Ask any question you want about Christianity

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Registered Senior Member
Hi, I'm another one of those annoying born again Christians :p

If there are any Atheists, who want to ask me some questions about Christianity or God then I'd be more then happy to answer them.

You can post them here, but to be sure I'll answer them email me the questions at

I'll answer every question as best I can. If you're bothered sending me a question, I'll be bothered answering it.

CyA :)

1) Is evolution supported by facts?

2) Is Creationism supported by facts? What facts?

3) Is the existence of a Creator supported by facts? What facts?

4) Are organic molecules common throughout the universe?

5) Can evolution theory explain how life first appeared on Earth?

6) Is it possible for something as complex as a protein or a cell to develop without the existence of a Creator?

7) Is mutation the only factor in evolution?

8) Are there any transitional fossils?
If god loves all of his creatures, than why does he send some to hell?

What religion was Jesus?

How could Jesus be the son of God if he had brothers and sister?

How can you argue against proof that Jesus moved off to France?

How could Jesus be the Messiah if he didn't fulfill his prophecies as predicted in the Bible? And please don't give me the go around on this one, its a rhetoric question.

Thankyou. I await your benevolent answers...

Can you prove that a god exists?

Can you prove that Jesus actually existed?
If God is universally infinite how can any other aspect of him be defined?

Will the Devil be redeemed?

It's a simple question with broad implications: Will the Devil be redeemed?

Tiassa :cool:
Section one ANSWER FOR Adam

QUESTION: 1) Is evolution supported by facts?
ANSWER: Yes. In part everything is supported by facts. I could say my shoe evolved from an ape. And that is partially supported by the facts that apes exist, and my shoe also exists. Yet just because there are some facts, it does not mean that it supports the theory.
QUESTION: 2) Is Creationism supported by facts? What facts?
ANSWER: Yes. There are many facts. One of the major supporting factors is that in no way can it be disproved, even atheists admit that. The Bible supports Creationism, and many facts support the Bible. There is evidence of a great flood, from sea shells on mountains. Some of the facts that supposedly support evolution in fact ƒº support the Creation account. I recommend reading the book ¡§In the minds of men¡¨. There are apparent facts like the time it would take for the river, which leads into Niagara Falls, to recede to its present state, from the state that it once was in ¡V was once used as a fact to support the many millions of years needed by the theory of evolution. Yet recent evidence and factors show that it really only took 7000 years for the river to recede. So it really supports Creationism. There are hundreds of facts like this, but you¡¦ve just got to have the faith needed to believe that they all point to one thing, God created the universe.
QUESTION: 3) Is the existence of a Creator supported by facts? What facts?
ANSWER: I guess this is answered by my above answer. If you ask a more specific question in relation to God¡¦s existence I¡¦ll answer it. But there is just so many facts it would take 500 000 words to just see the tip of the ice berg.
QUESTION: 4) Are organic molecules common throughout the universe?
ANSWER: Sorry I¡¦m not a scientist, but there are books out there written by scientists, that go bit by bit into scientific proof for the creation account. There is one written by a nuclear engineer, who goes into in-depth scientific proof on the topic, but I don¡¦t remember the name of it, sorry.
QUESTION: 5) Can evolution theory explain how life first appeared on Earth?
ANSWER: Yes, if everything the theory said was true. But the only problem with its explanation; is that in reality it is a lie.
QUESTION: 6) Is it possible for something as complex as a protein or a cell to develop without the existence of a Creator?
ANSWER: I think there is something like a 17000000000000000000000000000000 in 1 chance of this happening. Don¡¦t quote me on the figure, but there is no doubt that it takes more faith to believe something so unlikely like this happening, then it does for believing that a Creator created it.
QUESTION: 7) Is mutation the only factor in evolution?
ANSWER: No. Evolution has made up a lot of other factors as well. Even the most basic aspect of evolution is faulty. They don¡¦t even know what a species is. Take for example a certain bird (sorry forget the name), it is classed as one species, yet there is another bird who is exactly the same in every way except that it has a different bird song, and that bird is classed as a different species. Now you¡¦ve got to think, what is a mutation by evolutions standard? If it involves something changing so much that it turns into a different species, then by the definition of a different species, it wouldn¡¦t be too hard at all to mutate. In fact by the definition of species that evolution uses, those who speak French and those who speak English would be a different species. But I could go on about this forever; I¡¦ll go on to the next question.
QUESTION: 8) Are there any transitional fossils?
ANSWER: No. A good example of this is the horse display. It is a display in a museum (sorry forget name againƒº) and it is the apparent transition of a horse. It was taken from lower to higher sediments in the ground. And it is neatly arrange from the smallest looking horse to the biggest looking horse. The only problem with this transition is that the small horse like animal was taken from recent times, the bigger one from older times, and everything was just rearranged to prove the transitional theory. If you look into any apparent transitional animal then you will find a fault. There is without a doubt that there are animals that look ¡§less evolved as others¡¨ but that doesn¡¦t mean that they are transitional. There is a much greater chance that they are a different species all together, which didn¡¦t evolve at all.

