Astrotheology and the Bible

I should like to note that, unlike much of the Bible, King Arthur was a historical figure, according to many researchers.

About Avalon, are you sure I mentioned that? I don't remember (but that's not unusual)

Here's your post in question:
I used to believe there was a King Arthur, but now I know he is just a metaphor for the Great Bear Constellation (Ursa Major). The "round table" of course is the 12 signs of the zodiac. The knights of the round table are the different signs/positions of the zodiac. Avalon=heaven. The holy grail, well, it's a cup, so that must be a metaphor for Aquarias.

I just don't think King Arthur was real, but represented in a constellation

Or maybe Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation Boötes?

the Knights are the Constellations.

I'm not sure about that. There are 88 known constellations. As for the number of the knights, we really don't know.The Winchester Round Table lists 25, some medieval sources - well over a thousand.

but what is an "etrog?

It's a citrus fruit, looks kinda like a lemon, and it's used in the rituals of Sukkot (Jewish holiday).

Some noted artist painted a woman (thought to be MM) holding a ferret or something whose symbolism was something which I now forget. I'm sure you're familiar with the painting. I just love to decipher all those secret symbolic treatments in Renaissance art!

Yes, symbolism in art is a fascinating subject. It's there all right, if you know what to look for. For example, van Eyck brothers, which I mentioned in my previous post, utilized it profusely, their Ghent altarpiece being a prime example. In fact, as far as I know, there are plans to publish a book in English on the subject of symbolism in paintings, among other things. You might find the book interesting, as it also touches on the Rennes le chateau mystery.

Or maybe Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation Boötes?

I'm not sure about that. There are 88 known constellations. As for the number of the knights, we really don't know.The Winchester Round Table lists 25, some medieval sources - well over a thousand.

Yes, symbolism in art is a fascinating subject. It's there all right, if you know what to look for. For example, van Eyck brothers, which I mentioned in my previous post, utilized it profusely, their Ghent altarpiece being a prime example. In fact, as far as I know, there are plans to publish a book in English on the subject of symbolism in paintings, among other things. You might find the book interesting, as it also touches on the Rennes le chateau mystery.

M*W: I haven't read enough about the tales of King Arthur to really get into the deciphering of it. My opinions are based on readings I've glanced through momentarily. I think if we could go back far enough to trace how all our myths came about, we'd find them in the stars. Not that I'm into astrology. I'm not. I rarely even read my own horoscope. Fact is, one cannot really tell if one's horoscope is correct until they wait until after the fact, say a year or so, to find out if it was true or not. The trends can be quite interesting.

I am really looking forward to the art book you mentioned. I could really get into that. I don't believe da Vinci had a "code" per se, but I do believe he had enigmas in his paintings that stick their noses up at the RCC. I can walk into most art galleries and decipher some religious art. Most people think when they see a man, woman and child, they are looking at Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Not so. And all the paintings of MM! Very symbolic!

I've studied in depth about Rennes-le-Chateau, and I've finally decided that the big secret is that the whole story of Jesus is astrological. After all, Sauniere had some occult friends decipher those parchments. That's what I think they found.

Over the doorway it reads, "This Place Is Terrible," au Francais, of course, and the placqard has stars around it.

I still haven't figured out what Sauniere was digging for, but it could have been money or the bones of Jesus. Finding the bones of MM wouldn't have been so great as parts of her (allegedly) were all over the place. I'm inclined to believe she didn't exist either, but was a representation of the Sign of Virgo. The gospels take us from before the birth of Jesus to his death and resurrection -- a solar year -- all symbolic.

I used to belong to the R-l-C website, but somewhere along the way my computer crashed and I quit receiving updates. There were no true updates -- as in no new information. I've read all the books on R-l-C, and they all come down to differing opinions. I doubt the whole truth will ever be told.