astrological signs

I dont really believe in Astrology and stuff, but i noticed that wherever i read my sign it always describes me and suits my personality completely. (Libra)
it doesn't matter whether you believe or not. I'm just trying to see how accurate the descriptions are, if accurate at all.
Astrology is more complicated than that. If you are going to understand it completely, you need to study it, because the signs are only guidelines to the whole picture.
I don't know so much about the details, but often it's about in what sign your ascendent is ( something like that) and how it mathces with your original sign, and then the positions of all signs at the time and place you were born togehter creates an energy that will interact with your being in ways that will be familiar with who you are....ah, nevermind.
I'm a capricorn, and the qualities matches rather well, except for the conservative part, that I am not.
I find this confusing. Why would you want to know the general aspects of a very complicated system, when you know that the general aspects will not give any indication of the true nature of relations between the person and the signs?
Why not? I was interested... How is this confusing at all? Maybe you're trying too hard to figure out my motives when it's really "just because" (I thought it was rather obvious, but oh well).

I kind of want feedback before I explain further though.
That's what I thought, you have further thought. :) So why don't you explain it to us right away, and maybe it will be easier to answer your questions.
I'm sure you are a very suspicious person with very strange tidings, I can feel it in my chilly bones..:D
Don't mind me..go ahead with your business. :)
Well, really the only reason why I haven't explained is because I'm really tired and trying to form readable sentences has become my nightmare... but here goes...

Over my years in this very annoying city with little to do except the internet, drugs, or movies, it seems that, to the people who know nothing about astrology they either say that horoscopes are for stupid people (in other words as well, but along the same line) or they conform to the general description even though they don't fit into them really that well (either they're skeptical or they really want to believe without furthuring their knowledge).

I was wondering if people would realize that almost anyone can fit the general descriptions? or who would just brush it off as silly beliefs for whatever-minded-people...

For instance, I'm pisces so I'm GENERALLY "receptive, supersensitive, impressionable, peace-loving, serious, sympathetic, charitable, compassionate, artistic, creative, dreamer, dedicated, imaginative, psychic, shy, introverted, spiritual, and reclusive." but I could also fit into the general Gemini keywords: "flexible, versatile, restless, a jack-of-all-trades, lively, alert, quick-witted, literary, communicative, a good conversationalist, changeable, sociable, logical, ingenious, agile, dexterous, intellectual, and mentally ambitious."

This is what sparked my interest in astrology in the first place. Also... I wanted to know who is what sign (for some reason this helps me remember the person a lot better...)

From what you've told me about Geminis I would say I'm a close match...but then again, I also read Picses and noted that a lot of that applied to me too....I think generally the descriptions are vauge enough that they are bound to be somewhat true...

But you know how skeptical I can be at time ;)
Astrology as very few people understand is a study of energy associated with any object,every object as i understand has an energy associated with it.the centre of every body exudes energy spreading across,this energy is what affects brains of people(In form of EM or some other radiation,as it given direct feed to brainproducing scenarios).
At every instant the world has a fixed level of energy,
the chakras(Our body has seven chakras);when a child is born gets activated for the first time,these chakras produce energy inside the body due to outside simulation and thus creating a balance.thus it is this energy in form of radiation E.M that feeds brain to produce thoughts in him...

these thoughts generally decides future of a person.People have already(Just a speculation,if Astrology is true) done experimenting onto this and produced a stats on the basis of what today astrologers predict things out

just a thought of mine thought...

I'm a Gemini, and I have a twin brother, pretty creepy, isn't it? Still a lot spookier is my friend who is a Scorpio, and I just know that in secret he's a scorpion! He still won't admit it, but the chitins exoskeleton gives him away every time!
Uhh i dont think astrology is related to chakras. Wasnt that type of mysticism created in eastern cultures, around India and the like. And astrology i beleive came out of europe... or was it the middle east i forget, point being those two concepts werent created by the same people and i dont think they were influenced by eachother.

Allthough im sure there is some kind of third edition rule book that combines the two systems for the possibility of a cross over.:eek: <-also i pick the face with the big eyes because he is humorous to behold.
Astrology came from India.Strictly,it was practised in India and no outsiders were told about this know how
that is if you wanna know the origin.

Core Astro was what i was talking about.the other astro stuff talked in west and other parts of middle east along with witchcraft etc was something else.

But as far as Vedic know hows are concerned,the astrology is based on this principle.What other parts of world independently said about this is a different thing altogether...


Ummm, Be sure to jump on me like a gaggle of irate lunatics who need to go back to history 101, if I'm wrong about this, but I don't think that 'witchcraft' was ever practised as a religion, until Wiccans started poping up and feeling the good witchy vibe about 50 years ago. . .
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Yeah thats the way things work , its on acount of most of these folks starting out as christians, or probably just that christianity is everywhere here in the western world. Some folks call themselves pagans, but pagan is just a christian catchall for non-christians, and people alwayse refer to witch craft, but all those ancient witches they are talking about were really priestesses, shamanesses, wise women etc, which is close enough to a witch I guess but they thought of themselves differently, and sure did things differently than malius malificarum (quinessential witch hunting book of the middle ages) said. But thanks to the fact that the western world and its culture is so influenced by christandom, and because christianity likes to suppress other religions all those witchy types are just sort of homogenised as witches case closed, who cares how their own culture/religion saw them and their alleged mistical role. That homogenized view really makes it easyer for wiccans to claim all those old witchy types as their forebearers too.
Astrology is the intellectual equivalent of <cough> "professional wrestling". Form without substance.

Virgo is practical, responsible, sensible, logical, analytical, highly discriminating, a careful planner, precise and punctual, dedicated, perfectionist, critical, health conscious, and somewhat introverted.

hmmm Ill agree with that.