Section two ANSWERS FOR Elbaz

QUESTION: If god loves all of his creatures, than why does he send some to hell?
ANSWER: God sends those who still have sin (those who haven¡¦t accept Jesus¡¦ payment) to hell, because they are still with sin. If you reject Jesus¡¦ offer of forgiveness, then you have no other way of getting rid of your sin. And God rejects sin, so therefore he rejects those with sin. All hell is, is a place where God is not. Think of a world where only bad things happen, that is hell, for only with God come good things. But if you need a demonstration of God¡¦s love, look at what He sacrificed for you so you could be without sin, and be with Him. He gave His only son for crying out loud!
QUESTION: What religion was Jesus?
ANSWER: Jesus was a Jew, so I guess He was Jewish. :) But He introduced a new covenant, which He commanded us all to follow. And that new covenant is the basis for Christianity. So you could say that: He was from a Jewish background, but in Himself was Christianity.
QUESTION: How could Jesus be the son of God if he had brothers and sister?
ANSWER: Jesus is the son of God, because He is part God. He is also the son of man because He is part man. God created Him in a human (Marry) but God still created Him. So therefore He is both part deity and part human. And it is for this reason that He was able to live like a human, yet still be God. And it was for this reason that He could associate with sinful humans, because He was part human, and felt mercy for them. Whereas God is all deity and cannot associate with sin - So that is why He sends the sinful away from Him (to hell ¡V which is a place without God). But it was because of Jesus¡¦ human aspect that gave Him the ability to demonstrate His mercy on the cross. And because of His obvious difference from all other humans, it shows that He would indeed have brothers and sisters, but because of how He was created, He also is the son of God ¡V This took many books of the Bible to explain, so it won¡¦t be surprising if you don¡¦t understand.
QUESTION: How can you argue against proof that Jesus moved off to France?
ANSWER: Is this something to do with Mormons? I¡¦ve never heard about this, so I¡¦m not going to waste your time by making up an answer. :)
QUESTION: How could Jesus be the Messiah if he didn't fulfill his prophecies as predicted in the Bible? And please don't give me the go around on this one, it¡¦s a rhetoric question.
ANSWER: I¡¦m not a qualified theologian, so I¡¦m not even going to speculate the answers to that question. But you¡¦ve got to put prophecies into context. Not all are messianic, and I wouldn¡¦t be surprised if the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesies weren¡¦t all recorded in the New Testament.
Section 3: ANSWERS FOR Xev

QUESTION: What is the experience of "God", for you, like?
ANSWER: My expeience with God is love, joy, peace and security. Even though I'm a sinner God loves me. And for that I love Him. Even though my life can become anything but joyful, I still have joy in knowing that I have a loving God which I will spend eternity with. Although much of my life is not peacful, I still find peace in my fellowship with God. And although my life is not secure, my salvation is.
QUESTION: Why do you believe?
ANSWER: I believe because I know that I fall short of God's law. I have sinned, and I believe in Jesus because I need help to get to God. I by myself am worthless, sinful, and nothing. But with my belief I am so much more. God says that when one believer is converted, all heaven rejoices. So that makes me feel worth something. I am no longer sinful, because my sins have been taken away by Christ, because I believe in Him. And in God's eyes, I am not nothing, but I am His child.

"Love has been and is still the great act of subversion in the West"
--Octavio Paz
Part Two
Section one: ANSWERS FOR Cris

QUESTION: Can you prove that a god exists?
ANSWER: The author of "How to make an atheist backslide" says that he can prove God's existence, without taking faith and belief into the equation. But I'm no author and the amount of evidence some atheists require to believe in God is huge. But I find it interesting to ask; can you prove God does not exist? Every single knowlegable atheist believes that they cannot. So really this question and answer proves nothing much at all.
QUESTION: Can you prove that Jesus actually existed?
ANSWER: Yes. The most recent evidence of this was found on a tablet. It mentioned Jesus' name, with the names of two of His deciples. And it was the right age as well. It is rare for a Historian to believe that Jesus did not exist. But many still don't believe that He was who He said He was. If you look into it, there is tons of evidence to prove that Jesus existed.

STATEMENT: People should be free to do anything they wish except where such actions would interfere with the freedom of others.
ANSWER: I kind of agree. People should be free to do anything they wish, as long as it doesn't break God's law. And you'll find that this kind of freedom is a lot more satisfying then the freedom you talk about.
Ahem...Could you have been more........trite

Why don't you quote the onion like Green World for heaven sakes. Your response, though really long and *explanatory* was very ambiguous in answering many of the questions. Including those that were meant to debunk your argument.

