Asguard's message board

I invited her if that is what you are asking.

I have collected a few people's email address. It is sometimes useful.
no - all is alright :):):)- it must be some other member- I think I haven't got your e-mail

btw- I created it the day it said it is locked till September- not earlier

yeah- thanx again ,Joeman:)
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Why would you get my email? It is not like you need to be invited.

I didn't register Anthony's board because I don't see a need for a competing website. I am perfectly happy with this one.
I don't see it as a competing website.

It is fun to have a forum dedicated to books or mythology.
I was reffering to Nightfall's email Joeman- you posted just as I was typing the response

and I sent a mass email to all sciforumers I had contact info
you bastard!!!

Now Ant, i plodded on into this msg board see, reading to do some super moderating manouvers in the sex section.... when i was horribly suprised that IT NO LONGER EXISTED!!!

care to explain!!!

i thought i fixed that


i will try again, message me if you still can't acess it

To anyone who doesn't have there passwords message me with the password you would like to have and i will change it for you

Blue check your PM's here
its back again

i sent PM's to all those from here (i think i got you all) with the password

if you didn't get it PM me or agent and one of us will give it to you