asteroid impact of 2012

I'd suggest reading up on the 2012, because it doesn't exactly say it's the end of the world..... (serious face off).
hehe... I know. But everyone else think so, so I just make fun of it, ya know? ;)
dude i checked the statisicts on that astroid A. its the size of new york and B. its 100% impact risk were guna diejust face up 2 it sory
My idea is to send a few large thermonuclear weapons to the asteroid. In theory they will detonate a few thousand feet before reaching the asteroid.

The chances of an asteroid hitting earth is like trying to split an arrow with another arrow, from 300 meters (assuming your strong enough).

But the asteroid has a very small window to hit the earth, too fast and itll pass by, too slow, itll still pass by. So if you detonate some nukes the idea is that the shock waves would significantly slow down the asteroid to the point where it misses that window.
My idea is to send a few large thermonuclear weapons to the asteroid. In theory they will detonate a few thousand feet before reaching the asteroid.

The chances of an asteroid hitting earth is like trying to split an arrow with another arrow, from 300 meters (assuming your strong enough).

But the asteroid has a very small window to hit the earth, too fast and itll pass by, too slow, itll still pass by. So if you detonate some nukes the idea is that the shock waves would significantly slow down the asteroid to the point where it misses that window.

The main problem is any explosions in space require actually placing your own atmosphere there, That is the main reason why in one of the Hollywood films (Deep Impact?) the plotline puts men on the Meteor to drill holes to place charges into.
First off that was from armageddon johny. Second of all, the asteroid would detonate about 1000 feet from the asteroid slowing it down, the shockwave does not need an atmosphere to detonate. The shockwave would slow down the asteroid enough that the asteroid would be moving slowly enough that it would miss its window of opportunity and fly past earth.

And Johny, irradiated or not the asteroid would still kill on an immense scale.
.017 au on dec "21"

I've seen an animated chart that planed an orbital tracked to come within
.017 au (1,632,000) we have had many closer neos in just the past ten years.
Fortunately or not so fortunate there are a multitude of reasons for these to change there orbital track, some of these include solar winds, collisions (common), changes in gravitation forces all can have have an effect on these neos.
If you insist on nightmares then you may want to consider the fact that global warming is real, we do affect it as much as a flyspeck in the pepper,
or you may want to consider solar flares, we won't even see them coming, and if you really want to think about something that has a chance of happening you may want to consider global thermal nuclear war, chemical or biological act of terrorism or war, biologics such as a mutating virus, just think if aids ever became airborne which is not likely in the next hundred years or so but who knows.
Sleep well tonight in the knowledge that there are many more real threats to civilization than neos, solar flares, and other extraterrestial force, we are granted our lives here on a razors edge so enjoy every day of it.
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My idea is to send a few large thermonuclear weapons to the asteroid. In theory they will detonate a few thousand feet before reaching the asteroid.

The chances of an asteroid hitting earth is like trying to split an arrow with another arrow, from 300 meters (assuming your strong enough).

But the asteroid has a very small window to hit the earth, too fast and itll pass by, too slow, itll still pass by. So if you detonate some nukes the idea is that the shock waves would significantly slow down the asteroid to the point where it misses that window.

Here's the problem with slowing down the asteroid vs. deflecting its path to one side. Its called the "impact parameter". Essentially, the impact parameter causes the Earth to present a slightly larger target than its mere size. This is because Earth's gravity can deflect the path of the asteroid from a near miss to a hit.

One of the factors that determines the size of the impact parameter is the relative velocity of the Earth and asteroid. The higher the relative velocity, the smaller the target the Earth makes. (higher velocity means less time for the Earth's gravity to do its Juju.)

So slowing the asteroid will increase the size of the impact parameter, making the Earth a larger target. This will nullify, in part, what you are trying to achieve (I'll have to do the math to determine just how much a nullifying effect there is).
I believe the object you are talking about is Eros.

The forums won't allow me to post links, but if you goto wikipedia and search for
433 Eros it will be the first link.
We say that the odds of the asteroid hitting our world are one million to one.” [Perry A. Gerakines /Scientific American, 2004].

Ok, but what do we know?

No human in the past 1,000 years is known to have been killed by a meteorite or by the effects of one impacting. (There are ancient Chinese records of such deaths.) An individual's chance of being killed by a meteorite is ridiculously small as compared to death by lightning, volcanism, earthquake, or hurricane, to say nothing of the multitude of human-aided events. That small probability was unlikely to have been any consolation to the dinosaurs, however. For this reason astronomers today are conducting ever-increasing searches for all of the larger asteroids that could become dangerous. Once discovered, with a few years of warning, there is every reason to believe that a space mission could be mounted "to shove them aside." [Text by Ray L. Newburn, Jr.]

We also know that planet Jupiter had a big hit in July 1994, and the impact was being watched by astronomers on earth. Footages can be found on internet: It was as big as the size of our own planet. Although famous“Jupiter catches them all” acceptance is still in the air, in reality, we do not know every single one of them orbiting and changing each others' velocity or direction.

For this ignorance, when any possible impact date/or year is declared, the prediction is bound to remain as a mere fortune telling: Because we do not have this technology yet. You must have been cracked the whole chaos of the cosmos -or at least solar system’s dynamics and elements-; while your actual super/hyper computer power can not even make a sensible weather predictions. "Being able to guess weather conditions accurately more than three days" is currently considered the Holy grail of human disciplines of mathematics, space/satellite engineering, and computing areas, when they are all put together. Imagine if they were able to say: “Hey, people of New Orleans, our engineering can not save you, but we know that a hurricane will hit in one week”. But they can not. How on earth can you give us an exact date in astronomic scale for unpredictable but guessable objects? Depending on what it is predicted that the year is 2012?

I believe most of us here were not born yet, but I vaguely remember that it was around year 2000 A.D., they tried to make us to believe "the Jesus Christ resurrection" story; even science people scared us with Y2k computer doom scenarios; they didn’t work. (Actually, they worked until year 2000). Then we survived. Now they are trying to entertain us with ancient Mayan or Aztec stories. This time "I want evidence !" (If I see the panic in the streets that would be enough). What is going to be next, let us say, if we watch the 2012 Olympics and nothing happens later? Do you want to really know: Check out the internet, there are shit loads of them: “Zero Chance Of Asteroid Hitting Earth In 2029 Says Russian Astronomer” [Space Daily]. Oh, Piss off! How do you know? Probably some "special friends" told them: "Russian Scientist: UFO Crashed Into Meteorite to Save Earth" [].

When we put a bridle on gravity and other forces of the universe, or using subatomic environment to make our calculations as well as exist independent from organisms and restricted materials, maybe being able to either chase any asteroids or put and antimatter or any kind of impenetrable shield around the earth, manipulating not only matter but even dark matter so precisely like today we can do with waves and electricity, probably being able to manipulate some or all of these environment with more other possibilities that we can not even guess now... That day we will need neither the pity of Gods nor the chances of the nature. We will not listen to the mystic; we will write the future down and bring the order over chaos of unknown, then Level 2. Like Civilization game, but bit more advanced…

The question is, are we lucky enough to be there? It was nice to speculate…