at what age should you teach your child about sex?


and also i would like to ask why alot of parents lie to the child so much of the time. so many parents tell the child stories about birds dropping off the child and other silly things. what is the point?

when my daughter asks where babies come from when she is at that age i will tell her the truth. "your mother gave birth to you". i dont see the point in deluding the poor child.

the sooner she knows the facts the faster she can advance and learn the ways of the world. wich wuld make her more intelligent.

what age do you think its ok to tell the truth? i think the right time is anytime. if the child asks i will tell the truth.

Young children often ask questions about things when they're not even remotely mature enough to grasp any truthful, honest answer. And even if one keeps explaining, keeps telling truth, the kid might become totally confused and, worse, it might burst a few of his/her bubbles.

When can little kids grasp the concept of sex, pregnancy and birth? In fact, that same question arises a gazillion times with children as they grow.

"The truth? You can't handle the truth!"

Baron Max
Young children often ask questions about things when they're not even remotely mature enough to grasp any truthful, honest answer. And even if one keeps explaining, keeps telling truth, the kid might become totally confused and, worse, it might burst a few of his/her bubbles.

When can little kids grasp the concept of sex, pregnancy and birth? In fact, that same question arises a gazillion times with children as they grow.

"The truth? You can't handle the truth!"

Baron Max

if a child can ask the question "where do babies come from" im sure it can understand "out of your mother".

see child. you used to reside in my balls as a tiny microscopic sperm (tadpole like in the pond), then i stuck my penis into your mothers vagina. you came out of the penis nd went up the tubes. where you found a little egg, you had to fight witht hese other sperms in a glorious battle to the death (or to the life i should say).

then nine months later you emerged as a person.

im sure that is simple enough for a little child to understand, and when it gets older you can elaborate and explain in more detail.

and also i would like to ask why alot of parents lie to the child so much of the time. so many parents tell the child stories about birds dropping off the child and other silly things. what is the point?

when my daughter asks where babies come from when she is at that age i will tell her the truth. "your mother gave birth to you". i dont see the point in deluding the poor child.

the sooner she knows the facts the faster she can advance and learn the ways of the world. wich wuld make her more intelligent.

what age do you think its ok to tell the truth? i think the right time is anytime. if the child asks i will tell the truth.


i dont lie to my children because i find that lies just come up and bite you in the ass.

just tonight my 7yr old asked me what was the name for the female "bits" (his words) and i told him. he made a joke out of it and then said "well why dont girls have willys" because i said we are female and we are differant from men, and women need to give birth to children,

i think if your open with your children when "you" feal is the right time then that is the right time, if they are old enough to ask then perhaps they are old enough to know.

i wish my mum wouldve told me about the birds and bees when i was younger.
My kids know all about reproduction, periods, birth control, STDs, but I really want to have an oral sex discussion with my son??
Nope, I haven't had a sex discussion with either of my kids.
I was kinda hoping the internet would do that. ;)
Oh sure, the internet can do it. Your kids will probably do the first thing that comes to mind... going to and searching for "sex". The first result is a Wikipedia article which is not interesting to a young person, but the images will give them an idea or two. Don't get too upset if they start imitating some of the pictures though.
...Don't get too upset if they start imitating some of the pictures though.

Hey, what they do with their significant other is their business. I've already given my son condoms and he can do what his girlfriend lets him do.
Well if you're giving your kids condoms, then they already know what sex is. Unless they like having water balloon fights or making balloon animals. I think the aim of this topic was "when should they be taught".
Well if you're giving your kids condoms, then they already know what sex is. Unless they like having water balloon fights or making balloon animals. I think the aim of this topic was "when should they be taught".

Like I said, I've taught them about birth control. When I think of sex, I think intercourse and I haven't taught them a damn thing. nada, zip, zero, zilch.
I am very open and honest with my child so that she can develop a healthy view of her sexuality and realize the risks and benefits that it entails. At the age of six she started to ask questions regarding development at the time I went to the bookstore and bought her a wonderful book here is the excerpt:
The Care & Keeping of You - The Body Book for Girls
This “head-to-toe” guide answers all a girl's questions about her changing body, from hair care to healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything in between. Paperback. 104 pages.

She and I read the book together and I made myself available for any questions she had, this book did not deal with intercourse but with development of the emotional and biological changes she would experience. In Grade 5 (age 10-11) the school system also does a human development class which does go into male/female anatomy, biological changes for both sexes and also conception.

She is now 13, she has an interest in boys and I feel that the more educated she is the better prepared she will be when it comes time for intercourse or oral sex, especially with the increase of oral cancers from HPV and the large amount of STD's she could contract. I thought it was important once again to stress the risks associated with sexual behaviour when preparing her for her HPV vaccinations. It is important to me that she have an understanding that sex is not dirty, wrong, or "bad". I want her to be proud of her body and her sexuality as this will create a healthier outlook, I believe, as she grows older. The interesting thing is that while I am very open about sexuality, some of her peers have parents that do not discuss sex in any way shape or form and they seem to be already experimenting sexually a the age of 12-13. I have also informed my daughter when she is ready to be sexually active that I will take her to the Drs. for birth control so she can fully understand the health aspects of her choices while I supply the emotional support.
...The Care & Keeping of You - The Body Book for Girls. This “head-to-toe” guide answers all a girl's questions about her changing body, from hair care to healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything in between. ...

My daughter has an American Girl and I've seen this book numerous times in the store and have debated whether or not to get it. Thanks! I'm gonna buy it today. :)
...what age do you think its ok to tell the truth? i think the right time is anytime. if the child asks i will tell the truth...

When I asked various questions, my Mom's favorite saying was "You don't need to know. Only whores do that" Thankfully my friends were whores. :D They found my innocence appalling.

To this day I'll never forget the look on my Dad's face when I asked him what a douche was. Again, I got the patent whores answer. :rolleyes:
My daughter has an American Girl and I've seen this book numerous times in the store and have debated whether or not to get it. Thanks! I'm gonna buy it today.

I am glad it is well worth the money. It is easy to understand which opens up dialog comfortably without embarrassment, makes it much easier as a parent I think. ;)
where do you draw the line? There are just some things I will not talk about to my kids. technique...oh hell no.