Assuming they might have been real people, who was the true father of Isaac?

Hey Med Woman, you say that David and Solomon lived circa 1300 B.C., and that they lived before Moses, so what date do you give for Moses?

You mention Abraham as also an historical figure, so when do you say he lived, according to the advanced knowledge of Med Woman. (This oughta be good.)

M*W: A lot of work goes into creating threads and answering posts. Obviously, you don't take what I write seriously, and I certainly don't expect everyone to, but if you're only asking questions as a frivolity, then I don't want to waste my time answering you. I would much rather discuss these topics with someone who has a serious interest in ancient history.
I'm trying to figure out your timeline, so according to you, David and Solomon lived at around 1300 B.C., when do you say Abraham and Moses lived?
In trying to figure out the timeline do what you’ve done with the Biblical timeline:

Assume it to be true, then adjust what ‘day’, ‘month’, ‘year’ means to fit into what you already want to believe is truth and in relation to the usual meanings of these words.
Instant success.

When you adjust reality and your sensual experience with it to fit into your beliefs, then anything is possible.

But, for God’s sake, do not do the reverse. That’ll be….blasphemy.
C' mon Med Woman, you say that David and Solomon lived circa 1300 B.C., and that Moses lived sometime after that, but you won't say when you think Moses lived, and you say Abraham lived, but you won't say when, so you're obviously just cobbling this together as you go along.
The Bible is an historical account, the best ancient accounting of ancient history ever recorded, this is why with new archaeological finds, the Bible is always vindicated, but Med Woman, on the other hand, is making up history to try to jibe with her hypothesis that Jesus is the Sun, the Sun which created himself, so tell me who's out there?
Oh I see Med Woman, in the opening post you say that Abraham lived circa 1500 B.C., and you say that David and Solomon lived circa 1300 B.C., and Moses after that, so when do you say Moses lived, 600 B.C.?
I'm trying to figure out your timeline, so according to you, David and Solomon lived at around 1300 B.C., when do you say Abraham and Moses lived?

M*W: First, it is not "my" timeline. It's the timeline as established by Alan H. Gardiner in Egypt of the Pharaohs, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961.

Dates cover the years of their reign, not birth and death.

Avram* c1813BC-1638BC
David** c1490BC-1436BC
Solomon*** c1405BC-1367BC
Moses**** c1367BC-1350BC
*Avram, Egyptian royal house of Pharaoh Abimelech through marriage to his sister Sarai, aka Abraham, b 1813BC, d1638BC

**David, Egyptian Pharaoh aka Tuthmosis III, Solomon's great grandfather

***Solomon, Egyptian Pharaoh aka Amenhotep III, Moses' grandfather

****Moses, aka Aminidab at birth, Amenhotep IV, and Akhenaten, Moses b1393BC d1305BC during Pharaoh Horemheb's reign. Moses was married to Nefertiti and took two more wives after her death. Moses was considered to be bisexual. He had feminine characteristics such as breasts and a bulging abdomen. Scientists believe he suffered from Froelich's syndrome
Pharaoh Tutankhamun c1360BC-1339BC was Moses' son. It is believed he died from an infection incurred from a broken leg.
The book of Genesis indicates that Abraham lived circa 2000 B.C., then Moses circa 1400 B.C., then David and Solomon circa 1000 B.C., so how and why did they get it so "wrong?"
The book of Genesis indicates that Abraham lived circa 2000 B.C., then Moses circa 1400 B.C., then David and Solomon circa 1000 B.C., so how and why did they get it so "wrong?"

M*W: When you go back that far, you should give or take a few hundred years either way. Who said the bible was copied correctly by the Hebrew scribes? After all, the ancients were Egyptian and the OT was copied down by Hebrew scribes. The language differences are enough to cause human errors. I gave you the timeline of the biblical scholars. You should, therefore, direct your questions to them. I cannot think for them nor answer your questions for them.
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Nice back-tracking like a crawfish.
M*W: Just because you don't agree with scholarly research doesn't mean it is wrong. You are not capable of doing research on your own, and what you've been taught isn't accurate. You are a waste of time and don't belong here. Get lost!
The vast majority of scholars go with the timeline which I laid out, yours is obviously untenable for the illogic of its ramifications, so who's a waste of time?