Assisted suicide

Should assisted suicide be permitted in terminal patients?

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And you muddy the waters by adding words to euthanasia. When you do that, there is no assisted suicide.

I never said a word about non-vollentry or invollentry (which are the exact same to me). So once again, I have no idea what you are talking about.
they arnt the same, and never have been. Non vollentry is exactly what you are doing for your children, ie making the decision FOR them. Now there are 2 more terms i can add which further prove the point "active" and "passive"

For instance a pt who has terminal cancer can chose to have no treatment (passive vollentry euthasia), can be mentally incapacitated or a child to young to make the decision and the parent, gardian, Medical agent ect makes the decision (passive non-vollentry euthasia) or can be kicking and screaming and bitting the doctor for refusing to treat them (passive INvollentry euthasia). Then we look at the active where the pt choses to die (active vollentry euthasia), where the pt is to young or incapacitated to make the choice (Non-vollentry euthasia) or where you stab the person to death for there inhertance (INvollentary euthasia, murder).

The fact that you dont know the correct termology isnt my problem, its your own
ah, is this another one of those 'lipids/fats' 'cream is a solid at room temps' 'trauma is the oldest disease' thing you do so that you feel smarter than others?

I'm saying that until people see the difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide, it will be difficult to make it legal here in the US. Don't know how it is where you live. And don't really care.
Unfortunately so. Spread the awareness!
How does one go about doing that in a tactful way? Heh.

It's really an oober-political thing and no one will be agreeing any time soon.

im sorry if you dont know correct termology, try reading an ethics artical on euthasia and you might learn something. However im not going to change the meanings of words to suit YOU. I spent 2 semesters studying VE, i wrote a paper on a proposed law to inact VE in South Australia. How much study have YOU carried out on the subject?
Why do you need the Government to approve of suicide?

If you wish to exit this world for your own reasons why do you need to get the governments permission.

Just do it.
Why do you need the Government to approve of suicide?

If you wish to exit this world for your own reasons why do you need to get the governments permission.

Just do it.

This thread is about those who are in places they cannot or are for some reason unable to do it themselves. Hence the word 'assisted'.

Somebody didn't do their reading.
This thread is about those who are in places they cannot or are for some reason unable to do it themselves. Hence the word 'assisted'.

Somebody didn't do their reading.

No, his point is still valid; why should you need government permission?

If you consent and the person operating your suicide consents, that is all there is to it
No, his point is still valid; why should you need government permission?

If you consent and the person operating your suicide consents, that is all there is to it

To avoid completely ruining the life of he who assisted.
Life still goes on even if an individual life doesn't.
Assisted suicide depending on the circumstances should be legal. Even with our pets we permit euthanasia to prevent suffering it seems odd that we can't "request" the same treatment.
It is easy to say that people should be able to decide what to do with their own life when it comes to suicide but there are MANY problems that will arise when this becomes authorized. If the person who wants to be assisted is mentally incapacitated in any way, mentally deranged, incoherent or other mental illnesses who is going to allow them to decide?

If one family member is very ill and another one wants them to die but they do not want to but cannot speak because of an illness who is going to determine which one to listen to to do anything about the person?

If doctors take an oath not to harm anyone, how can they kill someone, that goes against what they took an oath to prevent?

If a person is in a coma and can't speak, then who decides for them what should be done IF they have no family?

If A person suffers from dementia and once in awhile goes off the deep end and wants to die, who is going to predict what or if they are coherent enough to make decisions about such matters?

There are more questions that need to be asked before we allow such a law to be enacted. I would like to see a panel of doctors that evaluates people be for they can be assisted with suicide to insure their mental condition as well as any other problems they might have. Some people get a broken leg and want to die because of the pain so should they be allowed to do so just because they want to????? :shrug:
It is easy to say that people should be able to decide what to do with their own life when it comes to suicide but there are MANY problems that will arise when this becomes authorized. If the person who wants to be assisted is mentally incapacitated in any way, mentally deranged, incoherent or other mental illnesses who is going to allow them to decide?

Let them go and make room for we the living.