astrological signs

I’ve researched astrology fairly extensively over the past few decades. It tends to work quite well for most people in some respects, unfortunately too many people try to see it in very simplistic terms and then it tends to fail more often than it succeeds.

Your sun sign is the one that most people associate with astrology and this can give some idea of what you are like, but this is rarely accurate just on its own. The next most important characteristic is your rising sign (or ascendant), i.e. the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the instant you were born. Your rising sign could be your real dominant type, but usually it overlaps with your sun sign to some degree, large or small.

To get closer to your type you need to read both your sun sign and your rising sign. You will definitely need to know the exact minute you were born and the place if you want to find your rising sign.

And that is as simplistic as you should view astrology. After that things begin to get very complicated.

But here is another simplistic view that has some value.

The sign groupings –

Fire – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – Assertive.
Earth – Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn - Stable.
Air – Libra, Gemino, Aquarius – Intellectual.
Water – Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces – Imaginative.

I am a Virgo with Aries rising. This makes me down to earth, analytical, (Virgo, Earth) but assertive with a tendency to lead (Aries, Fire). And I have a job to match those traits.

As for relationships there is a tendency for most people to be compatible with those in their group, but there are many exceptions. I was married to a Taurus for 18 years and that worked very well. My most successful partners have also been Virgo and Capricorn.

Predicting the Future

Astrology does not predict the future; that is a myth. What it can do is to examine your birth chart and understand how you are influenced by the planets and their relationships, and then it can progress your chart to a future time and then see how the new positions of the planets can affect your personality. It can’t tell what will happen but can only indicate tendencies in how you would react to external influences. The value is that if you know how you will be influenced then you can either exploit an advantageous condition or avoid the bad. Some see this as the most useful aspect to astrology. I’ve tried this many times and its value is very precarious.

Bebelina - Capricorn huh - interesting.
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I am a scorpio. The traits of all signs are so broad as to fit almost anyone. I find little in the day to day horoscopes that are of interest for that reason. Instead of hunting your sign you would be just as effective in thumbing through and stopping at anyplace and read from that passage as yours. The commercial variety of interpretation is just to vague.

So go dig into the natal charts, the postition charts, and the interpretations of conjunctions, ect. and you still wind up with the same thing. A very vague indication of what you MAY be.
The traits of all signs are so broad as to fit almost anyone.
Well of course since there are clearly more than 12 different personality types. So just looking at sun signs and expect a perfect fit is kinda dumb.

I find little in the day to day horoscopes that are of interest for that reason.
That really isn’t astrology, and does real astrology a disservice. Such things are a waste of time. Good enough only for humor.

So go dig into the natal charts, the postition charts, and the interpretations of conjunctions, ect. and you still wind up with the same thing. A very vague indication of what you MAY be.
Done properly, there is more value than just vagueness.
Believe it or not Cris, unlike what many people ( that I have not met) think, I'm a very down to earth and serious person. If I remember it correctly my ascendant is in Virgo, which matches well with Capricorn. Ps, but don't tell anybody, as far as they are concerned, I could be something radical like a Scorpio...:D

Yes, go ahead. It's a drag reading your own sign and realize that the qualities matches...boring, serious, practical,stubborn, and then read what the other signs say and realize they don't match, like Scorpios, passionate, wild and emotional...:D
I've always dreamed in secret to be more adventurous...


Did you know that Virgos have the strongest sex drive of all the signs. And two virgos together....................
Precession notwithstanding, by the entertaining convention in current conversation, I, too, am a "Virgo". :rolleyes:

My sexuallity has never required the emotionally-viagrish, arguably placebic "Virgo" legitimization.
<i>Did you know that Virgos have the strongest sex drive of all the signs</i>

Oh!this,being a Virgo Myself i would agree. :D