I by myself am worthless, sinful, and nothing. But with my belief I am so much more. God says that when one believer is converted, all heaven rejoices. So that makes me feel worth something.

Wait, so your telling me that you accept the fact that you as a christian are worthless sinful and nothing? And the only way you can get satisfaction is by rejoicing in the heavens? Sorry man, it just doesnt tweedle my dum. I believe in God. I also believe that I'm worth something cause I place value on my efforts to understand the world better. To lead a meaningful life in which I which learn and grow. Whereas the only way you can feel worth anything is by submitting to a fear that without Christianity, you will end up some place bad. By sticking to the same dirty routine and filth day in and day out. I'll tell you what; the only way you can end some place bad is by submitting to your fears. That's what hell is, IMO. And whether you like to believe it or not, any person that lives in fear and shame (which includes countless christians) is destined for hell. THat is to say that they'll never truly be happy no matter how much they try to convince themselves anything otherwise.


QUESTION: If God is universally infinite how can any other aspect of him be defined?
ANSWER: By that same logic, how can you define infinite to start with? If infinite means having no boundaries, then what is the boundary for the definition of the word infinite? No boundaries, then infinite could also mean dog, head, and speaker. There are obvious boundaries to the word, so there are obvious boundaries in the context that it is used. To try and use words to describe something as amazing as God, is to try and apply something worldly to something unworldly. You cannot understand every aspect of God, because He is exactly that, GOD. Yet He has shown us enough to understand the basics, and to understand enough to accept His salvation.


In science, "fact" can only mean "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent." I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms. ~Stephen J. Gould
716 posts
Ahem...Could you have been more........trite

Why don't you quote the onion like Green World for heaven sakes. Your response, though really long and *explanatory* was very ambiguous in answering many of the questions. Including those that were meant to debunk your argument.

I by myself am worthless, sinful, and nothing. But with my belief I am so much more. God says that when one believer is converted, all heaven rejoices. So that makes me feel worth something.

Wait, so your telling me that you accept the fact that you as a christian are worthless sinful and nothing? And the only way you can get satisfaction is by rejoicing in the heavens? Sorry man, it just doesnt tweedle my dum. I believe in God. I also believe that I'm worth something cause I place value on my efforts to understand the world better. To lead a meaningful life in which I which learn and grow. Whereas the only way you can feel worth anything is by submitting to a fear that without Christianity, you will end up some place bad. By sticking to the same dirty routine and filth day in and day out. I'll tell you what; the only way you can end some place bad is by submitting to your fears. That's what hell is, IMO. And whether you like to believe it or not, any person that lives in fear and shame (which includes countless christians) is destined for hell. THat is to say that they'll never truly be happy no matter how much they try to convince themselves anything otherwise.

ANSWER: YOU really did misunderstand something that I thought was obvious. I wrote "BY MYSELF", as in without Christ in me, "I am worthless". And by saying "but with my belief I am so much more" I am saying that with my belief I have Christ, and with Christ in me I am so much more. Now applying that to what you said, it makes perfect sense.
4891 posts

QUESTION: Will the Devil be redeemed?
It's a simple question with broad implications: Will the Devil be redeemed?
ANSWER: Thats up to God. It's not mentioned in the Bible, so I would not be able to honestly tell you. But I believe the chance of the devil accepting Christ as his savior is about as likely as evolution being true. :)
671 posts

QUESTION: Is it possible for freewill to exist with an omniscient god?

ANSWER: This is a good question. And I've heard many people stuff up the answer to it. Considering I'm responding to this question with my own opinion, I'll probably be another who stuffs up the answer. But I'll give it a try. The free will question is "If God knows the future, but still lets you follow the path of damnation that you are on, isn't he either, evil, or doesn't know everything, because if He did He would make you choose rightly?

Yes it is possible for free will to exist. - Even though God knows what you're going to do is wrong, it doesn't mean that he will stop you doing it. - And in the same way, just because God knows that what you will do is right, it doesn't mean His going to stop you. Because you have free will. Yet it is true that God moulds us, to His desire. I believe that He does not do this by making you do something, therefore cutting out free will. But He does this by moulding you with circumstances, and choices. He lays out circumstances and choices which mould you, but there is no point where these circumstances make you do anything. I believe God never crosses that line. But He does influence you through circumstances and choices. Just like Satan influences you. But neither makes you do anything, it is ultimately up to your decision. And every circumstance God uses to mould someone, whether good circumstances or bad, they are ultimately moulded in such a way that God will recieve Glory. In everyting God does, it is for His Glory.
Like fish in a barrel...

