Asteroid Could Strike Mars in Early 2008


Staff member
Asteroid Could Strike Mars in Early 2008
By VOA News
22 December 2007


Planet Mars
A group of U.S. astronomers say there is a chance an asteroid could hit the planet Mars by the end of next month.

Stargazers in Arizona discovered a 50-meter wide asteroid in November that was designated "2007 WD5." Astronomers at the U.S. space agency NASA's Near-Earth Object Office are tracking the object and say it may pass within 48,000 kilometers of Mars by January 30.

The astronomers say there is a one-in-75 chance the asteroid will strike the planet on that day. The asteroid is compared to a similar object that struck Siberia in 1908 with the energy of a three-megaton bomb and destroyed tens of millions of trees.

NASA officials say if the asteroid does hit Mars, it will do so near the location of its Opportunity rover, which has been exploring the Martian surface for three years.
Pseudospeculation: What if some one is warning us not to go there a la Jack McDevitt SF books...would not that be interesting....:D
Why is this in pseudo? It's an interesting possibility. I just read about it in Astronomy and Scientific American and on NASA's website. What gives?
Because of the speculation that the big brother is watching and does not want us messing up Mars with our Rover....

While the science side can talk about what is happening, here we can talk about action, reaction and other crazy and fun stuff. If you do not want to have fun, go away....

And, please do not attack saying that is not are correct because it is pseudoscience (the fun part...). Keep the two lives separate...please....
I did not move this thread, but I believe the personal statement of the OP is the reason it was moved.
Pseudospeculation: What if some one is warning us not to go there a la Jack McDevitt SF books...would not that be interesting....:D

Or like in Larry Niven's Protector. When "Vandervecken" plops an ice asteroid down on mars to kill off the martians.
We'll Circa January 30th 2008 we can either decide this thread is suppose to be pseudoscience or a factual event. If it does of course happen it's a far better way for a martian rover to go rather than being smashed up by a Transformer.
Or like in Larry Niven's Protector. When "Vandervecken" plops an ice asteroid down on mars to kill off the martians.

Niven must have a hardon for asteroids. He did the same thing in Footfall. A species of elephant-like aliens attacked the Earth and as a last resort caused an asteroid (or maybe a comet) to crash to Earth. It symbolized their physical combats where the victor would ceremoniously place his foot on the chest of the defeated.
I have 2 thoughts on this:

#1. If this asteroid actually hits one of our rovers(which has such a VERY low probability) then there very well could be some "outside" influence.

#2. If this asteroid simply hits Mars it will still be extremely important. It will be the first time people have seen an asteroid hit another planet while there is a human presence(even if only present in the 3rd person with the rovers). Also it is the first time humans have seen an asteroid hit a rocky Earth like planet(Jupiter is to gaseous to count).Plus since Mars has a very weak atmosphere the asteroid will most likely hit the ground instead of blowing up like a similar sized object would do on Earth.

Additionally Mars has 1/3 of Earths gravity so if it can be hit by this then Earth should be almost 3 times as likely to be hit by similar objects(minus the large number that already hit Earth in the distant past).
Niven must have a hardon for asteroids. He did the same thing in Footfall. A species of elephant-like aliens attacked the Earth and as a last resort caused an asteroid (or maybe a comet) to crash to Earth. It symbolized their physical combats where the victor would ceremoniously place his foot on the chest of the defeated.
Yep. And there's Lucifers Hammer...
We'll Circa January 30th 2008 we can either decide this thread is suppose to be pseudoscience or a factual event. If it does of course happen it's a far better way for a martian rover to go rather than being smashed up by a Transformer.

It's an actual prediction by NASA scientists.

It would be a good thing to wait until after an asteroid impact to work on colonizing Mars. I don't know if somehow we have had preternatural good luck in this, because it is actually quite plausible that we could have had one there already.
Niven must have a hardon for asteroids. He did the same thing in Footfall. A species of elephant-like aliens attacked the Earth and as a last resort caused an asteroid (or maybe a comet) to crash to Earth. It symbolized their physical combats where the victor would ceremoniously place his foot on the chest of the defeated.

Actually, in Footfall they announced themselves like a no-knock warrant. They STARTED with an asteroid impact.
Why don't we bring Mars to us?

Instead of going there couldn't we push it closer and take it's resources then push it back?