Assuming God does not exist,

Teetotaler said:
Assuming God does not exist,

Why do we seek to main the existence of our species, when we, personally, do not benefit from the existence of our decendants?

Is consciousness just a biological mechanism for keeping a body full of living cells safe?

If this is so, what does anything matter?

What is the "ultimate goal" of the human being?

What are the top reasons for me to live a moral/virtuous life?

I appreciate your replies.
We wouldn't make the choices we make if it was all biological. Take a look at a fly, will it all of a sudden just decide to not eat feces to surive?

And if it was all a survival mechanism then evidentally there wouldn't be suicide existant. As we wouldn't be thriving on pleasure we'd be thriving on mainly existing.

If it's all survival it's a pretty crappy survival mechanism, wouldn't you say?

As for there not being a God, then existance is thus inexoribly irrelivant. Your existant means nothing, becuz in death if there is no after life there is just absense of consiousnes, thus there is no reason to live and all life is just an irrelivance.

And if anatomy isn't enough for you try a Universal approach towards the questioning of God.

The Universe is like a mechanism. it's exact, it's apsolute, and it's physics are apsolute. If there was no intelligence responsible like all other mechanisms it wouldn't exist. Everything works like a mechanism or is a cog for the mechanism, and is apsolute.

There's also the causal approach. The idea that nothing can happen on it's own and that every action needs an equal and opposite reaction. And that everything, so apsolute and exact can have only one apsolute and exact intelligent reaction.

I hope I helped you in some way.
Maybe this is all just a huge test.. At the beginning of time, a certain amount of people were set on this earth, and its just a huge test to see what type of person kept their (modern terms 'DNA type') going til the end, and who died out..

Think about it;
god 1 : I bet I can keep my design living til the end.
god 2: Yeah right, I bet my design will last longer...
god 1: Pshhh!
god 2 Fine, well see!! Lets make a game, and have
8 other gods design a person..

Somethin like that, I hope that makes sense.
Railburn said:
Maybe this is all just a huge test.. At the beginning of time, a certain amount of people were set on this earth, and its just a huge test to see what type of person kept their (modern terms 'DNA type') going til the end, and who died out..

Think about it;
god 1 : I bet I can keep my design living til the end.
god 2: Yeah right, I bet my design will last longer...
god 1: Pshhh!
god 2 Fine, well see!! Lets make a game, and have
8 other gods design a person..

Somethin like that, I hope that makes sense.

I have heard of something like this.. like we are all really just some experiment. It's very neat to think about. Too bad it implies that there is no meaning to life other than to help one of the gods win.
I don't doubt it, but it still doesn't debunk God's existance. Also I don't think of God as a "god" persay, it's just a name I use often because I was raised Catholic, even though I broke away from Christianity. It is still engrained in my mind.

There's still a logic present that I happen to agree on on the beings existance. The logic of the Universe being an apsolute and exact mechanism, and that all reaction had to start with an intelligent reaction, otherwise escewity exists.

I live by that logic, that's what really keeps me as a believer, not Religion or Society opinion.

Of course, however I don't doubt that it's possible, the theory you have presented, I have indeed heard of it before. I don't doubt it, but i also don't doubt the logic behind such a being existing, even if all evidence of God and what not, is just a conspiracy due to an experiment and form of control. I still pertain to that logic on God itself.
It is not the nature of the universe that forces me to question the truth about theism. I have an explaination for all events that occur within it. What makes me question the existance of a higher being (or multiple) is what explains the creation of the universe and time? If a deity created it, what created the diety?

I have a few solutions to this problem (replace "God" with what you want for a higher being or beings):

1) God always existed and hence there was never the creation of God and created the universe at some point.
2) The universe always existed, hence no creation date. And there is no God to have created it because one is not needed.
3) There is an infinite hierarchy of universes, one inside the other, ad infinitum, which extends that way in at least one of the "directions." Our "God" is simply the creator in one of the universes and could possibly just be a scientist in their universe.
4) Same situation as #3, only there is one God and he started the infinite hierarchy.

In either case, something must have always existed in some fashion, be in linear or circular.

There are more possibilities to think about than my four... I will try to formulate all of them within time. First I have to figure out how many possibilities there are.