QUESTION: 1) Is evolution supported by facts?
ANSWER: Yes. In part everything is supported by facts. I could say my shoe evolved from an ape. And that is partially supported by the facts that apes exist, and my shoe also exists. Yet just because there are some facts, it does not mean that it supports the theory.
You seem to be missing the point of the term "theory". Events and conditions must be connected by some experimentally observable process, chain of cause and effect, or other phenomenon. So no, you can't say your shoe evolved from an ape.

QUESTION: 2) Is Creationism supported by facts? What facts?
ANSWER: Yes. There are many facts. One of the major supporting factors is that in no way can it be disproved, even atheists admit that. The Bible supports Creationism, and many facts support the Bible. There is evidence of a great flood, from sea shells on mountains. Some of the facts that supposedly support evolution in fact ƒº support the Creation account. I recommend reading the book ¡§In the minds of men¡¨. There are apparent facts like the time it would take for the river, which leads into Niagara Falls, to recede to its present state, from the state that it once was in ¡V was once used as a fact to support the many millions of years needed by the theory of evolution. Yet recent evidence and factors show that it really only took 7000 years for the river to recede. So it really supports Creationism. There are hundreds of facts like this, but you¡¦ve just got to have the faith needed to believe that they all point to one thing, God created the universe.
You are correct in saying that the god(s) can not be disproven now. However, that does not prove Creationism. It merely proves a lack of evidence one way or the other.

Archaeological evidence of floods provide proof only that there were floods. Stories about those floods prove only that people made up stories about floods.

Niagara Falls and the age of Earth:

As you seem to be unaware of it, I would like to point out that the oldest man-made stone structures are actually more than 6,000 years old:

And for some laughs:

QUESTION: 3) Is the existence of a Creator supported by facts? What facts?
ANSWER: I guess this is answered by my above answer. If you ask a more specific question in relation to God¡¦s existence I¡¦ll answer it. But there is just so many facts it would take 500 000 words to just see the tip of the ice berg.
So... no answer? Okay.

QUESTION: 4) Are organic molecules common throughout the universe?
ANSWER: Sorry I¡¦m not a scientist, but there are books out there written by scientists, that go bit by bit into scientific proof for the creation account. There is one written by a nuclear engineer, who goes into in-depth scientific proof on the topic, but I don¡¦t remember the name of it, sorry.
No answer.

QUESTION: 5) Can evolution theory explain how life first appeared on Earth?
ANSWER: Yes, if everything the theory said was true. But the only problem with its explanation; is that in reality it is a lie.
Can you support your claim that evolution theory is a lie?

QUESTION: 6) Is it possible for something as complex as a protein or a cell to develop without the existence of a Creator?
ANSWER: I think there is something like a 17000000000000000000000000000000 in 1 chance of this happening. Don¡¦t quote me on the figure, but there is no doubt that it takes more faith to believe something so unlikely like this happening, then it does for believing that a Creator created it.
17000000000000000000000000000000 in 1 huh? So there is a 17000000000000000000000000000000% chance of it happening? Cool. So you support the idea. Good.

QUESTION: 7) Is mutation the only factor in evolution?
ANSWER: No. Evolution has made up a lot of other factors as well. Even the most basic aspect of evolution is faulty. They don¡¦t even know what a species is. Take for example a certain bird (sorry forget the name), it is classed as one species, yet there is another bird who is exactly the same in every way except that it has a different bird song, and that bird is classed as a different species. Now you¡¦ve got to think, what is a mutation by evolutions standard? If it involves something changing so much that it turns into a different species, then by the definition of a different species, it wouldn¡¦t be too hard at all to mutate. In fact by the definition of species that evolution uses, those who speak French and those who speak English would be a different species. But I could go on about this forever; I¡¦ll go on to the next question.
You are correct that we have changing definitions for some things as we learn more and more. Unlike fanatics, scientists are capable of accepting new knowledge and learning, as new facts arise. But thanks for answering, mutation is not the only facet of evolution.

QUESTION: 8) Are there any transitional fossils?
ANSWER: No. A good example of this is the horse display. It is a display in a museum (sorry forget name againƒº) and it is the apparent transition of a horse. It was taken from lower to higher sediments in the ground. And it is neatly arrange from the smallest looking horse to the biggest looking horse. The only problem with this transition is that the small horse like animal was taken from recent times, the bigger one from older times, and everything was just rearranged to prove the transitional theory. If you look into any apparent transitional animal then you will find a fault. There is without a doubt that there are animals that look ¡§less evolved as others¡¨ but that doesn¡¦t mean that they are transitional. There is a much greater chance that they are a different species all together, which didn¡¦t evolve at all.

Note that the existence of any fossils is also an answer to that stuff about geology and the age of Earth.
Voodoo Child
445 posts
QUESTION: If Jesus got in a fight with Mohammad then who would win?
ANSWER: FINALLY SOMETHING EASY TO ANSWER :) Its pretty obvious isn't it. Jesus would turn the other cheek, and then Mohammad would be sent to hell. lol
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