Astrological Ping Pong

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Registered Senior Member
You're about to see a match between Astrologer v A multitude of Scientists. The Astrologer will win every point with some considerable ease. We can safely assume there will be some disputed calls but the astrologer (me) suggests they will be few and far between.

We'll start at the top of the tree (as all monkeys do!) The doyen of documentary writers everywhere..Adolf Hitler.


You'll note the lack of water. The other elements are well represented but by all the immutable laws of astrology there MUST be some lack of emotional perspective.

What we expect from Water is a more thoughtful introversion, an ability to 'feel'. In its more extreme examples the water element person is 'too sensitive'..'too full of feeling'. With Adolf feelings are swept aside, there is little need for Eva Braun she's merely of secondary importance.

Humans by nature seek to 'feel emotions' for something and of course some more than others. I've found as a music fan that some of the rather sensitive singer songwriters fall into the 'watery' camp. Its tempting to suggest that maybe his feeling are wrapped up in some 'mythic Homeland'.

What it implies though is that this mans persona is immutably warped and flawed by a total lack of an essential element.

However its only immediately apparent to us because he is in this position of power. Because he is totally in the 'public eye'. Just as a Madonna or a Michael Jackson or a Paris Hilton:)

Therefore this astrological flaw is easily spotted and should be the foundations on which a chart can be read by any able astrologer. Able astrologers are few and far between...only a few such as John Frawley, Noel Tyl and Dennis Elwell really fit the bill as exceptional.
How do we know this is an accurate astrological representation of Hitler? For all we know, he may be full of water.
Billy Chyldyshe said:
The Astrologer will win every point with some considerable ease.
In your dreams maybe.

Okay, I'll bite.
The four elements:
Define them.
Presumably you are not suggesting that it's actual fire/ earct/ air and water that make up our characters.
Pretty chart, but it's just that: a meaningless graphic until you explain HOW it is derived and related to WHAT, and WHY.
Any fool (ring any bells here?) could read a biography, decide on the subjects character and then draw a spurious pie chart.
Define your terms, define the methodology.... get the idea?

Therefore this astrological flaw is easily spotted and should be the foundations on which a chart can be read by any able astrologer. Able astrologers are few and far between...only a few such as John Frawley, Noel Tyl and Dennis Elwell really fit the bill as exceptional.
Able in this case having the special meaning of "convincing to the gullible, but without a shred of scientific credibility"?

remember that thingy I told ya in Eastern philosophy?

it works verra well in other places too. ;)
I'm not sure what you're implying but anyway..its measured accurately by birth certificate and corroborated. We can't actually be there with a stop watch at the birth so we have to make do. Fortunately with the elements it makes very little difference.

Its taken from
I remember Saiyyadati, but this guy claimed to be able to prove that it works: so far we've had pretty pictures and a lot of rhetoric.
If someone can actually prove something they don't just post (unsupported/ unexplained) pictures and waffle....
I'm not sure what you're implying but anyway..its measured accurately by birth certificate and corroborated. We can't actually be there with a stop watch at the birth so we have to make do. Fortunately with the elements it makes very little difference.

Its taken from

So if I give you a date and time of birth (as exact as possible) you can give me an accurate representation of their personality?
I remember Saiyyadati, but this guy claimed to be able to prove that it works: so far we've had pretty pictures and a lot of rhetoric.
If someone can actually prove something they don't just post (unsupported/ unexplained) pictures and waffle....

How hard is it to test a hypothesis?
I'm not sure what you're implying but anyway..its measured accurately by birth certificate and corroborated. We can't actually be there with a stop watch at the birth so we have to make do. Fortunately with the elements it makes very little difference.

Its taken from

Reply to me?
Define the elements, define the application, define the derivation.
Vous etes assez bien informé au langue Francais de utilise cette site?

Yes it should be easily refuted by the same method...happy hunting.

The ball is now in your court. If you dont return it..I keep the serve.
Ah, the eternal woowoo cry.
If I don't reply you win?
You have provided NOTHING so far.
How are the charts derived?
How (and what) are these elements?
How are they measured?
Etc, etc.
The ball is now in your court. If you dont return it..I keep the serve.

Just give us a prediction for one of us! but not so generalized it can apply to any one of us no matter what we tell you though.

You want me to serve with my information?
I'm not sure what you're implying but anyway..its measured accurately by birth certificate and corroborated. We can't actually be there with a stop watch at the birth so we have to make do. Fortunately with the elements it makes very little difference.

Its taken from

So you dont even make the charts yourself ? How do you know they were made properly and not just thought up ? How ARE they actually supposed to be made ?
sic transit gloria mundi :bawl:
It wasn't you I meant... you should know that.

So if I give you a date and time of birth (as exact as possible) you can give me an accurate representation of their personality?
He's been asked before, by others- so far nothing is forthcoming.

How hard is it to test a hypothesis?
What hypothesis?
He's provided nothing but waffle so far.
Anytime, you know me...

Perhaps we need to adjust our attitude? Derision never produced forthrightness.
Da, and neither does repeated asking - read the two threads he started.
I asked, I asked, I asked.
Others asked...
Result: Zip, zilch, nada.
5 pages since he claimed to be able to prove it and we've had a "link" that wasn't - just more pretty charts, a reference to a French site, and no supporting data whatsoever.
If the guy CAN show something - great.
If it's workable, even better.
But he's done nothing at all to back up his assertion that he can PROVE it.

See previous comment.:bugeye:
Ditto :D
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