Astral Projections:Speculated theory


You’re lucky. I typically don’t get out of my bedroom. Did you just show up in Japan or did you travel there? What else happened?

I actually travelled there(I suppose so.)This is because i saw the scene and when i tried to get nearer i could feel the atmosphere around me changed and adjusted according to atmosphere there in that scene.
I had couple of problems:
this is one big problem that i suppose bothers me so much is My melting.I melt! yes! when i see my hands they melt.and i am not able to keep my body as it is.

Also i have this strange feeling that i am hovering,and i can see from anywhere,(i dont even need to twist my body for it!).

When I come back i usually suffer from Back pain for a couple of hours.Severe Back pain! yeah and it hurts a lot~ :(


Curious! It has never occurred to me to look at my body whilst out. I wish I would. Does the melting have any other result? Like, does it hasten your return? I’m thinking it doesn’t matter what you see about your body, since you don’t need one in that realm. Perhaps the melting is an acknowledgement of that. I think when out we are just a point of consciousness. That’s why you can see from anywhere.

I have a hard time with that concept myself, though. I try to put my hand through the wall, only to find the wall solid, yet I know I’m making it solid with my mind. I finally screwed up the nerve to thrust my head through the window and it was no problem.

Re back pain, hmmm, maybe that is caused by the position of your real body? Maybe you are out longer by the clock than you thought? Just guessing.

I AM new here, but this topic intrigues me tremendously.....

When I was a teenager I had a dirt-bike I was working on in a closed garage. In the process of working on it I believe I, for some reason left my physical body, even though I could clearly tell that I was still me....

I remember smelling gas and I recall the feeling of getting "high" off of that smell....I recall seeing the Earth as if from a satellites prospective and damn near literally standing with my feet on this "now" dwarfed planet. I then seemed to be sucked by some sort of "gravity" off into space..... The experienced was a bit startling, causing me to turn and run out of the garage.... An action that I feel never really took place in the physical realm.

I recall seeing a circle surrounding my body at the ground, it was as lightning in nature and no matter how I tried i could not move from the center of that circle. There was a "cord" attached to my midsection that seemed to reach into the Universe, maybe even beyond.... But I could sense I was being nurtured by that cord somehow, just as an infant would be nurtured in the womb of its mother.

In the matter of time, I recall levitating back towards the "dwarfed" planet known as Earth as if I was coming in for some sort of landing, only to be sucked away again, this time I felt as if i were falling thru space, causing me to perhaps move in the physical and coming back to my physical body.... At which time I got the hell out dodge(my garage).

It was a tremendous feeling i had in the yard, but the feelings leading up to getting in the yard were pretty horrid. I have yet to witness again this thing, but it opened my eyes to certain things associated with spirituality.

I understood this circle and cord to be with me always, wherever my physical body travels in the daily grind, it is there..... Just waiting for me to embrace it and use it for the benefit of my being......I like to think of whatever may be on the other side of this cord as "GOD" ....

I am of Native descend and have on many occassion sought out my spirit guide, but I do not necessarily associate this experience with HE. Mostly because my being takes on a different form when I fly that "direction".

Any insight from anyone here would be appreciated.....

Can we as humans use any of this to bring about desired effects in our lives?
You know? The way prayer is said to be answered by GOD, Is that prayer connected in anyway to all of this?

Zanket, As you can tell by my introduction, I am really interested in this "I AM" concept.... More on that subject please?

To any of you guys who only come in here to tell me that I am crazy I say,
"Yes, yes I know, you aint seen nothing yet, stay tuned"

Medicine Hat, your story sounds like a near-death experience. Compare to others’ experiences. Can you elaborate on “the feelings leading up to getting in the yard were pretty horrid”?

I AM is a declaration of who you choose to be. God’s will is that you be who you choose to be. That means God will help you to be who you choose. That is a function of God. I AM is a prayer and God responds to all prayers in one way or another.

For example, I say I AM understanding Einstein’s theory of relativity. I say it with confidence that it will happen, for I have been empowered by God’s will before. I say it with thanks for this beautiful world wherein we have plenty of choices.

Then I study. God leads me to the best books, people, and resources to assist me. God offers key insights, which I accept with appreciation. I wake up each day knowing a bit more than yesterday, having dreamt of physics. It seems like I’m doing it all by myself. Soon, after pondering it for a year, I have an excellent layman’s understanding of Einstein’s theory.

It is thought that to achieve something you must first do, then have, then be. Like you work hard, then you have money, then you be happy. The opposite works better. First I AM understanding the theory, then I have the books and resources, then I do the study.

“Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.” That is God’s will stated. I AM is the knock. You have it right: God is just waiting for you to embrace it and use it for the benefit of your being.
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The feelings were of 'entrapment" , I was caught in something that I did not want to be in... The entity in 'charge' seemed to glorify itself in the power it had over me....

The best I can describe it would be a merry-go-round effect. My being, seemed to be wrapping around some unseen object, not unlike we can wrap cord around a lamp. The only difference seemed to be that my being was infinite, in that it never wrapped all the way to completion, before being 'loosed'.... at which time I entered 'my' yard....I have little doubt I left the body and re-entered it again. Just dont understand WHY or HOW...

Your words on prayer are not that new to me, as I too have witnessed GOD's will in my life.... Would like to talk more on the subject with you in the near future. As you have said on GOD leading you to the right books, perhaps you are just such a 'book' needed for me to understand a few things going on around me.

spookz, I read your link, thanks....
I have been in those type situations.... This incident went beyond all of that.... I recall quite vividly the losing of and the regaining of consciousness....
Originally posted by Medicine Hat
I have little doubt I left the body and re-entered it again. Just dont understand WHY or HOW...

I don’t claim to be a master but here are my thoughts. I say WHY is because your body was threatened by the gas fumes. When death approaches you leave your physical body, which is a tool for this world. You came back in part because your body was able to survive its predicament. The best I can say about HOW is that leaving your body is a natural ability you have. You can leave your body voluntarily in an out-of-body experience. Typically these are not as elaborate as a near-death experience like it seems you had.
I think dying is more related to Pain.In order to escape <I>That</I> amount of pain our mind leaves the body and enters Astral Dimension which closest to reality...

Astral Projection

I was wondering if anybody had information concerning astral projection?
Remnyc, I merged your thread with this, already excisting, thread. You may find info on AP in here.
i must be really stupid, but i didn`t get any of this...

Can anybody prove that this is not just a construction of a 20th century mind?

i know that it must be an artifact of our humanity.

But is it any more relevant or important than ,say, art or a nice meal?

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your common sense." (my friend Buddha)
Likely nobody has “proven” astral projection except to themself. It may not be more relevant than a nice meal but it sure has entertainment value.
Hi Zion:

For as long as I can remember, I have been having what I believed to be nightmares. Where I was trying to wake myself from a dream, but I had a feeling of being paralyzed, or a feeling of not being able to come to conscious state.

It was by accident, that I found out that I may have been projecting my mind in my dream state. I am not still 100% sure that I am in the beginnings of astrol projection, but I now believe that I am not suffering from nightmares.

When I try to wake myself from this state, I feel like my body is weighed down. I am screaming in my head, feelings of suffocation come over me. I am fighting to wake up, and consciousness seems to be an arms length away.

Is this an accurate depiction?