruct that sentence.
The construction is simple. The observation was of a failure to appreciate some diversity of Mormon and Navajo thought.

Theists seem to have a very hard time conceiving of ways of thought different from their own, is all, compared with the general run of atheists on these kinds of forums. They tend to make really blatant, silly errors. But then, atheists in theistic societies have had a lot more serious practice in the matter.
The construction is simple. The observation was of a failure to appreciate some diversity of Mormon and Navajo thought.

Theists seem to have a very hard time conceiving of ways of thought different from their own, is all, compared with the general run of atheists on these kinds of forums. They tend to make really blatant, silly errors. But then, atheists in theistic societies have had a lot more serious practice in the matter.

I think you're missing the whole concept of diversity of thought. If a German claims he is a white Aryan of a superior noble race or an atheist claims he is statistically smarter than others, he is allowed to think like that. I have no obligation to recognise it, because I can see that one is a racist and the other a fool, but thats diversity of thought for you. So yeah, the Navajo may think they are not theists or the Jews may think they are a race and you may think atheism is a religion and thats fine. I can live with those beliefs even if I think they are erroneous. If you ask me, though, I will tell you what I think. That does not mean I think they should not exist, merely what I think of them.
SAM said:
I think you're missing the whole concept of diversity of thought.
The concept I leave aside for the moment - the observation was that thests seem pretty blind to certain varieties of human thought. They often don't recognize diverse ways of thinking, and they tend to lump quite different ways of thinking into undifferentiated bags - the one they label "atheist" is particularly striking.

SAM said:
I can live with those beliefs even if I think they are erroneous.
Living with them is one thing. Having a clue about them is another. The subject was an "understanding" of human diversity of thought.
Living with them is one thing. Having a clue about them is another. The subject was an "understanding" of human diversity of thought.

You're right. Do tell. My increasingly insular society and experiences are incredibly inhibiting.:p
SAM said:
You're right. Do tell. My increasingly insular society and experiences are incredibly inhibiting
The next time you want to illustrate the superior understanding of the diversity of human thought among theists, don't link me to a Mormon fundie website for an explanation of what the Navajo religion is really like, and then start a thread about the lack of common sense regarding human diversity displayed by atheists.
The concept I leave aside for the moment - the observation was that thests seem pretty blind to certain varieties of human thought. They often don't recognize diverse ways of thinking, and they tend to lump quite different ways of thinking into undifferentiated bags - the one they label "atheist" is particularly striking.

It's diversity of thought to see similarities (or differences) where someone else does not ...
Indeed, unless the Mormon website exactly reflects what the Navajo are thinking, it would be pointless. Only when everyone has the exact same thoughts about the Navajo as the Navajo do, it would be meaningful.

Are atheists lacking in understanding human diversity of thought?

You're making the mistake of grouping all atheists together. It's the same with Muslims: some lack understanding of human diversity of thought, and some do not. Same thing.

Why are so many atheist discussions about destroying human diversity?

Why are so many Muslim discussions about that? Probably the same reason.

Why are they unable to face the poverty of their kind of thinking?

For the same reason all Muslims everywhere are bigots.

(See how this argument is just stupid, SAM? Getting the picture yet?)

Do atheists want to destroy humanity?

No. Do Muslims?

they're following the lead of Dawkins who think anyone who doesn't believe in Evolution is insane

Or just stupid or uneducated or wilfully blind or a history denier.

Why do they think they are more intelligent when there hasn't been a peep of contribution from them throughout the history of humanity until barely a century or two ago?

How is it that you know what they all think, SAM?

The answer to your question, by the way, is: the Enlightenment (which, if you check your history books, began in the 1700s).

And even if their brand of literal thinking is beneficial to them in modern society, how is that anything but an accolade to the success of societies established, developed and sustained by religions?

The majority of societies are still populated by religious people.
I have started a wonderful companion thread to complement the current excellent thread from SAM. Here:

[thread=97221]Islam and common sense[/thread]

There, we can discuss in an atmosphere free from leading questions and bigotry all the problems that all Muslims share, in the same way that SAM invites us to discuss the problems that all atheists share.

It is a pity that my knowledge of Islam cannot match SAM's obviously in-depth knowledge and understanding of atheism, but maybe we can all learn something with SAM's careful guidance. SAM is not at all a bigot. Not at all. She knows all about atheists, and can help explain why all Muslims in the world are out to destroy humanity in my special other thread.

Thanks SAM! I'm glad I can count on you.
It seems to me that the atheists are in the process of confirming my OP here.

I'm disappointed. My thread about Muslims is not biased. How could it be, when it is a direct, word-for-word homage to your thread?
I did not say anything about your thread since I haven't seen it yet. I'm talking about the process.

Your OP contained only innocent questions to which you do not know the answers. You didn't put any bigoted assumptions in there to confirm or deny, did you?

Maybe I'm stupid and missed the subtext. You wouldn't be a bigot, would you SAM?
Would it have been enlightened if I had asked why atheism is like racism or slavery? Or why atheism is mental retardation? Or if a lobotomy is better than atheism?

Or, so on and so forth.
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